Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Sunday, February 11, 2024

My Dream has been always been writing a book and here it is

 Forget dressing tables and copied text! Let's paint a picture that truly captures your journey. Imagine:

Tiny fingers clutching a pencil, scrawling across stolen scraps of paper. A young Peter, perched at his mother's dressing table, devoured by stories found in borrowed books. Every word fueled a dream, a whisper that grew louder with each passing year. "One day," it murmured, "I'll write my own."

Now, that dream sits proudly on shelves. "A Scribbler's Dream," your heart laid bare in ink, isn't just a book – it's a testament to the power of unwavering passion. From borrowed tales to crafted worlds, your journey unfolds across pages, whispering secrets of love, loss, and the laughter woven into life's tapestry.

This isn't just your debut, it's an invitation. Dive into a world where imagination reigns, where laughter dances with tears, and where ordinary moments spark extraordinary stories. Find it on Amazon, Goodreads, Kindle, and more – just ask for "A Scribbler's Dream" by Peter Christopher.

More than a book, it's a dream realized. Come share it.

The wind whips through the Kentish countryside, carrying with it the scent of salt and the distant thrum of the sea. Here, nestled among fields and rolling hills, sits my haven – a place where stories sprout like wildflowers and words flow like the nearby Medway River. I am Peter Christopher, 71 years young, and a lifelong scribbler.

Writing wasn't just a hobby; it was a secret language I whispered to the world. While others tended gardens and built lives, I spent my hours weaving tales of fantastical creatures and heartfelt characters. Poems whispered secrets on scraps of paper, stories unfolded in dusty notebooks, but publication remained a distant dream, a glimmer on the horizon.

Then, life, like a well-loved novel, reached its turning point. Retirement wasn't just an ending; it was a new chapter, brimming with possibilities. The tools of the trade changed – the trowel for a keyboard, the shears for a cursor – but the passion remained. Now, with time finally my own, the stories that simmered within burst forth, demanding to be heard.

This book you hold isn't just a collection of poems and stories; it's a testament to the tenacity of dreams. It's a celebration of the quiet moments where imagination takes flight, where laughter dances with tears, and where life's experiences transform into ink-stained adventures.

Within these pages, you'll find reflections of the world around me – the rugged beauty of Kent, the warmth of everyday encounters, and the echoes of a life well-lived. But more importantly, you'll find the universal language of the human heart, spoken through the lens of a seasoned observer, a seasoned writer, and a man who finally found the courage to share his dreams with the world.

So, turn the page, dear reader, and delve into the world of a Kent-based scribbler. Let the words paint pictures in your mind, evoke emotions within your soul, and remind you that it's never too late to chase the whispers of your own writing dreams.

This is my story, but the ink is yours to fill. Welcome to my dream.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Through the Looking Glass: Glimpses of British Life, Then and Now


Through the Looking Glass: Glimpses of British Life, Then and Now

British life, like a well-loved tapestry, is interwoven with threads of tradition, resilience, and evolution. Soaking in its rich history reveals contrasting shades of "better" and "worse," a complex narrative shaped by social, economic, and political forces.

Glimpses from the Past:

  • Pre-industrial Life: For centuries, rural life dominated, characterized by hard work, tight-knit communities, and deference to social hierarchies. While stability existed, it often came at the cost of limited opportunities and rigid class structures.

  • The Industrial Revolution: Cities boomed, transforming lives. Technology brought progress, but also harsh working conditions and poverty for many. Despite hardships, advancements in education and healthcare paved the way for change.

  • World Wars and Beyond: Facing unprecedented devastation, the British spirit of resilience shone through. However, the cost was immense, shaping social and political landscapes. The post-war era saw the dismantling of empires, the rise of the welfare state, and the fight for social justice.

Life Today:

  • Tech Transformation: Technology has revolutionized communication, work, and leisure. While access and affordability remain crucial concerns, advancements offer diverse opportunities and challenges.

  • Globalized World: Britain navigates a globalized world, embracing cultural diversity and facing the complexities of interdependence. Immigration has enriched society, but also sparked debates about national identity and social integration.

