Friday, March 15, 2024

Spring time

 The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,

 Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch. 

Birdsong flutters on the breeze,

 Waking trees from slumbering ease.

Blossoms burst in a vibrant hue,

 Pink and white, a canvas new.

 Daffodils peek, a golden crown,

 Winter's chill is finally down.

Butterflies dance on silken wings,

 Carrying whispers of joyful things.

 Bees hum a happy, busy tune,

 Gathering nectar 'neath the noon.

Children skip in fields of green,

 Laughter rings, a joyous scene.

 Hope unfurls, a tender shoot,

 Spring's embrace, a vibrant loot.

The world reborn, a verdant dream,

 Where life awakens, a sparkling stream.

 So open wide your heart and soul,

 Let springtime's magic make you whole.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

My life story called Reflections of a life less ordinary on sale in amazon

 Introduction    Buckle Up, It's a Life Story!

So, here I am, diving into the deep end and writing about my life. Hopefully, it won't turn into a snoozefest that has you reaching for the sleep button. But hey, that's life, right? Ups and downs, twists and turns, all packed into the days and years we live. There's laughter to lighten the mood, tears that tug at the heartstrings, and yeah, maybe even a few dull patches along the way. But that's the beauty of it, the whole messy, magnificent experience.  More than anything, I'm hoping you'll enjoy this ride through my memories. Maybe some parts will resonate with you, spark a familiar feeling, or even bring a smile to your face. It's a story filled with the stuff of life – the good, the bad, and the gloriously ordinary.

So, thank you, dear reader, for taking a chance on this little journey. Let's see where life's winding road takes us, both me as I write it and you as you read it.

Picture this: me, sitting here with a cup of coffee (or maybe a glass of something stronger, depending on the chapter!), ready to spill the beans on my life story. Now, I'm not promising a Hollywood blockbuster here – there won't be any car chases or daring escapes (although there was that one time fishing trip...). This is the real deal, folks – the everyday adventures, the heartbreaks, the moments that made me laugh until my sides ached, and the quiet times that left a lasting impression.  Like most folks, my life has been a rollercoaster. There were mountain highs of joy – the birth of a child, finding the love of my life, achieving a lifelong dream. But there were valleys of sadness too – the sting of loss, the frustration of setbacks, the days that felt like trudging uphill in mud. And hey, let's not forget the stretches of flat road – those uneventful moments that, when you look back, become the threads that weave the tapestry of your life.

The thing is, I believe it's all part of the grand story. The laughter and the tears, the triumphs and the struggles – they all shape who we are. So, I'm inviting you to join me on this journey, to peek into the scrapbook of my life. Maybe you'll see some of yourself reflected in these pages, maybe you'll discover something new altogether. But one thing's for sure, it won't be boring. At least, that's the plan!   So, grab a cuppa (or your beverage of choice) and settle in. Let's get this story started!

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Are the Ladies on thier knees today, with a ring


It's Leap Day! How Are You Celebrating This Once-Every-Four-Years Occasion?

Happy Leap Day, everyone! Today, February 29th, 2024, is a unique day that only graces us with its presence once every four years. It's a day steeped in a blend of historical quirks, playful traditions, and even a dash of superstition.

So, how are you making the most of this special day?

A Leap Year for Fun:

  • Embrace the quirkiness: Plan a themed party with a "leap" into the future or the past. Think futuristic cocktails, throwback music, or even a "leap year baby" celebration if you have one in your family.
  • Do something out of the ordinary: Have you always wanted to try a new hobby or activity? Today's the day! Embrace the spirit of the "extra" day and step outside your comfort zone.
  • Start a new tradition: Maybe you plant a "leap year tree" to watch it grow over the next four years, signifying new beginnings and personal growth.
  • Spread some love: Leap Day is also sometimes referred to as "Bachelor's Day" in some cultures, where traditionally, women propose marriage to men. While the historical roots of this vary, use the spirit of the day to express your love and appreciation to those around you.

Beyond the Fun:

  • Learn about the history: Did you know that Leap Year was introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BC to keep the calendar in sync with the solar year? Delve deeper into the fascinating history of this unique day.
  • Consider the "leap year babies": People born on February 29th face some interesting challenges, like birthday celebrations every four years or adjusting official documents. Share a kind word or gesture with any leap year babies you know.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, or even if you choose not to at all, remember that Leap Day is a reminder to cherish the unique moments, embrace new experiences, and appreciate the extra day we have been gifted this year.

