Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Lucy in the Sky, what is really about

 The meaning behind the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" by The Beatles has been the subject of much debate and speculation. Some believe that the song is about LSD, while others believe that it is a more innocent and metaphorical take on childhood imagination.

John Lennon, the songwriter of the song, has never definitively stated what the song is about, but he has offered some clues. In a 1967 interview with Maureen Cleave of the Evening Standard, Lennon said that the song was inspired by a drawing by his son Julian. The drawing showed a girl with "diamonds" around her head. Lennon said that he was "trying to write about something that was real and concrete as a drawing, and something that was very simple".

Lennon has also said that the song is about "the girl you're imagining when you're on acid". This interpretation is supported by the song's psychedelic imagery and its references to flying and seeing things that are not there.

However, it is also possible to interpret the song in a more innocent way. The song's lyrics describe a girl who is "telepathic with the birds" and who "can read your mind". This suggests that the song is about a child who has a vivid imagination and who is able to see the world in a way that is different from adults.

Ultimately, the meaning of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is up to the listener to decide. There is no right or wrong answer, and the song can be interpreted in many different ways.

Why do we alter the clocks every year, whats the point ?


The practice of changing the clocks twice a year, known as daylight saving time (DST), was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1916 as a way to conserve energy during World War I. The idea was that by shifting the clocks forward an hour in the spring, people would have more daylight in the evenings, and would therefore use less electricity for artificial lighting.

DST was initially only observed during the war, but it was later reinstated in the 1920s and has been observed ever since. The practice has been controversial ever since it was first introduced, with some people arguing that it is unnecessary and harmful, while others believe that it has benefits for public health and safety.

Arguments in favor of daylight saving time:

  • Energy savings: DST has been shown to reduce energy consumption, particularly for lighting. According to the European Commission, DST can save up to 10% of energy consumption in households.
  • Reduced road accidents: Studies have shown that DST can lead to a reduction in road accidents, particularly in the morning hours. This is because DST allows for more daylight in the mornings, which can make it easier for drivers to see.
  • Improved mental health: Some studies have suggested that DST can improve mental health, particularly by reducing seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of depression that is more common in winter, when there is less daylight.

Arguments against daylight saving time:

  • Disruption to sleep: The changing of the clocks can disrupt people's sleep patterns, which can lead to fatigue, headaches, and irritability.
  • Increased risk of heart attacks: Studies have shown that there is an increased risk of heart attacks in the days following the springtime shift to DST. This is thought to be because the sudden loss of an hour of sleep can put stress on the body.
  • Safety hazards: The changing of the clocks can also lead to safety hazards, such as increased pedestrian accidents and injuries in the days following the springtime shift to DST.

The future of daylight saving time:

There is a growing movement to abolish DST in the United Kingdom. In 2019, the UK government launched a public consultation on the issue, and the results of the consultation found that a majority of people (74%) would prefer to stay on permanent British Summer Time (BST) and abandon the twice-yearly clock changes.

The government is currently considering the results of the consultation and is expected to make a decision on the future of DST in the UK in the coming months.

Here are some of the reasons why the UK government is considering abolishing DST:

  • The increasing popularity of DST abolition: Public support for DST abolition has grown in recent years, with a majority of people now expressing a preference for staying on BST permanently.
  • The negative health and safety impacts of DST: Studies have shown that DST can have negative impacts on people's sleep, mental health, and road safety.
  • The availability of alternative ways to conserve energy: There are now more efficient ways to conserve energy than DST, such as using LED lighting and setting thermostats to higher temperatures in the summer and lower temperatures in the winter.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to abolish DST in the UK is a political one. The government will need to weigh the potential benefits of abolition, such as increased public support and reduced health and safety risks, against the potential costs, such as the loss of energy savings and the need for businesses and organizations to adapt to a new permanent time zone.

