Tuesday, December 5, 2023

She Really did serve her country well


Princess Elizabeth's decision to join the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) in 1945 was a groundbreaking move that broke with royal tradition. At the time, it was considered unusual for female members of the royal family to pursue a career in the military. However, Princess Elizabeth was determined to contribute to the war effort and felt a strong sense of duty to serve her country.

Her father, King George VI, was initially hesitant to allow his daughter to join the ATS, fearing for her safety and the potential impact on the monarchy's image. However, Princess Elizabeth was persistent and eventually convinced her father to give his consent.

In February 1945, Princess Elizabeth enrolled in the ATS and trained as a truck driver and mechanic. She served for five months, during which time she drove military vehicles, worked on engines, and participated in exercises. Her experiences in the ATS gave her a firsthand understanding of the challenges and sacrifices faced by men and women in the armed services.

Princess Elizabeth's decision to join the ATS was a significant step towards modernizing the monarchy and making it more accessible to the public. It demonstrated that members of the royal family were not just figureheads but were willing to serve their country in the same way as ordinary citizens. Her actions inspired a generation of women and helped to break down barriers for female participation in the military.

It is unlikely that there were any family secrets that motivated Princess Elizabeth's decision to join the ATS. However, her personal experiences during World War II, including her exposure to the suffering of others and her own sense of duty, likely played a significant role in her decision.

Princess Elizabeth's service in the ATS remains a defining moment in her life and has had a lasting impact on the perception of the monarchy. She set a precedent for future generations of royals and demonstrated that they too can make a meaningful contribution to society.

Gurkha Bravest of the Brave


For over two centuries, the Gurkhas have served with unwavering courage and unwavering loyalty, earning them the well-deserved reputation as "The Bravest of the Brave." They have fought alongside British forces in countless conflicts, from the jungles of Southeast Asia to the mountains of Afghanistan, demonstrating exceptional bravery, resilience, and unwavering dedication to duty.

Today, as we honor the Gurkhas and their remarkable legacy, it is our duty to show our unwavering support for these veterans who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and security. They have earned our deepest gratitude and respect, and we must ensure that they receive the care and recognition they deserve.

Here are some ways we can show our support for Gurkha veterans:

  1. Raise awareness about their contributions and sacrifices: Share their stories, educate others about their history, and highlight their ongoing challenges.

  2. Support organizations that provide assistance to Gurkha veterans: Contribute to charities and foundations that offer financial aid, healthcare, and social support services.

  3. Advocate for their rights and well-being: Engage with policymakers and work towards ensuring that Gurkha veterans receive fair treatment and access to benefits.

  4. Express your gratitude directly to Gurkha veterans: Thank them for their service, acknowledge their sacrifices, and show them that their contributions are valued.

  5. Learn more about Gurkha culture and traditions: Immerse yourself in their rich heritage, appreciate their unique customs, and foster a deeper understanding of their community.

By taking these actions, we can honor the Gurkhas' legacy, show our support for their veterans, and ensure that their contributions are never forgotten. They have earned our respect and admiration, and we must continue to stand by them, just as they have stood by us for over 200 years.


 The Convoy PQ-17 was a fateful Arctic convoy during World War II. Departing Iceland on June 27, 1942, it carried essential supplies to the Soviet Union, a crucial ally in the fight against Nazi Germany. However, the convoy's journey turned into a tragic saga of loss and suffering.

Comprising 35 merchant ships and six naval auxiliaries, PQ-17 was targeted by German forces from the outset. The German Navy deployed U-boats, warships, and aircraft to intercept and destroy the convoy, determined to disrupt the vital supply line to the Soviets.

For days, PQ-17 endured relentless attacks. German U-boats sank several ships, while Luftwaffe bombers and naval surface forces launched repeated assaults. The convoy's escorts, though valiant in their defense, were overwhelmed by the sheer scale and intensity of the German attacks.

The situation reached a critical point on July 4, 1942, when British Admiral Dudley Pound, fearing the convoy's annihilation, ordered the ships to scatter. This decision, taken in the heat of the moment, proved disastrous. The scattered ships became easy targets for German U-boats, and the convoy's protective formation was lost.