  • Evolving Economy: From industrial heartland to a service-based economy, challenges like job insecurity and income inequality persist alongside innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

So, Has Life Improved?

The answer, like British weather, is complex. We see:

  • Greater Individual Freedom: Increased social mobility, expanded personal expression, and greater awareness of human rights empower individuals.
  • Improved Living Standards: Advances in healthcare, technology, and infrastructure have drastically improved quality of life for many.
  • Social Progress: The fight for equality has seen progress in areas like gender, race, and LGBTQ+ rights.

However, challenges remain:

  • Economic Disparity: The gap between rich and poor widens, impacting opportunities and quality of life.
  • Political Uncertainties: Brexit and its implications, alongside concerns about global issues like climate change, create anxieties about the future.
  • National Identity: Navigating the complexities of globalization and immigration raises questions about national identity and belonging.

The Tapestry Continues:

Ultimately, British life is a dynamic tapestry, constantly evolving. While embracing positive changes, acknowledging lingering challenges is crucial. The ability to reflect, adapt, and strive for a more equitable future will determine the shades woven into the next chapters of this fascinating story.

Remember, even within this broad overview, individual experiences can differ greatly. This journey through time only offers a glimpse – one best explored through further reading, personal interactions, and an open mind to hear diverse perspectives.

A Scribblers Dream  

Join the revolution for this book, a must read 

A Struggling Author


The blank page mocks me, a vast expanse of white taunting my creativity. It's 3 am, and the coffee pot groans its last breath, mirroring the fatigue in my soul. "Struggling author" isn't just a label, it's a constant companion, whispering doubts and amplifying rejections.

The dream began with passion, a burning desire to weave stories that resonate, to transport readers to other worlds. I poured my heart onto the page, fueled by the belief that my words held the power to move mountains. But the reality is a harsher landscape.

Pitfalls litter the path: writer's block, crippling comparisons, the suffocating silence after hitting submit. Each query letter feels like a fragile hope launched into the void, returning with a thudding rejection or worse, radio silence.

Deflating moments? Countless. The sting of reviews filled with good intentions but laced with disappointment. The crushing realization that months of work translate to meager sales, barely covering the cost of a latte. The self-doubt, the insidious voice whispering, "Maybe it's not good enough."

But then, a glimmer. A reader reaches out, their words echoing the emotions you poured onto the page. A fellow writer offers support, reminding you that you're not alone in this shared struggle. An unexpected review shines a light on what resonates. These are the lifebuoys I cling to, the reminders that keep me afloat.

Being a struggling author is a constant negotiation between passion and practicality. It's facing the harsh realities of the publishing world while nurturing the fragile flame of creativity. It's about learning to dance with rejection, using it as fuel to improve, not as an extinguisher of dreams.

But here's the truth: we persist. We edit, revise, and submit again, driven by an unwavering belief in the power of our stories. We find solace in our communities, sharing struggles and celebrating victories. We learn from others, honing our craft with every draft.

So, to all the struggling authors out there, let me share a secret: the fight is worth it. The journey may be arduous, but the destination, that moment when your words connect with a reader, makes it all worthwhile. We may be struggling, but we are not defeated. We are the ink-stained warriors, and our stories, our weapons. We fight not for fame or fortune, but for the simple act of creating, of connecting, and of leaving a mark on the world.

Keep writing, keep believing, keep fighting. The world needs your stories. It needs your unique voice. And someday, against all odds, your words will find their way, echoing through the hearts of readers, proving that even in the struggle, the dream lives on.

The Weekend is here 3rd Feb 2024


Saturday Vibes: Embracing the Day, February 3rd, 2024

The weekend is upon us, and whether you're basking in sunshine or battling winter storms, Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, is a day brimming with potential. As I can't access information beyond January 31st, 2024, I can't tailor this post to specific events, but let's dive into some ways to make the most of your Saturday:

For the Adventurous:

  • Lace up your hiking boots: Explore a new trail, soak in the sights, and breathe in the fresh air. Nature has a way of calming the soul and energizing the spirit.
  • Embrace the winter chill: Hit the slopes, build a snowman, have a snowball fight – embrace the season's unique activities.
  • Go on a cultural expedition: Visit a museum, attend a local play, or delve into the history of your town. Learning is enriching and opens new perspectives.

