Thursday, December 28, 2023

A New book out now

 A Scribblers Dreams is my new book, out now on kindle, watch out for the paperback and hardback versions, ebook £4.99, paperback £13.99 with extra stories and poems.

Search amazon kindle and get yours today !!

A Scribblers Dreams my new book

A Scribblers Dreams is my new book on kindle, £4.99 download soon to be on paperback at £13.99, over 70 pages of short stories and poems, laugh, cry, and indulge in the romance

Great read get yours today!!

Monday, December 18, 2023

My Dad


Your father's bravery as a sapper during World War II is truly remarkable. Sappers were responsible for clearing and destroying obstacles, constructing bridges, and maintaining communication lines, all while under enemy fire. They were an essential part of the Allied forces, and their courage and skill helped to win the war.

To be wounded in battle is a testament to your father's dedication and commitment to his duty. He faced danger and injury without hesitation, putting the needs of his country and his comrades above his own. His sacrifice is an example of the true meaning of heroism.

Your father's experience would have been incredibly traumatic. He would have witnessed the horrors of war, including the loss of friends and comrades. He would have also suffered physical and emotional wounds. It is important to remember that the psychological effects of war can last long after the fighting has stopped.

Despite the challenges he faced, your father was able to return home and rebuild his life. He raised a family, and he made a positive contribution to his community. He is an inspiration to all who know him.

You should be incredibly proud of your father. He is a true hero, and his legacy will live on for generations to come.

My Book

 I am in the process of writing a short story and poem book,  I have worked on it for weeks so far, perhaps in the new year it will be ready, probably on kindle hopefully.

I am calling it   A Scriblers Dreams.

on sale for around 8.99 

hope you like it 

A letter to my country


Dear, Old Blighty,

I write this letter to you today with a heavy heart, as I have grave concerns about the direction in which our country seems to be heading. It saddens me to see that we are now allowing foreign lands to invade our borders and challenge our sovereignty. This is a betrayal of our history, our values, and our very identity as a nation.

For centuries, Britain has stood as a beacon of democracy, freedom, and justice. We have fought for these values on the battlefields of the world, and we have defended them at home against tyranny and oppression. Yet, today, we seem to be abandoning these principles, surrendering our hard-fought freedoms to the demands of foreign powers.

I am particularly concerned about the recent decision to allow the European Union to dictate our laws and regulations. This is not just an infringement on our sovereignty; it is a threat to our national identity. The EU is a supranational body that is not accountable to the British people. Its policies are often at odds with our interests, and its decision-making process is opaque and undemocratic.

I also worry about the growing influence of China and Russia on British politics and culture. These authoritarian regimes are seeking to undermine our democracy and subvert our values. They are using their financial and economic power to exert influence over our institutions and decision-making processes.

We must not allow these foreign powers to dictate our future. We must stand up for our values and defend our sovereignty. We must not allow our country to be taken over by foreign interests.

I urge you, dear reader, to join me in speaking out against this creeping erosion of our freedoms. Let us not allow our country to be lost to the forces of globalization and foreign interference. Let us fight for the Britain we love - a Britain that is free, independent, and self-governing.

Yours sincerely,

A Concerned Patriot

Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Woodworker

 In his workshop, where tools align,

A craftsman's heart, a passion's sign, The woodworker, with hands so deft, Shapes wood and dreams, a world to delve.

With saw and chisel, he guides the grain, A symphony of motion, a rhythmic refrain, From rough-hewn timber to sculpted art, His creations come to life, a beating heart.

The warmth of wood, a natural hue, Embraces his soul, sets his spirit anew, In every curve, in every line, A story untold, a masterpiece entwined.

The woodworker, a master of his craft, Where beauty and function intimately clasp, He breathes life into the silent wood, A legacy of artistry, forever understood.

My England, My Britain, My Country


Our England, our Britain, our land of the free, Where fairness and justice should flow eternally, Our shores invaded by those who don't belong, In boats that seek shelter, but only bring harm and wrong.

Our loyalty tested, our hearts filled with fear, As we watch our nation's spirit sink ever near, The values we hold, the laws we uphold, Threatened by those who would seek to control.

Our borders once strong, now weakened and frail, Allowing those who would seek to prevail, To infiltrate our society's core, And disrupt the peace we once held so dear.

Oh, England, our Britain, our land of the brave, Please awaken, arise, and break these chains that enslave.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Curious Counselling

 Curious Counselling

Give this company a call, it will change your life 

when you come from nothing you appreciate everything


Yes, it is often true that people who come from humble beginnings tend to appreciate things more than those who have always had them. This is because they have had to work hard for everything they have, and they know that things can easily be taken away. They also have a greater appreciation for the simple things in life, such as a warm meal, a safe place to sleep, and the love of family and friends.