Good or Bad time keeping your choice


There are many reasons why someone might be bad at timekeeping. Here are a few of the most common causes:

  • Procrastination: If you tend to put things off until the last minute, it's easy to underestimate how long tasks will take. This can lead to you running out of time and being late for appointments or deadlines.
  • Distractions: Our daily lives are filled with distractions, from smartphones and social media to the constant stream of information coming from our televisions and computers. These distractions can easily derail our timekeeping efforts and make it difficult to stay on task.
  • Poor time management skills: If you don't have a good system for managing your time, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of deadlines. This can lead to missed appointments, late work, and frustration.
  • Overestimating your abilities: Sometimes, we simply overestimate how much we can get done in a given amount of time. This can lead to us setting unrealistic deadlines for ourselves and then inevitably falling behind.
  • Lack of motivation: If you're not motivated to complete a task, it's going to be much harder to stay on schedule. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as disinterest in the task, feeling overwhelmed, or having other priorities that take precedence.

There are a few things you can do to improve your timekeeping skills:

  • Break down large tasks into smaller ones: This will make the tasks seem less daunting and more manageable.
  • Set realistic deadlines: Don't try to do too much in too little time. Give yourself enough time to complete each task thoroughly.
  • Plan your day in advance: This will help you to avoid procrastination and distractions.
  • Avoid multi-tasking: Multitasking can actually make you less productive. Focus on one task at a time until it's done.
  • Reward yourself for completing tasks: This will help you to stay motivated.
  • Learn to say no to additional commitments: If you're already feeling overwhelmed, don't take on any more responsibilities.

By following these tips, you can improve your timekeeping skills and become more efficient in your daily life.

Police, trust or not? My view


Public trust in the UK police has declined in recent years, according to a number of surveys. A poll conducted by YouGov in 2022 found that only 58% of Britons had a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the police, down from 75% in 2009.

There are a number of reasons for this decline in trust. One factor is the rise of social media, which has given people a platform to share negative experiences with the police. Another factor is the perception that the police are not doing enough to address crime, particularly violent crime. Additionally, some people believe that the police are too heavy-handed in their approach to policing, and that they do not treat all people fairly.

Despite these challenges, there is still a significant amount of public support for the police. A 2023 survey by the National Police Chiefs' Council found that 82% of people believe that the police are doing a good job or are doing a good job most of the time. Additionally, 77% of people believe that the police are committed to serving the public.

The police are aware of the need to improve public trust and confidence. They are working to improve their communication with the public, and they are developing new approaches to policing that are more community-focused. They are also working to address the root causes of crime, such as poverty and inequality.

It is important to remember that the police are a vital part of our society. They work hard to keep us safe, and they deserve our respect.

Protect yourself against a fraudster


Fraudsters are constantly devising new ways to scam people, so it's important to be vigilant and protect yourself from becoming a victim. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself against fraudsters:

  • Be suspicious of unsolicited calls, emails, and texts. Fraudsters often use these methods to trick people into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links. If you receive a suspicious communication, don't click on any links or provide any personal information. Instead, hang up the phone, delete the email or text, and report it to the relevant authorities.

  • Be careful about what personal information you share online. Only share personal information on websites that you trust and that have a secure connection (HTTPS). Avoid sharing your social security number, bank account information, or other sensitive information with anyone you don't know and trust.

  • Create strong passwords and change them regularly. Use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to create strong passwords. Avoid using easily guessable information, such as your birthday or pet's name. Change your passwords regularly, especially after a data breach.

  • Be careful about what you download and install on your computer. Only download software from trusted sources, and avoid opening attachments or clicking on links in emails that you don't recognize. Malware can be installed on your computer through these methods, which can steal your personal information or damage your device.

  • Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Fraudsters often use these tactics to lure people into scams. Do your research and be cautious before making any purchases or investments.

  • Review your bank and credit card statements regularly. Check your statements for any unauthorized transactions and report them immediately to your financial institution.