For the Homebodies:

  • Curl up with a good book: Immerse yourself in a captivating story, whether it's a classic you haven't touched in years or a new release piquing your interest.
  • Indulge in a creative pursuit: Paint, sculpt, write, dance – express yourself and let your artistic spirit flow.
  • Pamper yourself: Take a long bath, give yourself a manicure, or whip up a delicious spa-worthy treat. Relaxation and self-care are essential.

For the Socially Inclined:

  • Gather with friends and family: Play games, share stories, have a potluck dinner – strengthen your bonds and create lasting memories.
  • Volunteer in your community: Give back to others and experience the joy of helping those in need.
  • Support local businesses: Visit a farmer's market, browse unique shops, or enjoy a meal at a local restaurant. Keeping your community vibrant is rewarding.

No matter your preferences, remember:

  • Disconnect to reconnect: Put away your phone for a while and be present in the moment. Connect with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.
  • Embrace spontaneity: Be open to unexpected opportunities and adventures. Sometimes, the best moments are unplanned.
  • Practice gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the small things – a warm cup of coffee, a sunny day, the laughter of loved ones. Gratitude fosters happiness and contentment.

So, make the most of your Saturday, February 3rd, 2024. Do something you love, connect with others, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Happy weekend!

Friday, February 2, 2024

How many Papers have left us ?


Determining the exact number of local newspapers that have gone out of publication in the UK depends on how you define "local newspaper" and "out of publication." However, here's some information to help you understand the trend:

Print newspapers:

  • Since 2005: At least 271 print local newspaper titles have closed in the UK, according to Press Gazette. However, the rate of decline has slowed in recent years.
  • Between September 2020 and July 2022: 33 printed local newspapers closed, while 27 new titles were launched, leaving a net loss of 6.
  • Important note: These figures only consider printed newspapers, not online-only versions.

Digital newspapers:

  • Since 2020: 3 digital news sites closed, while 41 launched, resulting in a net gain of 38.


  • While the number of printed local newspapers has been declining, there has been a slight increase in online-only local news sites.
  • This suggests a shift from print to digital, rather than a complete disappearance of local news.

Additional resources:

This is so close to home for me........Parkinsons


Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system, specifically the part of the brain that controls movement, balance, and coordination. It is characterized by progressive loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra, leading to a variety of symptoms that worsen over time.

Here are some of the key features of Parkinson's disease:

  • Tremor: This is the most common symptom, typically manifesting as a resting tremor in the hands or fingers.
  • Rigidity: Muscles become stiff and difficult to move, making daily activities challenging.
  • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement is another hallmark symptom, making simple tasks like walking or getting dressed take longer.
  • Postural instability: Balance problems can increase the risk of falls.
  • Other symptoms: These may include speech difficulties, sleep disturbances, cognitive changes, and depression.

The exact cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Age is the biggest risk factor, with most cases diagnosed after age 60. While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are treatments available to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. These include medication, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and surgery in some cases.

Here are some additional facts about Parkinson's disease:

  • It is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease.
  • Approximately 1 million people in the United States and 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease.
  • There is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, but research is ongoing.

If you or someone you know is concerned about Parkinson's disease, please talk to a doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

Unveiling the Gems of Medway: History, Charm, and Unexpected Adventures


Unveiling the Gems of Medway: History, Charm, and Unexpected Adventures

The Medway Towns in Kent, England, often fly under the radar, but they hold a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. More than just a collection of historic towns, Medway offers a vibrant mix of maritime heritage, cultural gems, and outdoor adventures, making it the perfect weekend getaway for history buffs, nature lovers, and families alike.

