Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autumn. Show all posts

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Weekend is here 3rd Feb 2024


Saturday Vibes: Embracing the Day, February 3rd, 2024

The weekend is upon us, and whether you're basking in sunshine or battling winter storms, Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, is a day brimming with potential. As I can't access information beyond January 31st, 2024, I can't tailor this post to specific events, but let's dive into some ways to make the most of your Saturday:

For the Adventurous:

  • Lace up your hiking boots: Explore a new trail, soak in the sights, and breathe in the fresh air. Nature has a way of calming the soul and energizing the spirit.
  • Embrace the winter chill: Hit the slopes, build a snowman, have a snowball fight – embrace the season's unique activities.
  • Go on a cultural expedition: Visit a museum, attend a local play, or delve into the history of your town. Learning is enriching and opens new perspectives.

For the Homebodies:

  • Curl up with a good book: Immerse yourself in a captivating story, whether it's a classic you haven't touched in years or a new release piquing your interest.
  • Indulge in a creative pursuit: Paint, sculpt, write, dance – express yourself and let your artistic spirit flow.
  • Pamper yourself: Take a long bath, give yourself a manicure, or whip up a delicious spa-worthy treat. Relaxation and self-care are essential.

For the Socially Inclined:

  • Gather with friends and family: Play games, share stories, have a potluck dinner – strengthen your bonds and create lasting memories.
  • Volunteer in your community: Give back to others and experience the joy of helping those in need.
  • Support local businesses: Visit a farmer's market, browse unique shops, or enjoy a meal at a local restaurant. Keeping your community vibrant is rewarding.

No matter your preferences, remember:

  • Disconnect to reconnect: Put away your phone for a while and be present in the moment. Connect with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.
  • Embrace spontaneity: Be open to unexpected opportunities and adventures. Sometimes, the best moments are unplanned.
  • Practice gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the small things – a warm cup of coffee, a sunny day, the laughter of loved ones. Gratitude fosters happiness and contentment.

So, make the most of your Saturday, February 3rd, 2024. Do something you love, connect with others, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Happy weekend!

Friday, February 2, 2024

How many Papers have left us ?


Determining the exact number of local newspapers that have gone out of publication in the UK depends on how you define "local newspaper" and "out of publication." However, here's some information to help you understand the trend:

Print newspapers:

  • Since 2005: At least 271 print local newspaper titles have closed in the UK, according to Press Gazette. However, the rate of decline has slowed in recent years.
  • Between September 2020 and July 2022: 33 printed local newspapers closed, while 27 new titles were launched, leaving a net loss of 6.
  • Important note: These figures only consider printed newspapers, not online-only versions.

Digital newspapers:

  • Since 2020: 3 digital news sites closed, while 41 launched, resulting in a net gain of 38.


  • While the number of printed local newspapers has been declining, there has been a slight increase in online-only local news sites.
  • This suggests a shift from print to digital, rather than a complete disappearance of local news.

Additional resources:

This is so close to home for me........Parkinsons


Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system, specifically the part of the brain that controls movement, balance, and coordination. It is characterized by progressive loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra, leading to a variety of symptoms that worsen over time.

Here are some of the key features of Parkinson's disease:

  • Tremor: This is the most common symptom, typically manifesting as a resting tremor in the hands or fingers.
  • Rigidity: Muscles become stiff and difficult to move, making daily activities challenging.
  • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement is another hallmark symptom, making simple tasks like walking or getting dressed take longer.
  • Postural instability: Balance problems can increase the risk of falls.
  • Other symptoms: These may include speech difficulties, sleep disturbances, cognitive changes, and depression.

The exact cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Age is the biggest risk factor, with most cases diagnosed after age 60. While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are treatments available to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. These include medication, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and surgery in some cases.

Here are some additional facts about Parkinson's disease:

  • It is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease.
  • Approximately 1 million people in the United States and 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease.
  • There is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, but research is ongoing.

If you or someone you know is concerned about Parkinson's disease, please talk to a doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Does Scotland need the union or does the union need scotland


Does Scotland Waving Goodbye Mean the UK Waving White? Examining the State of Our Union

The question of Scottish independence isn't new, but recent polls and the SNP's continued dominance reignite a crucial debate: is the United Kingdom better together, or does Scotland deserve to chart its own course? Examining the complexities of this question demands delving deeper than soundbites and political agendas.

Scotland's perspective:

  • Devotion to Devolution: Many Scots desire greater control over their affairs, a sentiment amplified by Brexit, which they largely opposed. Devolution hasn't satiated the appetite for self-determination for some.
  • Economic Concerns: While independence poses economic challenges, some argue Scotland's resources and a potential oil boom could sustain them. Concerns about rejoining the EU add another layer.
  • Identity and Culture: A strong sense of national identity fuels the independence movement, distinct from England in language, history, and cultural expression.

The UK's perspective:

  • Economic Impact: Losing Scotland, a significant contributor to the UK economy, would have undeniable financial consequences. Concerns about the precedent it sets for other regions also arise.
  • International standing: The UK's global influence might diminish with Scotland's departure, impacting its political and economic clout.
  • Shared history and values: Proponents of unity highlight the long, intertwined history and shared values that bind the nations, arguing against separation.

Beyond the binary:

It's essential to acknowledge this isn't a simple yes/no question. Nuances abound, with various shades of opinion in both camps. Some advocate for further devolution within the union, while others explore federal models offering Scotland more autonomy.

