Friday, February 2, 2024

Why are glasses so expensive, is online the better deal


You're right, the price difference between high-street opticians and online glasses retailers can be significant, often leading to sticker shock for consumers. Here's a deeper dive into the reasons behind the price disparity:

High-Street Opticians:

  • Overhead costs: Rent, employee salaries, training, equipment, maintenance, and other operational expenses contribute to higher prices.
  • Professional services: Comprehensive eye exams, personalized consultations, frame adjustments, and after-sales support add value but increase cost.
  • Brand name markup: Popular designer frames and branded lenses often carry premium prices.
  • Middleman markups: Some opticians may act as middlemen, further inflating prices due to distribution and marketing costs.

Online Retailers:

  • Lower overheads: No physical stores, fewer employees, and streamlined operations lead to lower operating costs.
  • Direct-to-consumer model: Eliminating middlemen reduces costs and allows more competitive pricing.
  • Wider variety of frames: Offer a vast selection, including generic and less-known brands, often at lower prices.
  • Simpler service model: Limited or self-service consultations and adjustments might translate to lower costs.

However, the absence of a prescription from high-street opticians for online purchases creates a barrier for some customers:

  • Eye health concerns: Skipping regular eye exams or relying on self-assessments for prescriptions can be risky, potentially missing eye health issues.
  • Accuracy concerns: Entering incorrect prescriptions online can lead to glasses that don't fit properly, impacting vision and comfort.
  • Warranty and returns: Online retailers may have different policies compared to high-street opticians, making returns and warranty claims more complex.

Here are some potential solutions to consider:

  • Independent opticians: Often offer competitive prices and personalized service compared to major chains.
  • Price comparison websites: Compare prices and features from different retailers, both online and offline.
  • Consider generic frames: They can be significantly cheaper than designer brands while offering similar quality.
  • Negotiate: Some high-street opticians might be open to negotiations, especially for cash payments.
  • Online retailers with vision checks: Some offer online or in-person vision checks, but do your research on their qualifications and procedures.

Ultimately, the best option depends on your individual needs and priorities. Weigh the cost savings of online options against the potential risks and value of professional eye care and customer service at high-street opticians. Remember, prioritizing your eye health should be paramount, regardless of where you choose to purchase your glasses.

How many Papers have left us ?


Determining the exact number of local newspapers that have gone out of publication in the UK depends on how you define "local newspaper" and "out of publication." However, here's some information to help you understand the trend:

Print newspapers:

  • Since 2005: At least 271 print local newspaper titles have closed in the UK, according to Press Gazette. However, the rate of decline has slowed in recent years.
  • Between September 2020 and July 2022: 33 printed local newspapers closed, while 27 new titles were launched, leaving a net loss of 6.
  • Important note: These figures only consider printed newspapers, not online-only versions.

Digital newspapers:

  • Since 2020: 3 digital news sites closed, while 41 launched, resulting in a net gain of 38.


  • While the number of printed local newspapers has been declining, there has been a slight increase in online-only local news sites.
  • This suggests a shift from print to digital, rather than a complete disappearance of local news.

Additional resources:

The cost of living in the uk, better or worse?


Cost of Living Squeeze: Is the UK Turning the Corner?

For many in the UK, the past year has been dominated by one overwhelming concern: the cost of living. Soaring energy bills, rising food prices, and stagnant wages have created a squeeze on household budgets, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. But with 2024 underway, the question remains: is the situation improving, or are we still facing a bleak outlook?

The Grim Reality:

Let's start with the facts. Inflation, the rate at which prices rise, reached a 41-year high of 11.1% in October 2022. While it has since fallen to 4.0% in December 2023, prices are still rising, albeit at a slower pace. Energy bills remain high, despite a temporary fall in the price cap, and food inflation shows no signs of abating. These factors, combined with wage increases failing to keep pace, have left many people feeling worse off.