So, leap into action and make this Leap Day something memorable! Share your ideas and experiences in the comments below!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Meadow Murmurs Murder

To view it on Amazon click the link above.

The Meadow Murmurs Murder: Mystery in Ashford Meadow

The sun slanted low, casting long shadows across the idyllic beauty of Ashford Meadow. Yet, beneath the tranquil veneer, a darkness festered. In the heart of the meadow, life lay cold and still, a crimson stain blooming on the emerald blanket. This wasn't just any death; it was a brutal tableau staged for maximum impact, a chilling message etched in blood.

Enter Inspector Williams, a man whose steely gaze mirrored the glint of his badge. Grief was no stranger to him, but this… this murder carried a weight different from the others. The victim, a prominent figure in the local community, their demise sending shockwaves through the peaceful hamlet.

Williams knew this wasn't a lone wolf's howl; it was the opening act of a twisted play. He needed a team, an ensemble cast to unravel the layers of deceit and expose the darkness playing its deadly game.

There was Sergeant Stone, whose sharp mind navigated complex riddles like a seasoned spelunker. Unbound by convention, he possessed an uncanny ability to delve into the shadows, unearthing secrets hidden even from the sharpest eyes.

Chief Davies, a meticulous observer with a photographic memory, meticulously documented every detail, building a tapestry of evidence that could trap the cunningest of culprits.

And then there was Dr. Thorne, the resident pathologist, whose scalpel sliced through flesh and facade alike, her keen intellect dissecting the physical clues to reveal the story whispered by the deceased.

Together, they formed a formidable ensemble, each playing a crucial role in the grand symphony of justice. But Ashford Meadow held secrets deeper than just a shallow grave. Beneath its tranquil surface lay a labyrinth of forgotten tunnels, whispers of a hidden past echoing in their damp darkness.

Sergeant Stone, drawn by an unseen force, became the spelunker in this subterranean mystery. Armed with only a flickering torch and her unwavering resolve, he descended into the bowels of the earth, each twist and turn revealing fragments of a truth more sinister than anyone could have imagined.

As the team delved deeper, the case morphed into something far larger than a simple murder. The threads of corruption intertwined with ancient secrets, powerful figures pulling strings from the shadows. The idyllic meadow became a battleground, the lines between justice and vengeance blurring, and the team itself tested to its limits.

Would Inspector Williams and his team navigate the labyrinth of lies and expose the truth buried beneath Ashford Meadow? Or would they become another victim of the darkness that lurked within, their pursuit ending in silence and shadows?

Mystery in the Meadow: Ashford Meadow is a chilling tale of murder, conspiracy, and the depths of human darkness. Prepare to plunge into a world where appearances deceive, secrets whisper from the past, and justice demands a heavy price. Are you ready to face the mystery?

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tax On Clocks, just going down the pub dear to find out the time


A tavern clock is a large, often plain-faced timepiece historically hung in inns and taverns, particularly in the United Kingdom. They were popular from the mid-18th century onwards, but the name "Act of Parliament clock" is a misleading one. Here's why:

Tavern clocks, the history:

  • These clocks existed well before 1797, despite the nickname. Their large size ensured everyone could easily see the time, crucial in establishments where patrons often stayed for extended periods.
  • They served multiple purposes: helping travelers set their watches, acting as a marker for "last call," and facilitating scheduled coach arrivals and departures.

Clock tax and the misunderstanding:

  • In 1797, William Pitt the Younger implemented a tax on clocks and watches, hoping to raise revenue for the Napoleonic Wars. Gold watches were taxed the most, followed by other metal watches and then clocks.
  • The tax proved unpopular and difficult to enforce due to widespread underreporting. It was repealed after just nine months.

Misnomer and the true origin:

  • The mistaken association with the clock tax arose later. While some tavern owners may have capitalized on the need for public timekeeping after the tax, most tavern clocks predated it.
  • So, calling them "Act of Parliament clocks" is inaccurate and a popular misconception. "Tavern clock" more accurately reflects their historical context and purpose.

In essence, tavern clocks were a practical innovation for inns and taverns, not a direct response to the short-lived clock tax.

Tuesday 13th Feb Pancake day


It's Tuesday, February 13th, 2024: More Than Just Pancakes and Love!

