Sunday, February 4, 2024

Cost of living in the UK

Navigating the Tide: Understanding Living Costs in the UK

The UK, with its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscapes, attracts residents from across the globe. However, navigating the intricacies of life there, particularly the cost of living, can be daunting. So, let's dive into the current landscape of living costs in the UK, exploring both challenges and potential solutions.

The Big Ticket Items:

  • Accommodation: Housing costs form a substantial chunk of most budgets. London holds the top spot for expensive rents, while smaller towns and cities offer more affordable options. Consider factors like property type, location, and proximity to amenities when budgeting.
  • Food: Grocery bills vary depending on shopping habits and dietary choices. While supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi offer budget-friendly options, organic and specialty items can increase costs. Eating out adds another layer, with London again being pricier than other areas.
  • Transportation: Public transport like trains and buses are widely available but can be expensive, especially in major cities. Exploring fuel-efficient vehicles or cycling might be viable options in certain areas.

Beyond the Essentials:

  • Energy Bills: With the ongoing energy crisis, heating and electricity costs have surged across the UK. Exploring government assistance programs and energy-efficient practices can help mitigate this impact.
  • Taxes: Income tax brackets and National Insurance contributions affect disposable income. Understanding these deductions beforehand allows for better financial planning.
  • Entertainment: Leisure activities range from free museum visits to costly theater tickets. Budgeting smartly and seeking affordable entertainment options can help maintain a healthy balance.

Navigating the Challenges:

  • Rising Inflation: The UK currently faces inflation, causing price increases across many goods and services. Staying informed about government support measures and exploring cost-saving alternatives can help manage this challenge.
  • Regional Disparity: Living costs vary significantly across regions. Researching specific locations before moving allows for informed financial decisions.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Personal habits significantly impact expenses. Budgeting and mindful spending become crucial in maintaining a desired lifestyle within existing costs.

Exploring Solutions:

  • Budgeting and Planning: Creating a realistic budget and tracking expenses empowers informed spending decisions. Utilizing budgeting apps and tools can streamline the process.
  • Seeking Support: Government assistance programs and financial aid options can ease the burden for eligible individuals and families.
  • Exploring Alternatives: Consider carpooling, utilizing public transport discounts, and seeking free or low-cost entertainment options to maximize value.
  • Building Community: Sharing resources, tips, and experiences with others facing similar challenges can foster a supportive network and promote cost-saving strategies.


The cost of living in the UK is dynamic and can vary based on individual circumstances and choices. While challenges exist, proactive planning, informed decision-making, and exploring available resources can help navigate the financial landscape and enjoy a fulfilling life in the UK.


  • This article provides a general overview. For specific figures and up-to-date information, refer to reliable sources like the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and relevant government websites.
  • Consider individual needs and circumstances when applying this information. Seeking personalized financial advice might be beneficial for complex situations.

I hope this comprehensive overview empowers you to make informed decisions and navigate the cost of living in the UK with confidence!

Saturday, February 3, 2024

LinkedIn: Beyond Business Cards - Exploring its Role in the Social Media Landscape (Continued)


LinkedIn: Beyond Business Cards - Exploring its Role in the Social Media Landscape (Continued)

The Evolution of Social Selling:

Beyond traditional networking, LinkedIn has become a powerful platform for "social selling." This involves building relationships with potential clients and customers by sharing valuable content, engaging in industry conversations, and demonstrating expertise. By fostering trust and establishing thought leadership, individuals and businesses can attract opportunities organically, rather than relying solely on cold outreach.

The Rise of Micro-Influencers:

With its focus on professionals and industry-specific communities, LinkedIn offers a unique space for micro-influencers to emerge. These individuals, recognized for their expertise in a particular niche, leverage their platform to connect with targeted audiences, offer insights, and potentially collaborate with brands. This creates a win-win situation, with brands reaching relevant audiences and individuals amplifying their reach and influence.

The Power of Personal Branding:

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all resumes. LinkedIn allows individuals to craft a dynamic personal brand, showcasing their unique skills, experiences, and values. This goes beyond simply listing job titles and responsibilities. By sharing relevant content, participating in discussions, and engaging with others, individuals can create a compelling narrative that attracts potential employers, collaborators, and clients.

The Global Reach and Diverse Voices:

Unlike some social media platforms, LinkedIn boasts a truly global reach, connecting professionals from across the world. This fosters cross-cultural exchange, knowledge sharing, and collaboration on international projects. Additionally, the platform has made strides in promoting diversity and inclusion, providing a space for underrepresented voices to be heard and fostering a more equitable professional landscape.

Challenges and Considerations:

However, it's crucial to acknowledge potential challenges. The pressure to curate a perfect online persona can lead to feelings of inadequacy and inauthenticity. Additionally, navigating the platform's algorithms and balancing self-promotion with genuine engagement requires mindful effort.


LinkedIn's role extends far beyond digital business cards. It serves as a dynamic platform for professional networking, learning, and personal branding. By understanding its potential, navigating its complexities, and utilizing it responsibly, individuals and businesses can leverage its unique offerings to forge meaningful connections, advance their careers, and contribute to a more collaborative and diverse professional world.

Remember, this is just a starting point for further exploration. You can delve deeper into specific aspects like social selling, micro-influencers, or personal branding, highlighting success stories, providing tips, and analyzing potential ethical considerations. By offering diverse perspectives and insightful analysis, you can create a truly comprehensive and engaging exploration of LinkedIn's role in the social media landscape.

