Saturday, January 27, 2024

A Scribblers Dream and Life,Liberty and the pursuit of the Talking Toast two books on sale Amazon


From Whispers to Warcries: My Books Are Taking Flight!

Remember those quiet evenings, fingers flying across the keyboard, whispering stories into existence? The days spent revising, editing, tweaking, pouring my heart onto the page? Well, I'm here to tell you, those whispers have turned into full-blown warcries, because my books are selling!

It's surreal, honestly. To see my name on bookstore shelves, to receive messages from readers who've been swept away by my characters, to watch the sales numbers tick steadily upwards – it's a validation unlike any other.

Every single purchase feels like a personal victory, a confirmation that the worlds I built, the voices I gave life to, resonated with someone out there. It fuels my creative fire, pushes me to keep weaving tales, knowing there are hearts waiting to be captured.

Here's the thing, though: this isn't just about me. It's about you. You, the early readers who championed my work, who spread the word, who believed in me before the world caught on. You, the reviewers who offered constructive criticism and helped me polish my gems. You, the booksellers who gave my stories a place on their shelves. You, the readers who devour every page, who laugh with my characters, cry with them, and live and breathe in the worlds I create.

This success is our success, a shared tapestry woven with creativity, support, and a love for the magic of storytelling.

So, thank you. Thank you for being a part of this journey. Thank you for believing in me and my stories. And thank you for reminding me that the power of words can ignite imaginations, bridge hearts, and change the world, one page at a time.

This is just the beginning, friends. There are more stories brewing, more adventures waiting to be embarked upon. Buckle up, grab a bookmark, and get ready to dive headfirst into whatever magic I conjure up next. The whispers continue, but now, they're joined by the triumphant roar of a dream coming true.

Onward to the next chapter!

(P.S. Want to join the adventure? My books are available at [insert links to purchase books]. Spread the word, share the love, and let's keep this literary party going!)

Feel free to personalize this post by:

  • Adding specific details about your books and their success.
  • Sharing snippets of reader reviews or reactions.
  • Mentioning any awards or recognition you've received.
  • Including a call to action, like asking readers to sign up for your newsletter or join your online community.

Most importantly, let your excitement and gratitude shine through! Your readers deserve to be a part of your journey, so celebrate your success with them.

Happy writing!

Maidstone United

 Maidstone United: The Stones of Kent

Nestled in the heart of Kent, England, lies Maidstone United Football Club, a team steeped in history, resilience, and a passionate community spirit. The "Stones," as they're affectionately known, have carved their own unique path in the English football landscape, captivating hearts and defying expectations along the way.

From Humble Beginnings to Soaring Heights

Maidstone United's story began in 1992, born from the ashes of Maidstone Town FC. Despite lacking a permanent home for their first two decades, the Stones persevered, playing their games across various grounds in Kent. Their determination paid off in 2012 when they finally opened the doors to their own stadium, the Gallagher Stadium, a symbol of their unwavering spirit and dedication.

Since then, Maidstone United has embarked on a thrilling journey, scaling the heights of the National League South and securing promotion back to the National League in 2022. Their triumphs haven't been limited to league success; the Stones have also reached the FA Cup fourth round in 2024, battling it out against the mighty Ipswich Town, a testament to their fighting spirit and ability to punch above their weight.

More Than Just a Football Club

Maidstone United is more than just a football team; it's a beating heart of the community. The club actively engages with local businesses, charities, and schools, fostering a sense of togetherness and pride in Maidstone. Their "Stones in the Community" program reaches out to vulnerable groups, offering football coaching, educational workshops, and mental health support, making a real difference in people's lives.

A Passionate Fanbase

The Stones boast a passionate and vocal fanbase, the "Maidstone Ultras," who inject the Gallagher Stadium with an electric atmosphere on matchdays. Their unwavering support, colorful chants, and unwavering belief in the team create an unforgettable experience for players and fans alike.

The Future is Bright

As Maidstone United continues its journey in the National League, the future looks bright. With a talented squad, a dedicated manager, and a passionate fanbase behind them, the Stones have the potential to achieve even greater things. Whether it's challenging for promotion or simply competing with pride, Maidstone United embodies the spirit of perseverance, community, and the beautiful game.

So, if you're ever in Kent, be sure to catch a Maidstone United game. Witness the passion, the skill, and the unwavering spirit of a club that truly represents the heart and soul of its community. You might just become a Stone yourself!