Signs of Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Despite the challenges, there are some glimmers of hope. Inflation is indeed down from its peak, and the Bank of England predicts it will fall further in 2024. Additionally, the government has introduced several measures aimed at easing the burden, including energy bill support and targeted cost-of-living payments. Some energy suppliers have also announced price decreases.

However, the situation is far from clear-cut. Experts warn that global factors, like the war in Ukraine, could push energy prices up again. Meanwhile, the impact of previous support measures is temporary, leaving many concerned about what lies ahead.

Unequal Impact:

It's crucial to remember that the cost of living crisis isn't impacting everyone equally. Low-income households, already struggling before the crisis, are bearing the brunt of the burden. Food banks report a surge in demand, and charities are seeing a rise in people needing help with basic necessities. This raises concerns about a widening gap between rich and poor, with potentially long-term social consequences.

Looking Ahead:

The months ahead will be crucial in determining the trajectory of the cost of living crisis in the UK. While some indicators offer hope, the situation remains fragile. Continued government support, effective policies to address underlying issues, and individual financial planning will all be essential in weathering the storm.

What can you do?

Several resources are available to help individuals and families navigate the cost of living crisis. These include:

Remember, you're not alone in facing these challenges. By staying informed, seeking support when needed, and making smart financial choices, we can collectively navigate this difficult period and build a more resilient future.

This is so close to home for me........Parkinsons


Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system, specifically the part of the brain that controls movement, balance, and coordination. It is characterized by progressive loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra, leading to a variety of symptoms that worsen over time.

Here are some of the key features of Parkinson's disease:

  • Tremor: This is the most common symptom, typically manifesting as a resting tremor in the hands or fingers.
  • Rigidity: Muscles become stiff and difficult to move, making daily activities challenging.
  • Bradykinesia: Slowness of movement is another hallmark symptom, making simple tasks like walking or getting dressed take longer.
  • Postural instability: Balance problems can increase the risk of falls.
  • Other symptoms: These may include speech difficulties, sleep disturbances, cognitive changes, and depression.

The exact cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Age is the biggest risk factor, with most cases diagnosed after age 60. While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are treatments available to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. These include medication, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and surgery in some cases.

Here are some additional facts about Parkinson's disease:

  • It is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease.
  • Approximately 1 million people in the United States and 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease.
  • There is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, but research is ongoing.

If you or someone you know is concerned about Parkinson's disease, please talk to a doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

Spring Budget what do you think might happen.


Spring Budget what do you think might happen.

Spring Budget 2024: This is coming up soon, on Wednesday, March 6th, 2024. This is where the Chancellor officially lays out the government's spending plans for the year ahead. It's too early to know for sure what will be announced, but here are some possibilities based on speculation and analysis:

  • Tax cuts: Some potential areas for tax cuts include income tax for low and middle earners, inheritance tax, or corporation tax.
  • Spending increases: Areas like healthcare, education, and infrastructure might see more funding.
  • Measures to address the cost of living: The government might announce additional support for people struggling with rising costs.

The post office scandel carries on


Post Office Scandal: Lives Shattered, Justice Still Sought

Chatham, Kent - February 2nd, 2024: The dark cloud of the Post Office scandal continues to hang over Britain, a stark reminder of a systemic failure that shattered lives and eroded trust in institutions. While progress has been made in uncovering the truth and offering compensation, many victims still await full justice and closure.

A Faulty System, Devastating Consequences:

At the heart of the scandal lies the Horizon IT system, implemented in 1999 and plagued by bugs and glitches. These errors generated phantom shortfalls in subpostmasters' accounts, leading to accusations of theft and fraud. Over 900 subpostmasters, many running small, family-owned branches, faced wrongful prosecutions, convictions, and even imprisonment.

The human cost is immeasurable. Lives were destroyed, reputations tarnished, families torn apart. Some victims lost businesses, homes, and their livelihoods. Tragically, a few even took their own lives under the weight of the injustice.