  • Install security software on your computer and smartphones. Security software can help protect your devices from malware and other online threats.

  • Be aware of phishing scams. Phishing scams involve sending emails or text messages that appear to be from legitimate sources, such as your bank or credit card company. These emails or texts often contain links that, when clicked, will take you to a fake website that looks like the real website. Once you enter your personal information on the fake website, the fraudsters can steal it.

  • Never give out your personal information over the phone, unless you initiated the call yourself and are certain that you are speaking with a legitimate representative from a company you trust.

  • If you think you have been a victim of fraud, report it to the relevant authorities immediately. This could include the police, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), or your bank or credit card company.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself against fraudsters and keep your personal information safe.

Thought for the day December 6th 2023


Thought for the day December 6th 2023

Embrace the unexpected.

Life is full of surprises. Sometimes, these surprises are good, and sometimes, they are not. But no matter what, they are a part of life. So, instead of resisting them, we should embrace them.

When we embrace the unexpected, we open ourselves up to new possibilities. We learn to be more adaptable and flexible. We also become more resilient in the face of challenges.

Of course, this doesn't mean that we should just sit back and let things happen to us. We still need to take action and make choices. But we should do so with an open mind and a willingness to accept the unexpected.

So, next time something unexpected happens to you, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it's an opportunity to grow and learn. Embrace the surprise, and see where it takes you.

Did not know how many veggies, are you not glad you read this


There are over 1,097 different types of vegetables cultivated worldwide. They come from all parts of the world, but some of the most common regions include:

  • Asia: Asia is the birthplace of many of the world's most popular vegetables, including rice, potatoes, carrots, and onions.
  • Europe: Europe has a long history of cultivating vegetables, and some of the most common European vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
  • Africa: Africa is home to a wide variety of vegetables, including okra, eggplant, and yams.
  • South America: South America is known for its unique vegetables, such as quinoa, potatoes, and peppers.
  • North America: North America has a variety of vegetables, including pumpkins, corn, and beans.

Here is a table of the most common types of vegetables and their regions of origin:

VegetableRegion of Origin
PotatoesSouth America
TomatoesCentral America
QuinoaSouth America
PeppersSouth America
PumpkinsNorth America
CornNorth America
BeansCentral America

The Caribbean in 1900 was vastly different, read on


The Caribbean in 1900 was a vastly different place from the bustling tourist destination it is today. The region was still largely under colonial rule, with the majority of the islands controlled by the British, French, Spanish, or Dutch. The economy was primarily based on agriculture, with sugar, coffee, and cocoa being the main exports.

Life for most Caribbean people in 1900 was hard and often dangerous. The working conditions on plantations were harsh, and many people lived in poverty. Disease was also a major problem, with malaria and yellow fever being particularly prevalent.

Despite these challenges, there was also a vibrant culture in the Caribbean in 1900. Music and dance were particularly popular, and there was a rich tradition of storytelling and oral history.

Tourism was not a major industry in the Caribbean in 1900, but there were a few wealthy visitors who came to the islands for the warm weather and beautiful scenery. However, it was not until the 1950s and 1960s that tourism really began to take off in the Caribbean.

Here are some of the things that life was like in the Caribbean in 1900:

  • The majority of people lived in rural areas.
  • The economy was based on agriculture.
  • Working conditions were harsh.
  • Disease was a major problem.
  • There was a vibrant culture.
  • Tourism was not a major industry.

Life can never promise you


The quote "Life can never promise you to be always happy, but life gets better after you accept things you can't change" is a powerful reminder that happiness is not a constant state of being, but rather a journey filled with ups and downs. It's about embracing the good times and learning from the difficult ones.

Accepting the things we cannot change is essential for our emotional well-being. When we fight against things that are beyond our control, we only cause ourselves more stress and heartache. Instead, we must learn to accept these things and focus on what we can change.