In the ensuing chaos, the convoy's losses mounted. By the time the remaining ships reached their Soviet destinations, only 11 merchant vessels had survived the ordeal. The rest, along with their precious cargoes, had been sunk to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

The Convoy PQ-17 stands as a stark reminder of the harsh realities of war at sea, where human lives and essential supplies were often at the mercy of the unforgiving elements and the ruthless tactics of the enemy. The convoy's tragic fate highlighted the challenges of maintaining supply lines in hostile waters and the immense sacrifices made by those who dared to brave the perils of the Arctic convoys.

My mothers middle name was Emily here is her story


The crisp winter air bit at Emily's cheeks as she trudged home from work, her heart heavy with grief. The festive lights that adorned the town seemed to mock her sorrow, their cheerful glow a stark contrast to the darkness that clouded her soul. Christmas, a time of joy and togetherness, was approaching, but for Emily, it was a season of emptiness and loss.

Just a few months before, her beloved grandmother, the woman who had raised her and been her pillar of strength, had passed away. The house that had once echoed with laughter and warmth was now silent and still, its emptiness a constant reminder of Emily's loss.

As she reached her doorstep, Emily hesitated, her heart pounding with dread. The thought of facing the empty house, the echoing silence, was almost unbearable. She wished she could escape the looming holidays, find a place where the festive spirit hadn't yet penetrated, a place where she could grieve in solitude.

But then, she remembered her grandmother's words, the words that had always comforted her: "No one should grieve alone, Emily. We all need each other, especially during hard times."

With a deep breath, Emily unlocked the door and stepped inside. The silence was indeed deafening, but she was determined not to let it consume her. She decided to honor her grandmother's memory by filling the house with the love and warmth that had always characterized their Christmases together.

She started by decorating the tree, her eyes welling up with tears as she hung each ornament, each one a reminder of a cherished memory. The twinkling lights and colorful decorations brought a touch of cheer to the somber house, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.

On Christmas Eve, Emily invited her friends and neighbors over for a potluck dinner. The house, once silent and lifeless, was now filled with laughter and conversation. The aroma of roasted turkey and freshly baked pies filled the air, evoking memories of Christmases past.

Emily's heart,

White Bear 1910

 As the winter wind howled through the narrow streets of Tunbridge Wells, casting long, eerie shadows upon the cobblestones, the comforting glow of the gaslights served as a beacon of warmth and welcome. Amidst the hushed silence of the slumbering town, the White Bear Pub stood out like a beacon of hospitality, its inviting glow beckoning weary travelers and locals alike.

On a typical chilly night in 1910, the White Bear Pub exuded an aura of warmth and cheer. Its gaslight, perched above the entrance, cast a welcoming amber glow, illuminating the cheery red facade and the intricate ironwork that adorned the doorway. The scent of roasted meats and freshly brewed ale wafted from the pub's open windows, mingling with the crisp winter air to create a tantalizing aroma that drew passersby closer.

Inside, the pub was bustling with activity. Patrons of all walks of life huddled around the crackling fireplace, their faces aglow with the flickering flames. The air was thick with the chatter of friends and the jovial laughter of regulars, creating a lively atmosphere that defied the chill of the night.

At the bar, a jovial barkeep expertly pulled pints of ale and served hearty platters of food, his cheerful demeanor adding to the pub's welcoming ambiance. The patrons, warmed by the comforting glow of the gaslight and the convivial atmosphere, engaged in lively conversations, sharing stories and laughter as they savored their food and drinks.

As the night deepened, the gaslight continued to shine brightly, casting a warm glow over the White Bear Pub and the surrounding streets. It served as a symbol of hope and hospitality, a beacon of warmth amidst the darkness of the winter night.

The first butterfly


The oldest fossils of butterflies date back to about 56 million years ago, during the Paleocene epoch. However, the oldest named butterfly is Archaeolepis mane from the Early Jurassic epoch, about 190 million years ago. This fossil was found in the Charmouth Mudstone Formation in Dorset, England, and it consists of three wings.

The name Archaeolepis means "ancient scale" and the name mane was given in honor of entomologist Lord Walter Rothschild.

The naming of butterflies is a complex process that is governed by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). The ICZN publishes an official list of all valid scientific names for animals, and the name for a particular species is based on a number of factors, including the date of publication of the first scientific description of the species and the priority of different names that have been proposed for the same species.