Unveiling the Truth, Seeking Accountability:

The tide began to turn in 2019 when a landmark legal case found the Horizon system unreliable and the Post Office's treatment of subpostmasters unfair. This paved the way for wrongful convictions to be overturned and compensation awarded. However, the process remains slow and bureaucratic, leaving many frustrated and yearning for a more comprehensive solution.

An Inquiry for Answers, Compensation for Lives:

An independent inquiry, launched in 2020, is currently examining the full extent of the scandal and potential culpability. Its findings are expected later this year and hold the key to understanding how such a grave miscarriage of justice could occur and who should be held accountable.

Meanwhile, the government has announced a new compensation scheme offering lump sum payments to those affected. While welcomed, many argue it falls short of addressing the full scale of the damage inflicted. Legal representatives urge authorities to consider individual circumstances and provide broader support, including help rebuilding careers and reputations.

The Fight for Justice Continues:

The Post Office scandal serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability of individuals against institutional power and the importance of due process. As the fight for justice continues, questions remain: How can we ensure such a tragedy never happens again? How can we restore trust in the legal system and institutions? Most importantly, how can we truly compensate those whose lives were irrevocably altered by a faulty system and a culture of denial?

The journey towards healing and accountability is far from over. The Post Office scandal stands as a cautionary tale, demanding continued vigilance and action to ensure that justice prevails, not just for the victims, but for the sake of future generations.

Note: This article is based on information available as of 2024-02-02. The inquiry and compensation process are ongoing, and further developments may occur.

Recent Escalation in Eastern Ukraine: Key Developments and Concerns


Recent Escalation in Eastern Ukraine: Key Developments and Concerns

The recent escalation of fighting in eastern Ukraine is a worrying development with potential for significant ramifications. Here's my breakdown and opinion of the key developments and concerns:


  • Increased shelling and clashes along the contact line: Both Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists have reported increased shelling and skirmishes along the line of control in eastern Ukraine. This includes the use of heavy weaponry, raising concerns about potential escalation.
  • Civilian casualties: Unfortunately, this violence has resulted in civilian casualties, further highlighting the human cost of the conflict.
  • Military reinforcements: Both Ukraine and Russia have deployed additional troops and equipment to the region, further amplifying tensions.
  • Stalemated diplomatic efforts: Despite ongoing diplomatic efforts by France, Germany, and other international actors, there haven't been any significant breakthroughs in peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.


  • Wider conflict involving Russia and NATO: The continued military buildup by both sides on the Ukrainian border and the increased intensity of fighting raise concerns about a potential wider conflict involving Russia and NATO.
  • Humanitarian crisis: The escalation of violence further worsens the already dire humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine, with millions of people displaced and in need of assistance.
  • Destabilization of the region: The conflict has the potential to destabilize the wider region, with potential impacts on neighboring countries and international security.

Additional Information:

  • Live updates: You can find live updates on the situation from reliable news sources like BBC News, Reuters, and The Guardian.
  • Expert analysis: Think tanks and research institutions like the International Crisis Group and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) offer in-depth analysis of the conflict and its implications.
  • Official statements: The websites of the Ukrainian government, the Russian government, and NATO provide official statements and updates on their positions and actions.

It's important to note that the situation in Ukraine is complex and fluid, and new developments can occur rapidly. Staying informed through reliable sources is crucial for understanding the ongoing events and their potential consequences.

Unveiling the Gems of Medway: History, Charm, and Unexpected Adventures


Unveiling the Gems of Medway: History, Charm, and Unexpected Adventures

The Medway Towns in Kent, England, often fly under the radar, but they hold a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. More than just a collection of historic towns, Medway offers a vibrant mix of maritime heritage, cultural gems, and outdoor adventures, making it the perfect weekend getaway for history buffs, nature lovers, and families alike.