Step Back in Time:

  • Rochester Cathedral: Witness the imposing grandeur of this Norman masterpiece, where Charles Dickens was once a choirboy. Explore its hidden crypt and climb the tower for breathtaking views of the city.
  • Upnor Castle: Immerse yourself in Tudor history at this artillery fort, guarding the Thames estuary for centuries. Explore the tunnels, ramparts, and gun platforms, imagining the battles fought and secrets kept.
  • Chatham Historic Dockyard: Discover the birthplace of legendary ships like the Nelsonian warship HMS Victory. Explore the dockyard, take a boat tour, and even witness live demonstrations of traditional shipbuilding techniques.

Embrace the Creative Spirit:

  • Dickens Centre: Delve into the life and works of Charles Dickens, the town's most famous son. See interactive exhibits, explore his childhood home, and even dress up as Victorian characters.
  • Guildhall Museum: This beautiful Tudor building houses a fascinating collection of local history, art, and archaeology. Discover Roman artefacts, Victorian costumes, and intriguing stories of the Medway people.
  • Rochester Art Gallery: Immerse yourself in contemporary art at this award-winning gallery, showcasing works by established and emerging artists. Participate in workshops, talks, and events throughout the year.

Explore the Great Outdoors:

  • Great Lines Heritage Park: Walk or cycle along this scenic former railway line, enjoying stunning views of the Medway Valley and exploring historic features like tunnels and bridges.
  • Strood Estuary Nature Reserve: Spot diverse birdlife and admire the unique wetland habitat on this tranquil reserve. Explore walking trails, bird hides, and educational exhibits.
  • Bluewater Shopping Centre: Combine retail therapy with stunning views at this expansive mall. Enjoy over 130 shops, restaurants, and cinemas, alongside a leisure park and boat trips on the lake.

Beyond the Tourist Trail:

  • Sample local delicacies: From fresh seafood to traditional Kentish dishes, Medway's restaurants and cafes cater to all tastes. Don't miss the famous oysters from Whitstable!
  • Catch a live performance: Medway offers a vibrant theatre scene, from the historical Rochester Castle Concerts to the contemporary performances at the Central Theatre.
  • Go antique hunting: Unearth hidden treasures at the many antique shops and markets scattered throughout the towns, perfect for souvenir hunters and collectors.

Whether you're seeking historical intrigue, artistic inspiration, or outdoor adventures, the Medway Towns offer something for everyone. So, pack your bags, lace up your walking shoes, and get ready to discover the unexpected charm of this hidden gem in Kent.

P.S. Don't forget to share your Medway adventures using #MedwayTowns!

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Does Scotland need the union or does the union need scotland


Does Scotland Waving Goodbye Mean the UK Waving White? Examining the State of Our Union

The question of Scottish independence isn't new, but recent polls and the SNP's continued dominance reignite a crucial debate: is the United Kingdom better together, or does Scotland deserve to chart its own course? Examining the complexities of this question demands delving deeper than soundbites and political agendas.

Scotland's perspective:

  • Devotion to Devolution: Many Scots desire greater control over their affairs, a sentiment amplified by Brexit, which they largely opposed. Devolution hasn't satiated the appetite for self-determination for some.
  • Economic Concerns: While independence poses economic challenges, some argue Scotland's resources and a potential oil boom could sustain them. Concerns about rejoining the EU add another layer.
  • Identity and Culture: A strong sense of national identity fuels the independence movement, distinct from England in language, history, and cultural expression.

The UK's perspective:

  • Economic Impact: Losing Scotland, a significant contributor to the UK economy, would have undeniable financial consequences. Concerns about the precedent it sets for other regions also arise.
  • International standing: The UK's global influence might diminish with Scotland's departure, impacting its political and economic clout.
  • Shared history and values: Proponents of unity highlight the long, intertwined history and shared values that bind the nations, arguing against separation.

Beyond the binary:

It's essential to acknowledge this isn't a simple yes/no question. Nuances abound, with various shades of opinion in both camps. Some advocate for further devolution within the union, while others explore federal models offering Scotland more autonomy.

Open and honest dialogue:

Regardless of personal stances, fostering open and honest dialogue is crucial. Listening to and understanding diverse perspectives, both within and across the nations, is vital. Demonization and dismissal only deepen divides.

Ultimately, the decision rests with the Scottish people. Whether they choose to stay or go, respecting their democratic will is paramount. However, navigating this complex issue demands responsible leadership, informed citizens, and an unwavering commitment to finding solutions that benefit all involved.