In the case of Archaeolepis mane, the first scientific description of the species was published in 1907 by British entomologist Richard South. South gave the species the name Archaeolepis mane because he believed that it was the oldest known butterfly fossil. The name Archaeolepis mane has been accepted by the ICZN and is the official scientific name for this species.

The naming of butterflies is an ongoing process, and new species are being discovered all the time. As new species are discovered, they are given scientific names according to the rules of the ICZN. This helps to ensure that there is a consistent and accurate system for naming butterflies, which is important for scientific research and communication.

my weakness is not


In the realm of human grace, Where kindness reigns, a gentle embrace, Let not my gentle spirit fool your sight, For within this heart, there lies a mighty might.

Misinterpret not my kindness as a sign of weakness, For beneath this gentle surface, lies an unyielding essence. I am kind to all, a beacon of compassion, But when unkindness meets my path, I'll stand with unwavering fashion.

For kindness is not a sign of fragility, But a testament to strength, a resilient agility. It's the ability to rise above the fray, To hold compassion even when darkness holds sway.

So do not mistake my gentle touch for meekness, For within this heart lies a spirit, bold and fearless. I will face unkindness with unwavering grace, And let my actions speak, leaving no trace of dismay.

For kindness is my armor, my shield so bright, Protecting my spirit, guiding my light. I will carry it with pride, a beacon so true, And when unkindness meets me, my strength will shine through.

A tale about Hayley and Amy


Hayley and Amy were as different as chalk and cheese. Hayley, the elder of the two, was a quiet and introspective soul, preferring the subtle hues of nature to the vibrant bursts of color her younger sister, Amy, favored. Amy was a whirlwind of energy, her world a kaleidoscope of pink, glitter, and laughter.

Despite their contrasting personalities, the two sisters shared an unbreakable bond. Hayley's calm demeanor often balanced Amy's boisterous nature, while Amy's infectious enthusiasm brought a spark of joy to Hayley's life.

One sunny Saturday morning, the sisters decided to explore a nearby forest. Hayley, clad in her favorite earthy tones, blended effortlessly with the verdant surroundings. Amy, in contrast, stood out like a cherry blossom in a sea of green, her pink dress and matching accessories adding a splash of vibrancy to the tranquil scene.

As they ventured deeper into the woods, Amy's curiosity led her down a winding path, her attention drawn to the fluttering of a butterfly. Hayley followed at a more leisurely pace, her eyes taking in the intricate details of the forest floor, from the delicate patterns of leaves to the intricate dance of sunlight filtering through the canopy.

Amy's adventurous spirit led her to a clearing, where a majestic oak tree stood sentinel. She clambered up its sturdy branches, her pink dress fluttering in the breeze. Hayley, meanwhile, discovered a secluded spot beneath the tree's expansive canopy, where she sat cross-legged, her gaze drawn to the ethereal beauty of a spider's web glistening with morning dew.

Despite their differing pursuits, Hayley and Amy found their own kind of harmony within the forest's embrace. Amy's exuberance brought the woods to life, while Hayley's quiet appreciation deepened their connection to the natural world.

As the day drew to a close, the sisters emerged from the forest, their hands intertwined. Amy's pink dress was now tinged with earthy hues, while Hayley's earthy tones were infused with a touch of pink. They had discovered that their differences, once seen as contrasting, were instead complementary, creating a unique tapestry of shared experiences.

Hayley and Amy continued to explore the world together, their bond growing stronger with each shared adventure. They learned that differences are not obstacles but rather opportunities to appreciate the beauty of diversity, both within themselves and in the world around them.

Good Vibes


In a world of chaos and strife, Where negativity cuts like a knife, Seek solace in hearts that radiate light, Where goodness and kindness shine ever so bright.

Surround yourself with souls who inspire, Whose spirits ignite like a warm, glowing fire. In their presence, your spirit will soar, Your true essence will blossom and evermore.

For good vibes and good intentions they bring, A symphony of joy, a harmonious ring. Their laughter, a melody, sweet and clear, Chasing away shadows, erasing all fear.

In their company, your spirit takes flight, Like a butterfly dancing in the sunlight. Their words, like gentle breezes, caress, Uplifting your spirit, granting you rest.

Oh, the power of goodness, a beacon so bright, It guides you through darkness, day and night. In their presence, your aura will gleam, A radiant reflection, a beautiful dream.