While today might conjure up images of fluffy stacks and love notes, February 13th boasts a history richer than batter and bouquets. So, before you dive into that syrup-soaked stack, let's take a quick bite out of historical tidbits from this very day:

A Waltz Through Time: In 1867, Vienna waltzed to the tune of the iconic "Blue Danube" for the first time. Composed by Johann Strauss II, this masterpiece continues to captivate audiences worldwide, reminding us that even the most romantic gestures can have lasting impact.

A Day for Radio: Calling all audiophiles! Today is World Radio Day, a celebration of the magic of this medium. From crackling news reports to soothing late-night talk shows, radio has woven itself into the fabric of our lives. So, tune in, turn up the volume, and appreciate the power of the airwaves.

Love Beyond Borders: While Valentine's Day gets all the hype, Black Love Day deserves a shoutout. Recognized on February 13th, it's a day to celebrate Black love in all its forms, from romantic partnerships to familial bonds and community strength. Let's spread the love and acknowledge the unique beauty of Black love stories.

Beyond the Obvious: Today also marks significant historical moments, including:

  • 1633: Galileo Galilei faces the Inquisition for his heliocentric beliefs, reminding us of the courage it takes to stand up for what's right, even when facing opposition.
  • 1991: Two "smart bombs" tragically kill civilians in Baghdad, highlighting the importance of responsible global action and the consequences of war.
  • 2000: The final "Peanuts" comic strip is published, marking the end of an era but leaving behind a legacy of laughter and heartwarming moments.
  • 2008: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivers a formal apology to Indigenous Australians for the "stolen generations," recognizing a painful chapter in history and paving the way for reconciliation.

Looking Ahead: As we move forward from February 13th, 2024, let's carry the echoes of history with us. Appreciate the music, celebrate diverse forms of love, remember the struggles for justice, and cherish the power of words. Remember, every day holds the potential for both delicious pancakes and impactful moments, so make the most of them!

What other historical events or observances mark February 13th for you? Share in the comments below!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Echoes of February 12th: Glancing Back, Looking Forward


Echoes of February 12th: Glancing Back, Looking Forward

It's February 12th, 2024, and as the calendar turns another page, it's interesting to reflect on what this day has held in the past. While today might seem ordinary, digging into history reveals a surprising mix of significant events and quirky happenings that took place on this very date.

Leaping through the Decades:

  • 1938: One of the world's first full-length animated films, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, premieres in Los Angeles, forever changing the landscape of animation.
  • 1942: Anne Frank receives a red-and-white checkered diary for her 13th birthday, a gift that will become a poignant and powerful record of her experiences during the Holocaust.
  • 1961: Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to travel to space, ushering in a new era of space exploration.
  • 1998: The Winter Olympics kick off in Nagano, Japan, featuring the iconic downhill skiing competition where Picabo Street wins gold despite a horrific crash.
  • 2014: Sochi, Russia, hosts the XXII Olympic Winter Games, amidst controversy and security concerns.

Beyond the Headlines:

These are just a few of the major events that unfolded on February 12th throughout history. But beyond the headlines, this day has also seen:

  • 1809: Abraham Lincoln receives his first law license in Indiana.
  • 1912: Boy Scouts of America is officially incorporated.
  • 1959: Barbie, the iconic fashion doll, makes her debut at the New York Toy Fair.
  • 1989: The first episode of The Simpsons airs on The Tracey Ullman Show.
  • 2010: Vancouver, Canada, concludes the XXI Olympic Winter Games.

Looking Forward:

As we stand in the present, February 12th continues to be a day filled with potential. What stories will it write in the years to come? What remarkable achievements, unexpected discoveries, or personal triumphs will this date hold? As always, the future remains unwritten, but looking back offers a glimpse into the possibilities that lie ahead.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Navigating the Maze: Choices the Young Face Today


Navigating the Maze: Choices the Young Face Today

The world they're inheriting is vastly different from the one we knew. The young of today stands at a crossroads, presented with a mind-boggling array of choices – educational paths, careers, lifestyles, and even identities. Let's delve into the unique landscape they navigate and the opportunities, as well as challenges, it presents.

A World of Abundance:

  • Educational explosion: Gone are the days of limited options. From traditional universities to vocational training, online courses to apprenticeships, the path to knowledge is wider than ever. But this abundance can be overwhelming, leaving many unsure of the "right" direction.
  • Career kaleidoscope: Forget the linear career ladder. Today's jobs are often non-linear, project-based, and constantly evolving. This demands adaptability, the ability to learn new skills quickly, and the courage to embrace the unknown.
  • Technological tapestry: Technology is woven into the fabric of their lives. It empowers them to connect, create, and access information like never before. But it also brings concerns about privacy, digital divides, and the ever-shifting nature of work.