Open and honest dialogue:

Regardless of personal stances, fostering open and honest dialogue is crucial. Listening to and understanding diverse perspectives, both within and across the nations, is vital. Demonization and dismissal only deepen divides.

Ultimately, the decision rests with the Scottish people. Whether they choose to stay or go, respecting their democratic will is paramount. However, navigating this complex issue demands responsible leadership, informed citizens, and an unwavering commitment to finding solutions that benefit all involved.

And still trending the post office


The Post Office Scandal: Still Trending, with Horizon's Shadow Looming

The Post Office scandal, centered around the faulty Horizon IT system, continues to cast a long shadow, despite recent developments. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

The Scandal:

  • Accusations and Wrongful Convictions: From 1999 onwards, Horizon, the Post Office's accounting system, generated discrepancies, leading to accusations of sub-postmasters stealing money. Hundreds were wrongly convicted, some losing businesses and facing bankruptcy.
  • Lives Lost: Tragically, several sub-postmasters took their own lives due to the immense pressure and injustice.
  • Public Outcry and Inquiries: The scandal sparked public outrage and multiple inquiries, revealing flaws in Horizon and the Post Office's handling of the situation.

Current Situation:

  • Compensation: In 2019, the Post Office agreed to a £57.75 million settlement with impacted sub-postmasters, but many feel further compensation is needed.
  • Horizon's Continued Use: While an updated version of Horizon is in operation, concerns remain. Some sub-postmasters still lack trust in the system, and its role in the initial scandal creates unease.
  • Public Pressure for Change: Calls for a full public inquiry and systemic reforms within the Post Office continue, with advocates seeking justice for wronged individuals and ensuring such a tragedy never repeats.

Trending on Social Media:

  • Renewed Interest: The recent ITV drama "Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office" reignited public interest, pushing the scandal back into the spotlight on social media platforms.
  • Calls for Action: Online discussions emphasize the need for accountability, compensation, and reforms, pushing the hashtag #PostOfficeJustice.

Looking Forward:

  • Full Inquiry Demanded: Many advocate for a comprehensive public inquiry to uncover the full truth and hold those responsible accountable.
  • Systemic Reforms: Addressing flaws in the Post Office's handling of financial discrepancies and ensuring fair treatment of sub-postmasters are crucial steps forward.
  • Justice and Compensation: Ensuring appropriate compensation for those wronged and rebuilding trust in the Post Office remain key elements of achieving true justice.

The Post Office scandal continues to reverberate, demanding ongoing attention and action. With continued public pressure and calls for reform, there's hope for achieving justice and preventing similar tragedies in the future.

TikTok Hastags

 You're diving into the world of TikTok hashtags! Each of the ones you listed plays a specific role in reaching a wider audience on the platform:

General Reach:

  • #foryou: A broad hashtag hoping to land your video on the "For You" page, the main feed where users discover new content.
  • #foryoupage: Similar to #foryou, aims for increased visibility on the main feed.
  • #fyp: Shorthand for "For You Page," another attempt to attract viewers organically.


  • #duet: Encourages other users to create duet videos using yours, potentially boosting reach and engagement.
  • #viralvideos: Aspirational hashtag hoping your video gains massive traction and explodes in popularity.
  • #trending: Aims to capitalize on current popular trends on TikTok, leveraging their momentum.

Content Category:

  • #comedy: Identifies your video as humorous, attracting users interested in funny content.
  • #funnyvideos: More specific than #comedy, emphasizing the video's focus on laugh-out-loud moments.

Remember, while hashtags can help, creating engaging content is key. Tailor your hashtags to your specific video and avoid overloading them. Good luck on your TikTok journey!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Daily Walk 26th October 2022

 These days we get a new PM quicker than we can get a Doctors appointment, weird times.  Sitting waiting to take Joanne to the shop where she volunters on a wednesday morning.

Over the hump day the weekend is not far off.

Wednesday is when I go for a walk, weather permitting, around the local area of whats called cabbage island.  

Monday, October 24, 2022

End of the day

 Thats the end of another interesting day, a new PM, the old one going after 44 days, done some washing and hung it on the line, its been a lovely day weather wise, and now fireworks are going off just when you are trying to get some sleep, Dwali I believe, pets all round the country are cowing in fear.

Lets hope tomorrow will be quieter, politically and sound.

See you all soon and Good night, sleep well.

Autumn Colour

 The two chysanths are doing well finally, two shades of red, potted into two blue handmade wooden tubs and both of them on casters for easy movement.

Friday, October 21, 2022


 My favourite time of the year has arrived, the colours are wonderful as the leaves turn, and of course as the nights draw in its a great time to plan for next year, and get into the garden to tidy up the flower beds.

The time in the garden about now should be inspected to make sure its ready for the cold days ahead, any timber that needs attention should be given it now.  Perhaps a clean, some treatment such as oiling on dry days of course, a sweep to clear the ends of a profiled deck as the ends do get the dust stopping there and then turns solid stopping the rain water running off, so this is a must do job. 

Love autumn, and if we are lucky we get some fantastic sunsets. 


 Having now retired from the decking construction game, I am now consulting upon various decking schemes that are carried out, creative decking has been years in the making, and of course shows no sign of going elsewhere.  As a consultant I ensure that the deck in your garden lasts for many, many years, and doing it correctly it will do just that.

Costing and getting the right product in the right area of your garden is acheived by careful planning and design. 

Consulting does not cost very much compared with the outlay of the whole job, and getting it correctly designed and consulted upon will save you money in the long run, the alternative is expensive.

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...