Sharing and Respect


The Frayed Fabric: Sharing and Respect in Today's Torn World

The world feels frayed, doesn't it? Like a once-vibrant tapestry, snagged and pulled, leaving loose threads dangling in the wind. In this unraveling, two crucial fibers seem particularly tattered: sharing and respect.

Sharing, that cornerstone of connection, has become conditional, meted out like rationed water in a desert. We share opinions if they echo our own, experiences if they fit our worldview. We curate social media feeds that reflect our pre-existing biases, turning algorithms into echo chambers rather than bridges. Sharing, once a joyous act of opening up and building bridges, has become a defensive act, guarding borders rather than building them.

And respect, that quiet hum of acknowledging another's worth, has been drowned out by a cacophony of shouting. Disagreement morphs into dismissiveness, differences into divisions. We attack ideas instead of engaging them, dismiss voices instead of listening. Respect, once the oil that smoothed the gears of discourse, has become the sand thrown into its workings, grinding communication to a halt.

This frayed fabric, this tattered tapestry, leaves us isolated and exposed. We yearn for understanding, for connection, but find ourselves adrift in a sea of echo chambers and shouting matches.

But wait, the fabric isn't entirely shredded. Threads still cling, holding the potential for repair. How do we begin to reweave this delicate tapestry?

First, by remembering the power of vulnerability. Share not just your polished achievements, but your doubts, your struggles. Let your humanity peek through the curated facade. When we share our vulnerabilities, we invite others to do the same, laying the foundation for empathy and connection.

Second, by listening, truly listening, to voices that sound different from our own. Seek out perspectives that challenge your assumptions, not to attack them, but to understand them. In these quiet moments of listening, we begin to mend the torn threads of respect.

Third, by remembering that disagreement is not the enemy of progress. Engage in debate with an open mind and a kind heart. Seek to understand, not to conquer. When we approach differences with respect, we weave the threads of tolerance and understanding back into the tapestry.

It won't be easy. Reweaving this tapestry will require patience, vulnerability, and a conscious effort to bridge the divides. But as we mend each thread, we stitch back together not just a fabric, but a community. We build a world where sharing isn't a guarded act, but a generous one, and respect isn't a whisper lost in the wind, but a chorus that binds us together.

So let's pick up the needle and thread, and begin to mend. Let's share our stories, listen to each other, and weave a world where respect once again hums through the fabric of our shared existence.



Parkinson's disease is a chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder that affects both the motor and non-motor systems.

Here's a breakdown of what you need to know about Parkinson's:

What happens in the brain:

  • Loss of nerve cells: Parkinson's is caused by a loss of nerve cells in a specific area of the brain called the substantia nigra. These cells produce a chemical called dopamine, which plays a vital role in controlling movement.
  • Dopamine deficiency: With fewer dopamine-producing cells, the brain has less dopamine available. This dopamine deficiency disrupts the communication between brain and muscle, leading to the characteristic symptoms of Parkinson's.


  • Movement-related:
    • Tremor: Shaking, often starting in one hand or arm and eventually affecting both sides of the body.
    • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement, making everyday tasks like walking, dressing, and writing difficult.
    • Rigidity: Muscle stiffness, often causing a stooped posture and difficulty turning.
  • Non-motor:
    • Fatigue
    • Sleep problems
    • Mood changes, such as depression and anxiety
    • Cognitive issues, such as memory problems and difficulty thinking clearly
    • Pain
    • Speech and swallowing problems

Important points:

  • Progression: Parkinson's progresses at different rates for different people. Some people experience slow progression, while others experience faster decline.
  • Treatment: There is no cure for Parkinson's, but there are treatments that can manage symptoms and improve quality of life. These include medications, surgery, and other therapies.
  • Research: Ongoing research is focused on finding a cure for Parkinson's and developing new treatments to improve the lives of people living with the disease.


A Cheeky advert

 Calling all bookworms, bibliophiles & lovers of witty adventures!

Dive into a world of whimsical tales with my two page-turners:

  • A Scribbler's Dream: Unleash your inner wordsmith & embark on a magical journey where imagination & reality collide.

  • Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of the Talking Toast: Hold onto your crumpets! This hilarious romp celebrates friendship, freedom & the quest for breakfast that talks!

Which will you choose? Or binge-read both for double the bookish bliss?

Don't wait, grab your copy today & get lost in laughter, wonder & adventure!

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A Frosty start in Medway Kent


  • The air is crisp and sharp, carrying the faintest scent of woodsmoke and chimney soot. The streets are deserted, save for a lone runner puffing out plumes of steam, their trainers crunching on the frosted tarmac. A blanket of white covers the rooftops and gardens, sparkling like diamonds under the pale winter sun.

