Thursday, November 23, 2023

Brought up with the beatles

 My time

The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. They are regarded as the most influential band of all time and were integral to the development of 1960s counterculture and the recognition of popular music as an art form.

Rooted in skiffle, beat, and 1950s rock 'n' roll, their sound incorporated elements of classical music and traditional pop in innovative ways. The band also explored music styles ranging from folk and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock.

Led by primary songwriters Lennon and McCartney, the Beatles evolved from Lennon's previous group, the Quarrymen, and built their reputation by playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over three years from 1960, initially with Stuart Sutcliffe playing bass. The core trio of Lennon, McCartney, and Harrison, together since 1958, went through a succession of drummers, including Pete Best, before inviting Starr to join them in 1962.

Their manager, Brian Epstein, secured them a recording contract with EMI Records in 1962. With their producer, George Martin, they released a series of hit singles that topped charts in the UK and many other countries.

The Beatles' popularity first emerged as a localized phenomenon in Great Britain in late 1962 and spread through a phenomenon known as "Beatlemania", which arrived in the United States in early 1964. Their albums and singles regularly sold millions of copies worldwide, and they were also highly successful touring performers.

The band members' early public personae as clean-cut, polite youths were gradually replaced by more mature and provocative attitudes, which were reflected in their music and fashion. They regularly experimented with new recording techniques and musical styles, and their later work was influenced by a range of sources including Indian music, psychedelia, and hard rock.

Over the course of their career, the Beatles released twelve studio albums, numerous compilation albums, and a large number of singles and EPs. They sold over 600 million records worldwide, making them the best-selling music act of all time.

After a period of internal tensions and declining commercial performance, the band broke up in 1970. Since then, each member has pursued a solo career with varying degrees of success.

The Beatles' influence on popular culture is immense. They are considered to be one of the most important and influential bands of all time, and their music has had a profound impact on generations of musicians and listeners around the world.

Their groundbreaking work in songwriting, studio production, and music video production has also had a lasting impact on the music industry. The Beatles' music continues to be popular today, and their legacy continues to inspire new generations of artists.

To buy or not to buy


Whether or not it is unreasonable to say no presents at Christmas depends on your personal circumstances and reasons for doing so. Some people may feel that Christmas is a time for giving and receiving gifts, and that not exchanging presents would be a departure from tradition. Others may feel that the pressure to buy and give gifts can be stressful and expensive, and that it would be more meaningful to focus on spending time with loved ones instead. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to buy Christmas presents is a personal one, and there is no right or wrong answer.

There are a number of potential benefits to saying no presents at Christmas, including:

  • Reduced stress: The pressure to buy and give gifts can be stressful, and taking away this pressure can free up time and energy to focus on other aspects of the holiday season.
  • Reduced spending: The cost of Christmas gifts can add up quickly, and saying no presents can help you to save money.
  • Increased focus on family and friends: By taking the focus away from gifts, you can focus more on spending time with loved ones and creating lasting memories.

Of course, there are also some potential drawbacks to saying no presents at Christmas, including:

  • Disappointment: Some people may be disappointed if they do not receive a gift at Christmas, and this could lead to conflict or resentment.
  • Breaking with tradition: If exchanging gifts is an important part of your family's Christmas tradition, saying no presents could make you feel like you are missing out on an important part of the holiday.
  • Hurting feelings: If you are giving gifts to some people but not others, this could hurt the feelings of those who are not receiving gifts.

Christmas gifts or not Christmas gifts

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to say no presents at Christmas is a personal one. If you are considering doing so, it is important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks carefully and to discuss your decision with your loved ones beforehand.

Here are some tips for having a meaningful Christmas without presents:

  • Focus on spending time together: Make time for activities that you can all enjoy together, such as playing games, watching movies, or cooking a meal together.
  • Donate to charity instead of exchanging gifts: If you still want to give something for Christmas, consider donating to a charity that is important to you.
  • Focus on acts of service: Do something nice for someone else, such as volunteering your time or cooking them a meal.
  • Create new traditions: Start a new Christmas tradition that does not involve exchanging gifts.