Here are some reasons why people from humble backgrounds may appreciate things more:

  • They have experienced hardship. People who have come from nothing have often experienced hardship and struggle. This can make them appreciate the good things in life more, as they know how difficult it is to have them.
  • They are grateful for what they have. People who have come from nothing are often grateful for what they have, as they know that things can easily be taken away. This gratitude can lead to a deeper appreciation for life's simple pleasures.
  • They are more humble. People who have come from nothing often have a more humble outlook on life. They are not afraid to work hard and they are not afraid to ask for help. This humility can make them more approachable and more likely to be successful in life.

Of course, not everyone who comes from humble beginnings will appreciate things more. However, there is a strong correlation between having humble beginnings and appreciating what you have. This is a valuable lesson that everyone can learn from, regardless of their background.

Friends or Foes


While not all friends are angels, true friends can be like angels in disguise, bringing joy, support, and love into our lives. They can be our confidantes, our cheerleaders, and our partners in crime. They can help us through tough times and celebrate our successes. They can make our lives richer and more meaningful.

Here are some reasons why friends can be like angels in disguise:

  • They offer unconditional love and support. True friends are there for us through thick and thin, no matter what we've done or what we're going through. They accept us for who we are, flaws and all.

  • They provide a safe place to be ourselves. With our friends, we can let down our guard and be our authentic selves. We know that they won't judge us or make fun of us.

  • They help us to grow and learn. Our friends challenge us to think differently and see things from new perspectives. They help us to become better versions of ourselves.

  • They make us laugh and smile. Our friends know how to make us laugh and have fun. They bring joy and lightness into our lives.

  • They make us feel like we belong. True friends make us feel like we're part of something special. They make us feel like we belong.

While not all friends are angels, the true ones can make a profound impact on our lives. They can make us happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. So cherish your friends and let them know how much they mean to you.

Should sir tony blair be stripped of his knighthood


The question of whether or not Sir Tony Blair should be stripped of his knighthood is a complex one, with strong arguments on both sides.

Supporters of stripping Sir Tony Blair of his knighthood argue that he should be held accountable for his decision to join the 2003 invasion of Iraq. They believe that the war was illegal and that Blair misled Parliament and the public about the reasons for going to war. They also argue that the war has had a devastating impact on Iraq, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions more.

Opponents of stripping Sir Tony Blair of his knighthood argue that he should not be punished for a decision that was made in good faith based on the best available intelligence at the time. They also point to Blair's other achievements as Prime Minister, such as his role in the Northern Ireland peace process and in the establishment of the European Union's single currency.

The decision of whether or not to strip Sir Tony Blair of his knighthood is ultimately a political one. The Honours Committee, which is responsible for making recommendations to the Queen on honours awards, has not yet said whether or not it will consider Blair's case. If it does decide to recommend that Blair's knighthood be revoked, the decision would then be made by the Prime Minister.

The public is divided on the issue. A 2019 poll found that 61% of people believe that Blair should be stripped of his knighthood, while 39% believe that he should not.

It is likely that the debate over Blair's knighthood will continue for many years to come.

Sorry to say this but being a good person does not get you loved it gets you used


It is unfortunately true that being a good person does not guarantee that you will be loved in return. There are many people who will take advantage of your kindness and willingness to help others. However, this does not mean that you should stop being a good person. Being kind and compassionate is one of the most important qualities that a person can have. It makes the world a better place, and it can also bring you a lot of joy.

Here are some tips for avoiding being used by others:

  • Set healthy boundaries. Do not be afraid to say "no" to people who are asking for too much from you. It is important to take care of yourself and not let others take advantage of your generosity.
  • Learn to say no to requests that you are not comfortable with. It is okay to politely decline to help someone if you do not have the time or resources to do so.
  • Be aware of your own self-worth. Do not let people take advantage of you because you think you are not worthy of better treatment.
  • Don't be afraid to walk away from toxic relationships. If someone is repeatedly using you, it is time to cut them out of your life.

It is also important to remember that there are many people who will appreciate your kindness and loyalty. These are the people who will make your life worth living. Focus on building relationships with these positive people and you will find that being a good person is truly rewarding.

The trick to always being the smartest, hottest, funniest person in the room is to stay home


While it may seem appealing to stay home and avoid social interactions in order to avoid the risk of not being the smartest, hottest, or funniest person in the room, this mindset can hinder personal growth and happiness. Social interaction allows us to learn from others, develop our communication skills, and gain new experiences. It also provides opportunities to build relationships and form meaningful connections with others.