Step Back in Time:

  • Rochester Cathedral: Witness the imposing grandeur of this Norman masterpiece, where Charles Dickens was once a choirboy. Explore its hidden crypt and climb the tower for breathtaking views of the city.
  • Upnor Castle: Immerse yourself in Tudor history at this artillery fort, guarding the Thames estuary for centuries. Explore the tunnels, ramparts, and gun platforms, imagining the battles fought and secrets kept.
  • Chatham Historic Dockyard: Discover the birthplace of legendary ships like the Nelsonian warship HMS Victory. Explore the dockyard, take a boat tour, and even witness live demonstrations of traditional shipbuilding techniques.

Embrace the Creative Spirit:

  • Dickens Centre: Delve into the life and works of Charles Dickens, the town's most famous son. See interactive exhibits, explore his childhood home, and even dress up as Victorian characters.
  • Guildhall Museum: This beautiful Tudor building houses a fascinating collection of local history, art, and archaeology. Discover Roman artefacts, Victorian costumes, and intriguing stories of the Medway people.
  • Rochester Art Gallery: Immerse yourself in contemporary art at this award-winning gallery, showcasing works by established and emerging artists. Participate in workshops, talks, and events throughout the year.

Explore the Great Outdoors:

  • Great Lines Heritage Park: Walk or cycle along this scenic former railway line, enjoying stunning views of the Medway Valley and exploring historic features like tunnels and bridges.
  • Strood Estuary Nature Reserve: Spot diverse birdlife and admire the unique wetland habitat on this tranquil reserve. Explore walking trails, bird hides, and educational exhibits.
  • Bluewater Shopping Centre: Combine retail therapy with stunning views at this expansive mall. Enjoy over 130 shops, restaurants, and cinemas, alongside a leisure park and boat trips on the lake.

Beyond the Tourist Trail:

  • Sample local delicacies: From fresh seafood to traditional Kentish dishes, Medway's restaurants and cafes cater to all tastes. Don't miss the famous oysters from Whitstable!
  • Catch a live performance: Medway offers a vibrant theatre scene, from the historical Rochester Castle Concerts to the contemporary performances at the Central Theatre.
  • Go antique hunting: Unearth hidden treasures at the many antique shops and markets scattered throughout the towns, perfect for souvenir hunters and collectors.

Whether you're seeking historical intrigue, artistic inspiration, or outdoor adventures, the Medway Towns offer something for everyone. So, pack your bags, lace up your walking shoes, and get ready to discover the unexpected charm of this hidden gem in Kent.

P.S. Don't forget to share your Medway adventures using #MedwayTowns!

My Books on sale amazon

Unleash Your Inner Author and Master Your Garden Haven: A Literary Escape Awaits!

Calling all dreamers, wordsmiths, and garden enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on a captivating journey that ignites your imagination and transforms your outdoor space? Look no further!

Dive into the enchanting worlds of:

  • A Scribbler's Dream: Let your creativity soar with this inspiring guide to unlocking your writing potential. Packed with practical tips, thought-provoking exercises, and heartwarming encouragement, this book will empower you to turn your scribbles into captivating stories.

  • Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of the Talking Toast: Embark on a whimsical adventure where everyday objects come to life! This heartwarming tale is perfect for readers of all ages, reminding us to cherish the simple joys and embrace the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Craving the perfect outdoor oasis?

  • Patios, Pergolas & Decking: Your Essential How-To Guide: Transform your backyard into a stunning sanctuary with this comprehensive guide. From choosing the right materials to step-by-step construction tips, this book equips you with the knowledge and confidence to create the patio, pergola, or deck of your dreams.

This is your chance to:

  • Unlock your writing potential and tell your story: A Scribbler's Dream will guide you on your creative journey, helping you find your voice and express yourself with confidence.
  • Delight in a heartwarming tale: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of the Talking Toast will leave you smiling and inspired, reminding you of the magic that surrounds us.
  • Craft your dream outdoor space: Patios, Pergolas & Decking empowers you to create a beautiful and functional outdoor haven, perfect for relaxation, entertaining, or simply enjoying nature's beauty.

Don't wait! Embrace your literary aspirations and outdoor ambitions today. Order your copies now and unlock a world of creativity, heartwarming stories, and garden expertise!