The Paradox of Freedom:

With so much choice, decision fatigue becomes a real issue. The pressure to "choose wisely" can be paralyzing, leading to anxiety and fear of missing out. Additionally, some choices come with hefty price tags, like student loans or the cost of starting a business, adding another layer of stress.

Beyond the Obvious:

But it's not all about careers and degrees. Young people also navigate complex social issues like climate change, identity politics, and global interconnectedness. They have a platform to raise their voices, challenge the status quo, and advocate for change.

So, what's the takeaway?

The young today face an exciting, yet daunting, landscape. Here's how we can support them:

  • Emphasize exploration over early specialization: Encourage them to try different things, develop diverse skills, and embrace lifelong learning.
  • Focus on resilience and adaptability: The ability to learn new things, navigate change, and bounce back from setbacks will be crucial.
  • Promote critical thinking and responsible decision-making: Help them evaluate information, weigh options, and make choices aligned with their values.
  • Bridge the digital divide: Ensure everyone has access to technology and the skills to use it effectively.
  • Create a supportive network: Mentors, counselors, and community resources can provide guidance and encouragement.

Remember, the choices young people make today will shape not just their lives but the future of our world. Let's empower them to navigate this complex landscape with confidence, creativity, and a sense of purpose.

For all the 50s children like born in the 1950s, what a great time that was


For all the 50s children like born in the 1950s, what a great time that was 

In bobby socks and saddle shoes, we danced, Beneath the jukebox's neon trance. Soda pops and drive-in dreams, A world in black and white, it seems.

Hula hoops and hula skirts, Petticoats a-swirling, laughter chirps. Candy cigarettes and comic books, Childhood innocence in playful nooks.

Rock and roll on crackling air, Elvis crooning, hearts aflutter, unaware. Duck and cover drills, a distant fear, The future bright, the Cold War near.

Segregation's shadow, whispers low, Civil rights rising, seeds to sow. Change on the horizon, slow and bold, A child's world shifts, stories yet untold.

In classrooms filled with desks and chalk, We learned of freedom, justice's walk. Moonshot dreams and Sputnik's light, The future beckoned, taking flight.

Now memories echo, bittersweet, Of poodle skirts and dreams so fleet. The 50s child, forever young, In echoes of laughter, a life well-sung.

My Dream has been always been writing a book and here it is

 Forget dressing tables and copied text! Let's paint a picture that truly captures your journey. Imagine:

Tiny fingers clutching a pencil, scrawling across stolen scraps of paper. A young Peter, perched at his mother's dressing table, devoured by stories found in borrowed books. Every word fueled a dream, a whisper that grew louder with each passing year. "One day," it murmured, "I'll write my own."

Now, that dream sits proudly on shelves. "A Scribbler's Dream," your heart laid bare in ink, isn't just a book – it's a testament to the power of unwavering passion. From borrowed tales to crafted worlds, your journey unfolds across pages, whispering secrets of love, loss, and the laughter woven into life's tapestry.

This isn't just your debut, it's an invitation. Dive into a world where imagination reigns, where laughter dances with tears, and where ordinary moments spark extraordinary stories. Find it on Amazon, Goodreads, Kindle, and more – just ask for "A Scribbler's Dream" by Peter Christopher.

More than a book, it's a dream realized. Come share it.

The wind whips through the Kentish countryside, carrying with it the scent of salt and the distant thrum of the sea. Here, nestled among fields and rolling hills, sits my haven – a place where stories sprout like wildflowers and words flow like the nearby Medway River. I am Peter Christopher, 71 years young, and a lifelong scribbler.

Writing wasn't just a hobby; it was a secret language I whispered to the world. While others tended gardens and built lives, I spent my hours weaving tales of fantastical creatures and heartfelt characters. Poems whispered secrets on scraps of paper, stories unfolded in dusty notebooks, but publication remained a distant dream, a glimmer on the horizon.

Then, life, like a well-loved novel, reached its turning point. Retirement wasn't just an ending; it was a new chapter, brimming with possibilities. The tools of the trade changed – the trowel for a keyboard, the shears for a cursor – but the passion remained. Now, with time finally my own, the stories that simmered within burst forth, demanding to be heard.

This book you hold isn't just a collection of poems and stories; it's a testament to the tenacity of dreams. It's a celebration of the quiet moments where imagination takes flight, where laughter dances with tears, and where life's experiences transform into ink-stained adventures.