Here are some reasons why staying home all the time can be detrimental to your social and personal life:

  1. Limited opportunities for personal growth: Social interactions provide a platform for learning from others, expanding our knowledge, and challenging our perspectives. By isolating ourselves, we deprive ourselves of these opportunities for growth.

  2. Reduced communication skills: Engaging in conversations with others helps us refine our communication skills, including active listening, empathy, and effective argumentation. Staying home limits our exposure to these opportunities for improvement.

  3. Missed experiences and personal growth: By staying home, we miss out on new experiences, such as attending events, trying new activities, and making new friends. These experiences contribute to personal growth and development.

  4. Erosion of social skills: Social interactions require a certain level of social awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence. When we isolate ourselves, these skills may become less sharp, making it harder to connect with others in the future.

  5. Lack of meaningful connections: Meaningful connections with others are essential for our happiness and well-being. Staying home limits our opportunities to form these connections and experience the joy of shared experiences and mutual support.

Instead of staying home to avoid social interactions, consider embracing opportunities to connect with others. Join clubs or groups that align with your interests, volunteer in your community, or simply strike up conversations with people you encounter in everyday life. By actively engaging with others, you can expand your social circle, enhance your personal growth, and experience the joy of human connection.

City Of Rochester S&L Club


The City of Rochester Swimming and Lifeguard Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing swimming and lifeguard training to residents of Rochester and the surrounding area. The club was founded in 1928 and has been teaching swimming and lifesaving skills to children and adults of all ages ever since.

The club offers a variety of programs, including:

  • Learn to Swim classes for children and adults of all ages
  • Lifeguard training for certified lifeguards and those who want to become certified
  • Stroke clinics for swimmers of all levels
  • Open swim sessions for members of the public

The club also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as swim meets, pool parties, and family fun nights.

The City of Rochester Swimming and Lifeguard Club is a great place to learn to swim, become a lifeguard, or simply enjoy the pool. The club is committed to providing a safe and fun environment for all swimmers.

Here are some of the benefits of swimming with the City of Rochester Swimming and Lifeguard Club:

  • Improve your physical fitness. Swimming is a great way to get exercise and improve your cardiovascular health.
  • Learn essential lifesaving skills. Learning to swim can help you save your own life or the life of someone else.
  • Have fun. Swimming is a great way to relax and have fun with friends and family.

If you are interested in learning more about the City of Rochester Swimming and Lifeguard Club, please visit their website at

Thought for today December 14th 2023


Here's a thought for December 14th, 2023:

The power of perspective

An eagle can fly high above the clouds, seeing a much larger picture of the world than we can

from the ground. This gives the eagle a different perspective on life. It can see the

interconnectedness of everything, and it can appreciate the beauty and wonder of the

natural world.

We can learn from the eagle and cultivate a more expansive perspective in our own lives.

This means stepping back from our immediate concerns and trying to see the big picture.

It means taking the time to appreciate the good things in our lives, and to find meaning and

purpose in our work and relationships.

When we adopt a broader perspective, we open ourselves up to new possibilities.

We become more creative, more resilient, and more connected to the world around us.

Here are a few ways to cultivate a more expansive perspective:

  • Spend time in nature. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world.
  •  Take a walk in the woods, go for a hike in the mountains, or simply sit in a park and 
  • watch the birds.
  • Practice mindfulness. Pay attention to the present moment. Be aware of your thoughts,

  • feelings, and sensations without judgment. This can help you to see the world more

  • clearly and appreciate the beauty in everyday life.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Medway a brief story


The name Medway comes from the Old English word "Medwege," which means "middle way." This is thought to refer to the fact that the river flows between the Kentish Weald and the Downs. The name was first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as "Medeweie."

Over time, the name of the river evolved from "Medwege" to "Medway." The first recorded instance of the name "Medway" appears in a document from 1194. The name has changed little since then, and it is still pronounced the same way today.

The name Medway is a reminder of the river's early history. It suggests that the river was once a well-traveled route, and that it was considered to be a safe and efficient way to travel between different parts of Kent. The name also has a certain peacefulness and serenity to it, and it is a fitting name for a river that flows through a beautiful and historic part of England.

Why Chatham


The name Chatham comes from the Old English word "Ceateham," which means "settlement at the cat's head." This is thought to refer to a local landmark, perhaps a headland or a rock formation that resembled a cat's head. The name was first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as "Catham."

Over time, the name of the settlement evolved from "Ceateham" to "Chatham." The first recorded instance of the name "Chatham" appears in a document from 1189. The name has changed little since then, and it is still pronounced the same way today.

The name Chatham is a reminder of the settlement's early history. It suggests that the area was once a place of importance, and that it was considered to be a good place to settle. The name also has a certain charm and mystique, and it is a fitting name for a historic town with a rich maritime heritage.