  • The River Medway shimmers like a sheet of pewter, its surface etched with delicate frost patterns. In the distance, the Rochester Bridge looms like a grey giant, its towers shrouded in mist. The sound of gulls wheeling overhead mingles with the distant rumble of traffic, a muted echo in the still air.

  • The Medway towns are slumbering, their normally bustling high streets silent except for the clinking of milk bottles against doorsteps. Shop windows gleam with festive displays, but the shoppers are still tucked up in their beds, dreaming of hot mince pies and crackling fires.

  • A lone dog barks in the distance, its yap echoing through the empty streets. A wisp of smoke curls from a chimney, and a flicker of orange light betrays the warmth within.

  • It is a scene of perfect peace and tranquility, a world hushed and waiting. But beneath the stillness, there is a sense of anticipation, a promise of the day to come. Soon, the streets will fill with the sound of children's laughter and the chatter of friends. The shops will open their doors, and the cafes will buzz with life. But for now, Medway basks in the quiet magic of a frosty morning.

I hope this gives you a sense of the frosty start in Medway, Kent.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Read All about It


Attention all bookworms and dreamers! ✨

My debut collection, "A Scribbler's Dream: Poems and Short Stories," is on SALE now!

Ready to dive into worlds woven from words, where emotions dance and whispers become voices?

Google "A Scribblers Dream" and prepare to be swept away by:

  • Heartfelt poetry: Explore the depths of love, loss, and the human experience with verses that resonate and linger.
  • Enthralling short stories: Embark on fantastical adventures, uncover hidden truths, and meet unforgettable characters who'll stay with you long after the last page.
  • A beautiful blend: Immerse yourself in a book that seamlessly interweaves poetry and prose, creating a unique and captivating experience.

Don't miss out on this special offer! Share the magic with your friends by spreading the word: "Google 'A Scribblers Dream' and you'll love the poem and short story book!"

Tag your fellow bookworms, share your favorite excerpts, and let's celebrate the power of words together!

P.S. Looking for the perfect gift for the dreamer in your life? Look no further!

Happy reading, and may your dreams be filled with stories!

[Link to your book or author page]

#ascribblersdream #poetry #shortstories #sale #booklover #dreamer #mustread #googleit #sharethelove

Feel free to customize this message further by adding personal touches, specific details about your book, or even a special offer for your Facebook followers!

VAR friend or foe


VAR: Friend or Foe of the Beautiful Game?

The Video Assistant Referee, or VAR as it's affectionately (or not so affectionately) known, has been tearing through the world of football like a digital whirlwind. Its impact has been undeniable, sparking heated debates and divided opinions. But is VAR a hero, championing fairness and justice, or a villain, sucking the life out of the beautiful game? Let's dive into the penalty box of this controversial technology.

On the side of the angels:

  • Accuracy: VAR's biggest selling point is its ability to correct glaring errors. Offside goals? Penalty misses? Phantom handballs? These were once injustices that tainted matches, but VAR offers a safety net, increasing the percentage of correct calls. Studies have shown significant improvements in decision-making, making the game fairer and more satisfying for the purists.
  • Player discipline: The watchful eye of VAR has also led to a noticeable decline in simulation and theatrics. Players know their dives and exaggerated fouls are likely to be exposed, promoting cleaner and more honest play. This, in turn, creates a more enjoyable viewing experience for those tired of seeing blatant cheating rewarded.
  • Transparency: VAR removes the mystery from refereeing decisions. Fans can witness the review process and understand the reasoning behind overturned calls. This transparency builds trust and reduces the frustration of feeling like decisions are made in the blink of an eye and out of thin air.

But wait, there's a red card...

  • Death of drama: VAR's critics argue that it robs the game of its emotional rollercoasters. Controversial goals, passionate celebrations, and agonizingly close calls are what make football so thrilling. However, VAR can drag these moments to a screeching halt, replacing raw emotion with pixelated replays and drawn-out consultations. The thrill of the unknown is replaced by the tedium of the review process.
  • Flow-killer: Stoppages and delays are VAR's unwelcome companions. Every potential infringement becomes a candidate for a lengthy VAR check, breaking the rhythm of the game and draining the energy from the stadium. This choppy, stop-start experience can leave fans feeling disengaged and frustrated, yearning for the days of uninterrupted play.
  • Subjectivity remains: Despite its technological prowess, VAR isn't perfect. Marginal offside calls, handball interpretations, and the infamous "clear and obvious error" rule still leave room for subjective judgement. This can lead to inconsistencies and controversies, raising questions about whether VAR truly eliminates all doubt.