By following these tips, you can have a meaningful and enjoyable Christmas without the stress and expense of buying and giving gifts.

The Budget

The Budget

 The Autumn Statement 2023, delivered by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on November 22, 2023, outlined a series of measures aimed at stabilizing the UK economy and addressing the ongoing cost of living crisis. The statement was met with mixed reactions from economists, businesses, and the public.

Here's a summary of the key points from the Autumn Statement:

  • Tax cuts: The government announced a series of tax cuts, including a reduction in the basic rate of income tax from 20% to 19% and a cut in corporation tax from 19% to 17%.
  • Spending increases: The government also announced a number of spending increases, including additional funding for the NHS, education, and social care.
  • Borrowing: The government's budget deficit is expected to increase to £177 billion in 2023-24, up from £134 billion in 2022-23.

Economists have expressed mixed opinions about the Autumn Statement. Some have praised the government's focus on tax cuts and spending increases, while others have warned that the increases in borrowing could lead to higher interest rates and slower economic growth.

Businesses have also reacted differently to the statement. Some have welcomed the tax cuts, while others have expressed concerns about the potential for higher inflation.

The public's reaction to the Autumn Statement has also been mixed. Some have welcomed the focus on tax cuts and spending increases, while others have expressed concerns about the impact of the statement on their household budgets.

Overall, the Autumn Statement is a mixed bag. It includes some positive measures, such as tax cuts and spending increases, but it also comes with increased borrowing and the potential for higher interest rates. The long-term impact of the statement will depend on how the economy performs in the coming months and years.

Here are some additional thoughts on the Autumn Statement:

  • The government's focus on tax cuts is likely to be welcomed by businesses and individuals, but it could also lead to higher inflation.
  • The spending increases on the NHS, education, and social care are welcome, but they may not be enough to address the challenges facing these sectors.
  • The increase in borrowing is a concern, but it is important to note that the government's debt-to-GDP ratio is still lower than it was in the years following the 2008 financial crisis.

The Autumn Statement is a significant event for the UK economy, and it is likely to have a significant impact on businesses and individuals in the coming months and years. It is important to stay informed about the latest developments and to make informed decisions about your finances.

Old age and wisdom


Old age indeed is a gift of wisdom and knowledge, a treasure trove of experiences and insights accumulated over a lifetime. While the young may sometimes perceive older individuals as out of touch or lacking in understanding, they fail to recognize the wealth of knowledge and perspective that comes with age.

Those who have weathered life's storms and emerged stronger and wiser possess a depth of understanding that can only be gained through firsthand experience. They have witnessed the ebb and flow of life, the triumphs and tribulations, the joys and sorrows that shape the human experience.

The young, often brimming with energy and enthusiasm, may dismiss the wisdom of their elders, seeing them as relics of a bygone era. Yet, it is from these seasoned souls that we can draw valuable lessons, gaining insights into the complexities of life and the resilience of the human spirit.

So, let us open our hearts and minds to the wisdom of our elders, recognizing that their experiences and perspectives can enrich our own lives. Let us seek their guidance, not as a sign of weakness, but as an opportunity to learn from their vast knowledge and grow as individuals.

Embrace the wisdom of age, for it is a gift that should be cherished and honored.

Stopping the boats

 How do we stop the Boats from France 

The issue of migration and asylum is a complex and sensitive one, and there is no easy answer. It is important to remember that people are fleeing their homes for a reason, often due to violence, persecution, or poverty. They are not simply choosing to come to the UK or any other country for economic reasons.

The UK has a long history of providing asylum to those who need it, and this is a humanitarian responsibility. Turning away those who are fleeing for their lives would be a betrayal of our values.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the number of people seeking asylum in the UK. These include:

  • The ongoing conflict in Syria, which has displaced millions of people.
  • The instability in countries such as Afghanistan, Eritrea, and Somalia.
  • The persecution of minority groups in countries such as China and Iran.

There are a number of things that the UK can do to address the issue of migration:

  • Work to resolve the conflicts and instability in the countries of origin of asylum seekers.
  • Provide more support to countries in the region to help them to deal with the refugee crisis.
  • Make it easier for refugees to resettle in the UK legally and safely.