A Fantasy Murder my next book


Blood in the Meadow: A Detective's Descent into Fantasy

Inspector Davies, a man of logic and reason, has seen his fair share of grisly scenes. But nothing could prepare him for the macabre tableau sprawled across the dew-kissed meadow: the lifeless body of Lord Lancaster, his pristine attire stained crimson against the vibrant green. This is no ordinary murder, and Davies' instincts hum with unease.

As he delves deeper, the case takes a fantastical turn. Whispers of hidden realms carried on the wind, cryptic symbols etched on nearby stones, and the unnerving silence of the usually bustling forest paint a picture beyond the realm of the mundane. With each dead end, Davies stumbles upon another thread leading deeper into the unknown – a hidden passage under the gnarled roots of an ancient oak, a shimmering portal concealed within a cascading waterfall.

Suddenly, Davies finds himself thrust into a world where logic falters and the impossible reigns. Talking animals, mischievous sprites, and ancient magic abound. Bewildered, yet determined, he must navigate this bizarre landscape, forging unlikely alliances with its fantastical inhabitants. Each encounter unveils a piece of the puzzle, but also raises more questions.

Who would want to silence the esteemed Lord Lancaster, and why in such an otherworldly manner? Does the answer lie in his hidden past, shrouded in rumors of forbidden knowledge and arcane dealings? Can Davies, a man sworn to uphold the law of the human realm, unravel the mysteries of this magical one?

This is no longer just a murder investigation; it's a race against time to prevent a hidden conflict from spilling over into the world Davies knows. He must tread carefully, for every step deeper into this fantastical realm comes with its own dangers. Can he survive long enough to expose the truth and bring the killer to justice, even if it means defying everything he thought he knew about reality?

This is just a taste of what awaits in my upcoming short novel, a thrilling blend of fantasy and mystery. Stay tuned for updates and the official title reveal! In the meantime, what mysteries would you like to see Detective Davies uncover in this fantastical world? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

The Jittering MPs


Are Our MPs Feeling the Heat? Election Jitters Brewing as Public Frustration Mounts

With whispers of an early election swirling, a palpable tension seems to be gripping the halls of Parliament. Our MPs, once basking in the comfortable glow of their positions, appear to be experiencing a sudden case of the pre-election jitters. Public sentiment, long simmering with discontent, is starting to boil over, and our elected officials are taking notice.

A Perfect Storm of Discontent:

The factors fueling this anxiety are numerous and complex. The cost-of-living crisis, a seemingly never-ending pandemic, and ongoing political scandals have created a perfect storm of public dissatisfaction. Trust in our political institutions is at an all-time low, and voters are demanding change.

Broken Promises and Unfulfilled Expectations:

Many MPs are facing an electorate disillusioned by a string of unfulfilled promises. From stagnant wages to broken healthcare systems, the public feels increasingly left behind. The disconnect between the ivory towers of Westminster and the everyday struggles of citizens is widening, and the consequences could be significant at the ballot box.

Shifting Sands of Public Opinion:

Recent polls paint a worrisome picture for many MPs. The once-reliable strongholds of traditional parties are crumbling, with voters increasingly turning to alternative options or opting out altogether. This volatility and fragmentation in the electorate make predicting the outcome of the next election a near-impossible task, adding to the anxiety gripping Parliament.

A Time for Action, Not Appeasement:

So, what can our MPs do to weather this storm of discontent? Simply put, they need to act, not just react. Engaging in genuine dialogue with their constituents, addressing their concerns head-on, and delivering tangible results will be crucial in rebuilding trust and regaining public support. Ignoring the groundswell of frustration will only exacerbate the problem and potentially lead to a political reckoning at the polls.

The People Have Spoken, Will They Be Heard?

The upcoming election presents a critical juncture for our democracy. Will our MPs heed the warnings of a disenfranchised public and strive to regain their trust? Or will they continue down the path of business as usual, potentially facing the consequences of their inaction? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the people have spoken, and their voices demand to be heard.

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...