So, VAR – hero or villain?

The truth is, it's not that simple. VAR is a double-edged sword, offering both benefits and drawbacks. Whether it ultimately enhances or damages the game depends on your perspective and priorities. Do you value fairness and accuracy above all else, even if it comes at the cost of spontaneity? Or do you cherish the emotional energy and unpredictable drama that comes with human imperfection on the pitch?

Ultimately, the debate over VAR is likely to continue, with passionate arguments on both sides. Perhaps the ideal solution lies somewhere in between – finding ways to utilize VAR's strengths while minimizing its disruptions, ensuring that technology complements the beautiful game without smothering it.

What do you think? Is VAR a friend or foe of football? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Is The FA Taking over the TV


The FA Cup: Taking Over Your TV and Your Heart

Brace yourselves, football fans! The FA Cup is back, and it's not just gracing our pitches, it's taking over our televisions! From dramatic giant-killings to nail-biting replays, the world's oldest football competition has a knack for turning living rooms into cauldrons of emotion.

This year is no different. With the fourth round upon us, the FA Cup is serving up a smorgasbord of intriguing ties, guaranteed to have you glued to the screen. Premier League giants like Manchester City, Tottenham, and Liverpool are all in the mix, but the magic of the cup lies in the unpredictability. Can lower-league underdogs like Maidstone United and Wrexham cause more upsets? Will there be penalty shootouts that send Twitter into meltdown? One thing's for sure: you won't want to miss a minute.

Here's what makes the FA Cup so special:

  • The romance: From non-league heroes to childhood dreams coming true, the FA Cup has a knack for creating sporting fairytales. Remember Ronnie Radford's wonder goal for Hereford United against Newcastle? Or Wimbledon's Crazy Gang conquering the mighty Liverpool? These are the moments that etch themselves into footballing folklore.
  • The upsets: David vs Goliath battles are the lifeblood of the FA Cup. Who can forget Sutton United's heroics against Arsenal, or Lincoln City's stunning run to the quarter-finals? Every round throws up the potential for a giant-killing, keeping fans on the edge of their seats.
  • The drama: From last-minute equalizers to penalty shootouts that go on forever, the FA Cup is a master of suspense. One goal can change everything, and the tension is often unbearable.
  • The accessibility: Unlike the Premier League, where many matches are hidden behind paywalls, the FA Cup is a celebration of free-to-air football. You don't need a fancy subscription to tune in and witness sporting history unfold.

So, grab your scarves, stock up on the snacks, and settle in for a weekend of FA Cup fever. Whether you're a die-hard supporter or a casual viewer, there's something for everyone in this magnificent competition. Let the magic of the cup wash over you, and remember, anything is possible!

Are we Bored


Ode to Boredom: Embracing the Blank Canvas of Being

Ah, boredom. The arch-nemesis of productivity, the bane of social media's existence, the dusty attic in the mansion of entertainment. We fight it tooth and nail, scrolling mindlessly, filling every spare second with notifications and noise. But what if I told you boredom might just be the most underrated guest at our life's party?

Think of it this way: boredom isn't the enemy, it's the blank canvas. That pristine white void staring back at you isn't a taunt, it's a promise. A promise of possibility, of uncharted territory, of a chance to create something entirely new.

Sure, the initial brushstrokes might feel clumsy, the first notes hesitant. You stare at the ceiling, your phone forgotten, wondering, "What on earth do I do now?" But that's the magic. In that quiet space, unburdened by external stimulation, your own inner spark starts to flicker.

Maybe you pick up a dusty sketchpad, your fingers guided by an unconscious urge. Maybe you grab a neglected instrument, the forgotten melodies resurfacing from memory's depths. Maybe you simply sink into a comfy chair, letting your mind wander through forgotten corridors of thought.

And in that wandering, in that exploration of the mundane, the unexpected happens. A rhyme forms, a melody takes shape, a story begins to spin itself. Ideas you haven't dared to dream of bloom from the fertile soil of boredom. It's in the quiet corners, away from the constant buzz, that creativity truly thrives.

So next time the dreaded B-word rears its head, don't reach for your phone or turn on the TV. Embrace the emptiness. Let it wash over you, cleanse you of the external noise. Take a deep breath, and listen to the whispers of your own potential. You might just be surprised at what emerges from the canvas of boredom.