Within these pages, you'll find reflections of the world around me – the rugged beauty of Kent, the warmth of everyday encounters, and the echoes of a life well-lived. But more importantly, you'll find the universal language of the human heart, spoken through the lens of a seasoned observer, a seasoned writer, and a man who finally found the courage to share his dreams with the world.

So, turn the page, dear reader, and delve into the world of a Kent-based scribbler. Let the words paint pictures in your mind, evoke emotions within your soul, and remind you that it's never too late to chase the whispers of your own writing dreams.

This is my story, but the ink is yours to fill. Welcome to my dream.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Thursday, February 8th, 2024: Embracing the Present!


Thursday, February 8th, 2024: Embracing the Present!

Happy Thursday, everyone! As we inch closer to the weekend, let's take a moment to appreciate the present and all it has to offer. Here are a few things to spark your joy today:

Celebrating International Women and Girls in Science Day: Today we recognize the incredible contributions of women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Let's honor their achievements and encourage more girls to pursue their scientific passions!

Embrace the Great Outdoors: With any luck, February brings a break from the winter chill. Take advantage of it! Go for a walk in nature, explore a local park, or simply soak up some sunshine. Fresh air and Vitamin D do wonders for the soul.

Random Acts of Kindness: Spread some positivity by performing a random act of kindness today. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line, leave a positive comment on someone's social media post, or simply offer a genuine smile to a stranger. Kindness has a ripple effect, and you'll be surprised how good it feels!

Fuel Your Creativity: Whether it's writing, painting, playing an instrument, or simply doodling, dedicate some time to your creative pursuits today. Engaging in creative activities can boost your mood, reduce stress, and open your mind to new possibilities.

Connect with Loved Ones: Reach out to a friend, family member, or loved one just to say "hello." A simple conversation can brighten someone's day and strengthen your connections.

Reflect and Recharge: Take some time for mindful reflection. What are you grateful for today? What are your goals for the future? Journaling, meditating, or simply taking a few deep breaths can help you center yourself and recharge for the rest of the day.

Remember, every day is an opportunity to create positive experiences and memories. Make the most of your Thursday, and don't forget to share your joys and stories in the comments below!

Bonus: Did you know today is also National Pizza Day? Treat yourself to a slice (or two!) and celebrate this delicious culinary invention.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

RSS Feeds: Staying Ahead of the Curve in the Information Age


RSS Feeds: Staying Ahead of the Curve in the Information Age

In the age of information overload, with countless websites vying for our attention, RSS feeds offer a lifeline for those who want to stay informed efficiently. But what exactly are RSS feeds, and how can they benefit you?

Understanding the Basics:

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication (or sometimes Rich Site Summary). It's a type of web feed that delivers summaries of updates from websites and blogs directly to you, instead of you having to visit each site individually. Imagine it like a personalized newspaper, pulling together headlines and snippets from your favorite sources.

How it Works:

Websites that offer RSS feeds provide an XML file containing summaries of their latest content. You subscribe to this feed using an RSS reader, which can be a dedicated app, a browser extension, or even built into some email clients. The reader periodically checks for updates and displays them in a central location for you to browse.

Benefits of Using RSS Feeds:

  • Stay informed efficiently: No more manually checking multiple websites. RSS feeds bring the updates to you, saving you time and effort.
  • Personalized news: Subscribe to specific feeds that align with your interests, creating a customized news stream.
  • Avoid algorithm biases: Unlike social media, RSS feeds present content chronologically, so you see everything, not just what algorithms think you want.
  • Read later, offline: Many readers allow you to save articles for later reading, even when you're offline.

Getting Started with RSS Feeds:

  1. Find RSS feeds: Look for the orange RSS icon or the words "RSS feed" on websites you frequent.
  2. Choose an RSS reader: Popular options include Feedly, Inoreader, The Old Reader, and Feedbro.
  3. Subscribe to feeds: Add the feed URLs to your chosen reader.
  4. Enjoy the curated content!

RSS feeds might seem like a relic of the past, but they offer a powerful way to take control of your information intake in today's fast-paced world. Give them a try and see how they can streamline your online experience!


  • There are different versions of RSS feeds (RSS 1.0, 2.0, etc.), but most readers support them all.
  • Some websites offer full articles within their feeds, while others just provide summaries with links to the full content.
  • You can organize your feeds into folders for better management.

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...