So cherish the moments, the bonds you create, With those who elevate, who uplift and elate. For in their embrace, your spirit will glow, A beacon of hope, where happiness will grow.

Do you glow differently


Yes, you glow differently when you surround yourself with people with good vibes and good intentions in your life.

Positive energy is contagious. When you are around people who are happy, supportive, and encouraging, you are more likely to feel the same way yourself. This is because positive energy is like a magnet, drawing in more positive energy. When you are surrounded by positive people, you are more likely to think positive thoughts, feel positive emotions, and take positive actions. This can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

In addition to the positive impact on your emotional state, surrounding yourself with positive people can also have a positive impact on your physical health. Studies have shown that people who have strong social connections are more likely to live longer, healthier lives. Positive relationships can also help to reduce stress, improve your immune system, and even lower your risk of heart disease.

So, if you want to glow brighter and live a healthier, happier life, start surrounding yourself with positive people. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes.

The Rivers of Blood speech


The "Rivers of Blood" Speech was a speech delivered by British politician Enoch Powell on April 20, 1968, to the annual general meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre in Birmingham. In his speech, Powell passionately argued against the policy of mass immigration from the Commonwealth to the United Kingdom. He predicted that the continuation of this policy would lead to social unrest, racial conflict, and ultimately the "rivers of blood" flowing through the streets of British cities.

Powell's speech was highly controversial and met with widespread condemnation from both the Conservative Party and the public. It was seen as inflammatory and racist, and it contributed to the decline of Powell's political career. However, it also won Powell a devoted following among some voters who shared his views on immigration.

Here are some of the key quotes from Powell's "Rivers of Blood" Speech:

  • "We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be pouring multi-racial poison into the bloodstream of our society."
  • "As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; I see the River Tiber foaming with much blood."
  • "Racial integration, as I have said often before, means the eventual swamping of the White people of Britain by the coloured races."
  • "The alarm bells are ringing loud and clear again today. The tide has turned, and the dark clouds are beginning to gather once more."

These quotes capture the essence of Powell's message: he believed that mass immigration from the Commonwealth was a grave threat to the British way of life and would lead to the destruction of British society.

The "Rivers of Blood" Speech was a watershed moment in British politics. It marked the end of the consensus on immigration that had existed for much of the post-war period. It also led to a period of heightened racial tension and division in British society.

The speech's legacy is complex and contested. Some argue that it was a necessary wake-up call to the dangers of mass immigration, while others believe that it was a racist and divisive speech that set back the cause of race relations in Britain for decades.

Ultimately, the "Rivers of Blood" Speech remains a pivotal moment in British history, and its impact continues to be felt today.

The No, No, No, speech


Margaret Thatcher's "No, No, No" speech was a British political speech delivered in October 1990, delivered by Margaret Thatcher, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, to the Conservative Party Conference in Blackpool. In her speech, Thatcher famously refused to compromise on her position on European integration, stating: "No, no, no" to the possibility of a single currency, a central bank or a unified European foreign and defence policy.

The speech was a defiant rejection of the Maastricht Treaty, which had been negotiated by Thatcher's successor, John Major. Thatcher argued that the treaty would undermine British sovereignty and would lead to the creation of a "European superstate". She warned that the UK would have to leave the European Community if it was forced to sign up to the treaty in its current form.

The "No, No, No" speech was a defining moment in Thatcher's career. It cemented her reputation as a Eurosceptic and a staunch defender of British sovereignty. However, it also alienated her from many of her colleagues in the Conservative Party, who believed that she was being too intransigent in her opposition to the Maastricht Treaty. Thatcher's speech was ultimately unsuccessful in preventing the UK from joining the European Single Market in 1992. However, it did help to shape the debate about Britain's relationship with Europe for years to come.

Here are some of the key quotes from Thatcher's "No, No, No" speech:

  • "No, no, no to a single currency."
  • "No, no, no to a central bank."
  • "And no, no, no to a unified European foreign and defence policy."
  • "We have our own parliament. We have our own currency. We have our own courts. We have our own laws. We are a sovereign nation."
  • "We have our own way of life. And we are determined to preserve it."

These quotes capture the essence of Thatcher's message: she was determined to protect British sovereignty and to prevent the UK from being subsumed into a European superstate. The speech was a powerful and emotional moment in British political history, and it continues to resonate today.

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...