It is also important to remember that migration can have a positive impact on the UK. Refugees and asylum seekers often bring with them skills and talents that can benefit our economy and society.

The question of where people seek asylum is a complex one, and there is no easy answer. France is a safe country, but it is also facing its own challenges in dealing with the refugee crisis. The UK has a long history of providing asylum to those who need it, and this is a responsibility that we should not shy away from.

We should also remember that the UK is a wealthy country with a strong economy. We have the resources to help people who are fleeing for their lives, and we should do so. Turning away those who are in need would be a betrayal of our values.

Weird Dreams

 Weird dreams can be fascinating, disturbing, or even hilarious. They can be a reflection of our deepest fears and desires, or they can be completely random and nonsensical. Whatever the cause, weird dreams can leave us feeling puzzled, intrigued, or even scared.

There are many theories about why we have weird dreams. Some experts believe that they are a way for our brains to process emotions that we are too uncomfortable to deal with during the day. Others believe that they are a way for our minds to explore different possibilities and scenarios. Still others believe that they are simply a byproduct of our brain's activity during sleep.

Whatever the reason, weird dreams can be a source of creativity and inspiration. Many artists, writers, and musicians have been inspired by their weird dreams. And even if they don't make sense, they can still be a fun and entertaining part of our sleeping life.

So next time you have a weird dream, don't be afraid to explore it. You might just discover something new about yourself or the world around you.

Here are some tips for understanding your weird dreams:

  • Pay attention to your emotions. What emotions do you feel in your dream? Are you scared, happy, sad, or angry? These emotions can give you clues about what your dream is trying to tell you.
  • Think about your dream symbols. What symbols do you see in your dream? Are there any objects, people, or places that have special meaning to you? These symbols can also give you clues about your dream's meaning.
  • Write down your dream. As soon as you wake up, try to write down as much of your dream as you can remember. This will help you to remember the details of your dream and analyze its meaning.
  • Talk to someone about your dream. Talking to a friend, family member, or therapist about your dream can help you to gain a different perspective on it.

Weird dreams can be a mystery, but they can also be a source of insight and inspiration. By taking the time to understand your weird dreams, you may just discover something unexpected about yourself.

For those who have lost a loved one


In the depths of sorrow's sea, Where tears mingle with the tides, I drift, a lost and lonely soul, With a heart that aches and hides.

The echoes of your laughter fade, Your touch, a distant memory, The warmth of your embrace, a phantom's grace, A bittersweet symphony.

In dreams, I see your radiant smile, Your eyes, like stars, so bright, But morning's light dispels the night, Leaving me lost in grief's dark mile.

The world spins on, indifferent, While my heart remains in pain, Aching for your presence, dear, In this world of sun and rain.

Yet, amidst the sorrow's sting, A flicker of hope ignites, That in the tapestry of life, Our souls will reunite.

In the realm where spirits soar, Where love knows no bounds or time, I'll find you there, my love so dear, And forever we'll entwine.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Ode to a garden landscaper


Ode to the Garden Landscaper

With vision and skill, you transform the earth,
A canvas of green, where beauty takes birth.
From barren plots to gardens of delight,
Your artistry brings joy to day and night.
With calloused hands and weathered brow,
You plant and prune, you mow and plow.
Your love of nature guides your every move,
Creating spaces where all creatures thrive.
From verdant lawns to blooming beds,
Your gardens are a feast for the senses.
You weave together colors and textures with care,
Creating landscapes that are both rare and fair.
Oh, garden landscaper, we salute your craft,
For bringing beauty to our world, so vast.
Your gardens are a gift to all who see,
A testament to your passion and artistry.
So thank you, dear landscaper, for all you do,
For making our gardens a place to dream true.
May your work continue to inspire and delight,
Filling our hearts with wonder and pure light.