Here are some ideas to get you started on your boredom-busting adventure:

  • Dust off an old hobby: Painting, writing, playing music – rediscover the joy of a forgotten passion.
  • Explore your neighborhood: Take a walk, bike ride, or simply sit on a park bench and observe the world around you.
  • Challenge your brain: Do a crossword puzzle, learn a new language, read a thought-provoking book.
  • Connect with someone: Have a real conversation, without screens or distractions.
  • Do absolutely nothing: Just be. Let your mind wander, daydream, and recharge.

Remember, boredom isn't the enemy, it's the invitation. An invitation to turn inward, to listen to yourself, and to create something unique and beautiful. So go forth, embrace the blank canvas, and let your boredom blossom into something extraordinary.

What are your favorite ways to turn boredom into something positive? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

TV Today


The Great Television Migration: Where Have All the CRTs Gone?

Remember the days of hulking CRT televisions? Those behemoths with screens that doubled as mirrors and speakers that vibrated the floorboards? They seemed as permanent as brick walls, destined to forever dominate our living rooms. But times, as they say, change. And the Great Television Migration has unfolded, leaving behind a landscape of sleek, flat-panel screens and a question buzzing in the air: what type of TV do we all have now?

Gone are the CRTs, banished to dusty attics and nostalgic YouTube videos. The dominant species now? LED, the undisputed king of the TV jungle. Affordable, versatile, and with picture quality that keeps improving, LED reigns supreme. It's the TV equivalent of the white t-shirt – the classic choice you can't go wrong with.

But LED isn't the only one basking in the spotlight. OLED, the dark knight of the display world, is steadily claiming its share of the throne. With its unparalleled contrast, inky blacks, and mesmerizing colors, OLED offers a picture so stunning it feels like you're peering into another world. But its premium price tag keeps it a desirable luxury rather than an everyday staple.

Then there's the smart TV revolution. These TVs aren't just content receivers, they're portals to an infinite sea of streaming services, apps, and internet rabbit holes. They become the center of our home entertainment hubs, blurring the lines between television and computer. This shift has implications beyond picture quality – it's about how we consume media, how we interact with technology, and how we define the living room experience.

But amidst all these advancements, a part of me misses the simplicity of the old days. The satisfying thunk of a channel change, the warm glow of the CRT against the evening darkness, the feeling of actually owning a piece of technology instead of renting an interface.

So, where do we stand now? In a vibrant ecosystem of screens, each with its own strengths and quirks. LED's reign is secure, OLED is the tempting rebel, and smart TVs are rewriting the rules of the game. And as for me? I'm somewhere in between, appreciating the progress while remembering the charm of the CRT days.

Ultimately, the type of TV we have says something about who we are and how we use technology. It's a reflection of our priorities, budgets, and even our nostalgia. So, next time you turn on your screen, take a moment to appreciate the journey it represents, from the chunky CRTs to the mind-bending OLEDs. Just don't stare too long, or you might find yourself lost in the Great Television Migration.

What type of TV do you have? Share your thoughts and memories in the comments below! Let's keep the conversation rolling.

A poem for those who have a loved one with Parkinsons


I see the tremor in your fingertips, As porcelain cup dances on the rim, A waltz of nerves, a fragile, feathered ship, Threatening to spill, a love once brimming.

Your laughter, once a cascade, bright and free, Now scatters soft, like leaves in autumn air, Each whisper holds a silent memory, Of sunlit days, a love beyond compare.

Your eyes, twin pools where galaxies reside, Dim slightly now, with shadows at the edge, Yet still they hold a love that will not hide, A tender ember on a winter ledge.

Your limbs, once restless in a lover's chase, Now move with grace of willows in the breeze, A patient strength, a quiet, steady pace, Reflected in the way you hold my knees.

We walk, hand in hand, along the twilight shore, Your steps, once light, now etched with patient scars, But love's soft whisper travels evermore, In tangled roots of beating, twinned hearts.

The setting sun paints gold on silver hair, A crown of time, a testament we share, Though shadows lengthen, love will always dare, To bloom anew, with every whispered prayer.

For in the hush, where words like snowflakes fall, Our souls entwined, transcend the body's plight, A love eternal, echoing through it all, A beacon in the fading, starlit night.

So let the tears, like winter rain, descend, A cleansing tide, where memories convene, For in this love, until the very end, My heart finds solace, wrapped in yours, my queen.

Copyright Peter Christopher 2024

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...