Black Shuck


In English folklore, Black Shuck, also known as Old Shuck, Old Shock or Shock Dog, is a phantom black dog said to haunt the coastline of East Anglia in England. It is typically described as a large, shaggy dog with glowing red eyes and a deafening bark. Black Shuck is said to bring misfortune and death to those who encounter it.

The earliest written account of Black Shuck appears in the 1577 antiquarian work Breviary of Suffolk by John Stow, who recounts a story from 1553 in which Black Shuck attacked two churches in Suffolk, Bungay and Blythburgh, killing several people.

Since then, there have been numerous reports of sightings of Black Shuck all along the East Anglian coast. In 1983, a group of schoolchildren claimed to have seen Black Shuck while camping on the beach at Walberswick. The children said that the dog was about the size of a small horse and had glowing red eyes that could be seen from a mile away.

In 2015, a man driving along the A12 near Felixstowe claimed to have seen Black Shuck emerge from the mist and run across the road in front of his car. The man said that the dog was so large that it filled his entire windscreen.

The sightings of Black Shuck are often attributed to pareidolia, a psychological phenomenon in which people see familiar shapes or patterns in random or ambiguous stimuli. In the case of Black Shuck, people may be seeing a large black dog in the mist or fog, and their minds are filling in the details based on folklore and local legends.

However, there are also some people who believe that Black Shuck is a real supernatural creature. They point to the many eyewitness accounts of the creature, as well as the fact that the sightings have been happening for centuries.

Whether or not Black Shuck is real, the creature is a popular figure in East Anglian folklore. It has been featured in films, television shows and books, and it continues to be a source of fascination and fear for people in the region.



The 2000 film Gladiator is loosely based on the historical events of the Marcomannic Wars, a series of conflicts that took place between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes from 166 to 180 AD. The film's protagonist, Maximus Decimus Meridius, is a fictional Roman general who is betrayed and murdered by Emperor Commodus, the son of the previous emperor Marcus Aurelius. Maximus is then resurrected as a gladiator and seeks revenge against Commodus.

While the film takes some liberties with historical accuracy, it does capture the brutality and chaos of the Marcomannic Wars. The film also explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and revenge, which were all relevant to the historical context of the wars.

Here are some of the specific historical events that inspired the film Gladiator:

  • The death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD and the accession of Commodus to the throne
  • The rebellion of Maximus Decimus Meridius against Commodus
  • The rise of gladiatorial games in Rome
  • The decline of the Roman Empire

The film Gladiator was a critical and commercial success, and it is considered one of the greatest historical epics of all time. It has been praised for its action sequences, its performances, and its epic scope. The film has also been credited with sparking renewed interest in ancient Rome and the gladiatorial games.

Medieval battles that changed to world


Determining the "worst" medieval battle in history is a subjective matter, as different battles can be evaluated based on various criteria, such as the number of casualties, the strategic importance of the conflict, or the overall impact on history. However, several battles stand out as particularly devastating and horrific events in medieval warfare.

1. Battle of Cannae (216 BC)

This battle, fought between the Roman Republic and Carthage during the Second Punic War, is considered one of the greatest military disasters in history. The Carthaginian general Hannibal, using his innovative tactics and superior cavalry, surrounded and annihilated the Roman army, killing an estimated 50,000-70,000 Roman soldiers.

2. Battle of Yarmouk (636 AD)

This battle, fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Rashidun Caliphate, marked a turning point in the Arab conquest of the Levant. The Arab forces, under the command of Khalid ibn al-Walid, decisively defeated the Byzantine army, opening the door for the expansion of Islam into the Mediterranean region.

3. Battle of Varna (1444 AD)

This battle, fought between the Ottoman Empire and a coalition of Christian forces, was a decisive victory for the Ottomans. The Christian army, led by Władysław III of Poland, was decimated, and the Ottomans gained control over Bulgaria.

4. Battle of Grunwald (1410 AD)

This battle, fought between the Teutonic Order and a Polish-Lithuanian alliance, was a major turning point in the Northern Crusades. The Teutonic Order, a powerful military order based in Prussia, was defeated and forced to cede territory to the Polish-Lithuanian alliance.

5. Battle of Agincourt (1415 AD)

This battle, fought between England and France during the Hundred Years' War, is one of the most famous English victories in medieval warfare. The outnumbered English army, led by Henry V, defeated the French army, using their longbows to devastating effect.

These battles, along with many others, demonstrate the brutality and destructive power of medieval warfare. They also highlight the strategic innovations and tactical brilliance of some of the great commanders of the era.

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...