The early years

 A Life's Journey

Born in the fifties, a sensitive soul,
Through life's ups and downs, I've taken my toll.
Married twice, but neither one right,
Now with my female soulmate, I find my light.
I've been let down, I've been used,
But I've never given up, I've never refused.
To speak my mind, to be true to me,
Even though some may not agree.
Now seventy-one, I'm still going strong,
With a heart full of love, and a passion to belong.
I'll do so much, but watch out if too much,
For I'm a firecracker, I'm a shooting star, I'm clutch.
So here's to life, and all its twists and turns,
To the lessons learned, and the bridges burned.
May we all find our soulmate, and live our truth,
And speak our minds, with courage and ruth.
All reactions:
Angie Babbidge


 A little story about my Joanne

Joanne was a curious girl with a wild imagination. She loved to explore the woods behind her house, where she would build forts, climb trees, and pretend to be an adventurer.
One day, while exploring the woods, Joanne came across a strange old tree. It was gnarled and twisted, with branches that reached out like claws. Joanne had never seen a tree like it before.
She cautiously approached the tree and placed her hand on its bark. As soon as her fingers touched the wood, she felt a surge of energy flow through her body. She stepped back, startled.
"Hello," a voice said.
Joanne looked around, but she couldn't see anyone.
"Who's there?" she asked.
"I am the spirit of this tree," the voice said. "I have been waiting for you, Joanne."
Joanne didn't know what to say. She had never met a talking tree before.
"Why have you been waiting for me?" she asked.
"Because you are special," the tree said. "You have a gift for seeing the world in a different way. You have the power to make magic."
Joanne didn't believe her at first, but the tree insisted.
"Close your eyes and concentrate," the tree said. "Imagine that you can fly."
Joanne closed her eyes and imagined herself flying through the air. She felt the wind in her hair and the sun on her face. She felt like she could fly forever.
"Now open your eyes," the tree said.
Joanne opened her eyes and looked down. She was standing on a branch, high above the ground. She was flying!
Joanne laughed with joy. She had never felt so free. She flew through the woods, soaring through the trees and over the river. She felt like she could do anything.
When she finally landed, she thanked the tree for its gift.
"You're welcome," the tree said. "But remember, magic is a responsibility. Use it wisely."
Joanne nodded. She knew that she would never forget the day she met the talking tree and learned to fly.
Joanne continued to use her magic to help others. She used it to heal the sick, to make the poor wealthy, and to bring peace to the world. She became known as the Magic Maker, and her legend spread far and wide.
Joanne lived a long and happy life, and she used her magic to make the world a better place. She never forgot the lesson that the talking tree taught her: magic is a responsibility, and it should be used wisely.
All reactions:
Amy Jane Christopher



A little story about my daughter AMY

Amy was a little girl who loved the color pink and bows. She had pink everything: pink dresses, pink shoes, pink hair bows, and even pink socks. She wore her hair in pigtails, and she always had a big pink bow in each one.
One day, Amy's mother took her to the park. Amy was so excited to play on the swings and the slide. She ran to the swings and sat down.
"Push me, Mommy!" she said.
Amy's mother pushed her on the swing. Amy went higher and higher. She laughed with joy.
Suddenly, Amy's pink bow came loose and flew away. Amy was heartbroken. She started to cry.
"Don't cry, Amy," her mother said. "I'll help you find your bow."
Amy's mother and her looked all over the park for Amy's bow, but they couldn't find it anywhere. Amy was very sad.
"I'll make you a new bow," her mother said.
But Amy didn't want a new bow. She wanted her old bow. She sat down on a bench and started to cry again.
Just then, a little bird flew down and landed on Amy's shoulder. The bird had Amy's pink bow in its beak.
"Here you go," the bird said.
Amy took the bow from the bird and thanked it. She was so happy to have her bow back.
Amy put her bow back in her hair and smiled. She was ready to play again.
"Thank you, birdy!" she said.
The bird chirped and flew away.
Amy and her mother played in the park for the rest of the day. Amy had a wonderful time. She was so grateful to the little bird for bringing her bow back.
From that day on, Amy always took care of her bows. She never wanted to lose them again.
All reactions:
Amy Jane Christopher, Emma Jane and 5 others

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...