This doesn't mean that we should give up on our dreams or aspirations. It simply means that we need to be realistic about what we can and cannot control. And when we focus on what we can change, we often find that we have more power than we realize.

Here are some tips for accepting the things you can't change:

  1. Identify the things you can't change. This could be anything from the past to other people's behavior.

  2. Accept that you can't control these things. This doesn't mean you have to like them, but it does mean you need to accept that they are beyond your control.

  3. Focus on what you can change. This could be your own thoughts, feelings, or behavior.

  4. Practice gratitude. Focus on the things you are grateful for, even if they seem small.

  5. Seek support from others. Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about what you're going through.

Remember, accepting the things we cannot change is not about giving up; it's about taking back control of our own lives.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Canaby Street 1969 this was where it was Happening


Carnaby Street in 1969 was a hub of fashion, music, and youth culture. It was known for its trendy shops, vibrant atmosphere, and colorful characters. Here are some pictures of Carnaby Street in 1969:

Carnaby Street in 1969 was a place where young people could express themselves and be themselves. It was a place where anything was possible.

The Construction of Deal Pier 1955


Deal Pier is a Grade II listed pier located in Deal, Kent, England. It opened in 1955, taking four years to build. The design of the pier is credited to engineer Cecil H. Measures. It was intended to provide a landing stage for ferries, a leisure facility for the town, and a venue for entertainment.

The construction of the pier was a major undertaking, involving the driving of over 1,000 piles into the seabed. The pier was built in two phases: the first phase involved the construction of the main pier deck, and the second phase involved the construction of the pavilion and the amusement arcade.

The opening of the pier was a major event in Deal, and it was immediately popular with visitors. However, the pier's fortunes declined in the 1970s and 1980s, as ferry services to the continent were discontinued and the amusement arcade became outdated.

In the early 1990s, there were plans to demolish the pier, but a local campaign to save it was successful. The pier has since been refurbished and is now a popular tourist attraction. It is home to a number of restaurants, bars, and cafes, as well as a bowling alley and a children's play area.

There were no fatalities during the construction of Deal Pier. However, there were a number of accidents, including one in which a worker was seriously injured when he fell from a scaffold.

Deal Pier is a unique and beautiful structure that is an important part of Deal's heritage. It is a popular destination for visitors and locals alike, and it continues to play a vital role in the life of the town.

Here are some additional details about the construction of Deal Pier:

  • The pier is 1,050 feet long and 30 feet wide.
  • The deck of the pier is made of reinforced concrete.
  • The pavilion and amusement arcade are made of steel and glass.
  • The pier cost £250,000 to build in 1955.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Yorshire Coast

Yes, I have explored the Yorkshire Coast! It is a beautiful and rugged coastline with stunning cliffs, charming fishing villages, and a rich history. The coastal cliffs around Runswick Bay and Robin Hood's Bay are formed from Jurassic rock around 200 million years old. These cliffs are home to a variety of fossils, including ammonites, belemnites, and dinosaur bones.

The Yorkshire Coast is also home to several charming fishing villages, such as Runswick Bay, Robin Hood's Bay, and Whitby. These villages have a rich maritime history and are a great place to enjoy fresh seafood and stunning coastal views.

Whitby is a particularly popular tourist destination, thanks to its dramatic abbey ruins, its association with Bram Stoker's Dracula, and its annual Goth Weekend.

Here are some of my favorite things to do on the Yorkshire Coast:

  • Hike along the Cleveland Way National Trail, which offers stunning views of the coastline.
  • Visit the Runswick Bay Fossil Museum to learn about the area's Jurassic history.
  • Explore the charming fishing villages of Runswick Bay, Robin Hood's Bay, and Staithes.
  • Climb the 199 steps to the top of Whitby Abbey for panoramic views of the town and coastline.
  • Take a boat trip from Whitby to see seals and other marine wildlife.

I hope you have the opportunity to explore the Yorkshire Coast someday!

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...