P.S. Looking for the perfect gift for a writer or garden enthusiast? Look no further than this irresistible collection!

Manchester Crown Court is keeping busy....sadly


The Manchester Crown Court has been in the news recently for several high-profile cases, and here are some of the trending topics:

Brianna Ghey murder trial: This trial involving the brutal murder of a teenage girl has captured national attention. The two 15-year-old defendants were recently named, though their identities are still protected due to their age.

Tech entrepreneur convicted of sexual assault: Lawrence Jones, founder of a tech company, was found guilty of multiple counts of rape and sexual assault. This case has sparked discussions about accountability for powerful figures.

Nurse guilty of multiple baby murders: Lucy Letby, a former nurse, was found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder ten others. This shocking case is still ongoing, with sentencing yet to be determined.

Other cases: Aside from these major headlines, the court also handles numerous other serious criminal cases, including assaults, robberies, and fraud. You can find specific details about ongoing trials and verdicts on the court's website or by following local news sources.

It's important to note that due to the sensitive nature of the ongoing trials, especially those involving minors, certain details might be restricted or not readily available publicly.

The return of the Perm....oh no


Haha, I understand your initial reaction! The classic "perm" image of tight, crimped curls conjures up specific associations for many people. But hold on, the perm of today is undergoing a major makeover!

Here's why you might reconsider your "oh no":

Modern perms are different:

  • Natural-looking curls: Forget the tight, uniform ringlets. Today's perms create looser, more relaxed waves and curls that blend seamlessly with your natural texture. Think beachy waves, tousled texture, or even subtle bends for volume.
  • Advanced techniques: Modern perms use gentler formulas and techniques that minimize damage and dryness compared to the perms of the past.
  • Versatility for all hair types: Whether you have fine, thick, straight, or even wavy hair, there's a perm variation suitable for your specific needs and desired outcome.
  • Low maintenance: Perms can actually simplify your routine. With the right care, permed hair can air-dry beautifully and require less styling effort.

Reasons for the comeback:

  • Embrace of natural texture: The trend towards embracing natural curls and waves extends to perms. People are looking for ways to enhance their texture without harsh straightening methods.
  • Celebrity influence: Stars like Zendaya, Bella Hadid, and even Timothée Chalamet have sported permed hairstyles, influencing the trend.
  • Nostalgia with a twist: The 80s are back in fashion, but with a modern twist. The perm revival reflects this, offering a nod to the past with a fresh, updated look.

Ultimately, the decision is yours! But if you're curious about adding texture and volume to your hair, a modern perm could be a surprisingly good option. It's important to consult a skilled stylist who can assess your hair and recommend the right perm technique for you.

Remember, fashion is all about having fun and expressing yourself. So, who knows, you might just find yourself rocking a cool, modern perm and loving it!

The Air Fryer revolution


The air fryer revolution refers to the surge in popularity of air fryers, a countertop appliance that uses rapid air circulation to cook food to a crispy golden brown finish with minimal oil. They first gained mainstream attention in the late 2010s and have continued to grow in popularity since then.

Here are some of the factors that have contributed to the air fryer revolution:

  • Healthier cooking: Air fryers use significantly less oil than traditional deep fryers, making them a healthier option for cooking fried foods.
  • Versatility: Air fryers can be used to cook a wide variety of foods, from frozen French fries and chicken wings to roasted vegetables and even baked goods.
  • Convenience: Air fryers are relatively small and easy to use, making them a convenient option for busy home cooks.
  • Cost-effective: Air fryers are relatively affordable, especially compared to other kitchen appliances.

The air fryer revolution has led to a proliferation of air fryer recipes, cookbooks, and online communities. It has also sparked innovation in the appliance industry, with manufacturers releasing new air fryer models with additional features and capabilities.

Whether you're looking for a healthier way to cook your favorite fried foods or simply want a versatile and convenient kitchen appliance, the air fryer is a great option. So join the air fryer revolution and see what all the fuss is about!

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...