Linkedin, on there now


In profiles pressed and polished bright,

LinkedIn paints a world of light. Connections made, jobs sought and won, A curated dance beneath the sun.

Headlines boast of skills and deeds, Achievements sown like planted seeds. Endorsements bloom, a digital garden, Where likes and praise leave nary a scar den.

But whispers lurk behind the screen, Of metrics tracked, a social scene. Where comparisons fester deep, And doubts like weeds begin to creep.

Is this a platform built to share, Or just a mask for self-compare? A land of smiles and perfect squares, Where competition hides in gilded snares.

So pause, dear user, take a breath, Beyond the feed, there's life and death. Connection's true when hearts engage, Not measured by a digital gauge.

Let LinkedIn be a tool, not cage, Where human touch lights up the page. For in the end, it's not the likes, But genuine bonds that truly strike.

Who is the best football team in Britain


Determining the "best" football team in Britain is subjective and depends on various factors you consider important. Here are some points to keep in mind:

Different criteria for "best":

  • Current performance: If you consider recent form and trophies, Manchester City and Liverpool are currently dominating the Premier League.
  • Historical success: Manchester United boasts the most English top-flight titles (20), while Liverpool and Arsenal follow closely.
  • Playing style: Some value possession-based, attacking football like Manchester City, while others prefer a more pragmatic approach like Chelsea.
  • Fanbase: Manchester United, Arsenal, and Liverpool have massive global fanbases, while smaller clubs might have more passionate local support.

It's impossible to objectively crown a single "best" team. Each club has its unique strengths, weaknesses, and passionate fanbase. Ultimately, who you consider the "best" depends on your personal preferences and criteria.

Instead of focusing on a single "best", here are some ways to explore British football:

  • Follow different teams and competitions: Premier League, Championship, League One, League Two, Scottish Premiership, etc.
  • Learn about the history and rivalries of different clubs.
  • Watch matches and documentaries to appreciate different playing styles.
  • Engage with fans and discuss your opinions respectfully.

By exploring the diverse landscape of British football, you can form your own informed opinion about which teams resonate with you the most.

Two Sides of the Coin: A Tale of Money and Its Absence


Two Sides of the Coin: A Tale of Money and Its Absence

Scene 1: Abundance

Sunlight streams through the expansive living room window, illuminating the dust motes dancing in the air. Sarah, clad in a silk robe, sips her latte, the aroma mingling with the scent of freshly cut lilies on the coffee table. A notification pops up on her phone - her investment portfolio has gained another few thousand dollars. She smiles, a comfortable certainty washing over her.

Later, she browses designer stores online, adding a new statement bag and a pair of limited-edition sneakers to her cart. A click, and the items are on their way, a small dent in her vast bank account barely noticeable. This evening, she'll join friends at a Michelin-starred restaurant, laughter and clinking glasses filling the air, the bill just another figure on the receipt.

Money, for Sarah, is a constant hum in the background of her life, a safety net and a springboard for experiences. It grants her freedom, choices, and a sense of control. Yet, amidst the opulence, a tiny voice whispers - is there more to life than this carefully curated comfort?

Scene 2: Scarcity

John sits hunched over his laptop, the glow of the screen casting harsh shadows on his tired face. His bank account balance displays a meager sum, barely enough for groceries this week. The eviction notice on the fridge mocks him, a constant reminder of his precarious situation.

He craves a hot meal, but settles for instant noodles again. The trendy clothes he sees online are a distant dream, replaced by the worry of affording his next rent payment. His social life revolves around free activities, the burden of even a coffee date feeling overwhelming.

Money, for John, is a constant tightrope walk, a source of anxiety and limitation. It dictates his choices, restricts his dreams, and casts a shadow over his day-to-day existence. Yet, amidst the struggle, a spark flickers - resilience, resourcefulness, and a deep appreciation for the small things.

The Bridge Between

One day, fate intervenes. Sarah, volunteering at a local soup kitchen, meets John. They connect over shared laughter and stories, their vastly different realities momentarily fading away. Sarah is struck by John's resilience and humor despite his hardships. John finds solace in Sarah's kindness and genuine interest.

As their acquaintance deepens, they begin to see the world through each other's eyes. Sarah acknowledges the privilege her wealth affords, recognizing that it doesn't guarantee happiness. John appreciates the small joys found even in scarcity, realizing that money isn't everything.

Their lives remain different, but a bridge is built. Sarah donates to John's cause, offering him a temporary reprieve. John, in turn, teaches her the value of resourcefulness and community. They recognize that money is just a tool, and true wealth lies in connection, resilience, and the pursuit of a meaningful life.

The story ends not with an answer, but with a question: Does money bring happiness, or does it simply amplify what's already there? Perhaps the answer lies not in having or not having, but in finding balance, appreciating what we have, and using our resources, whatever they may be, to make a positive impact on the world around us.

From Flickering Screens to Streaming Seas: The Ever-Evolving Story of Television


From Flickering Screens to Streaming Seas: The Ever-Evolving Story of Television

Television, once a novelty confined to living rooms, has become a ubiquitous presence in our lives, shaping entertainment, information, and culture. But to understand its current form, we must journey through its fascinating evolution:

The Early Flickers (1920s-1940s):

  • Mechanical Marvels: The first televisions were mechanical beasts, with spinning disks and primitive displays. Programming was scarce, often experimental, and broadcasted only in major cities.
  • Birth of the Living Room: As technology improved, televisions became more affordable, transforming living rooms into shared entertainment spaces. Early hits like variety shows and sports broadcasts drew families together.
  • Limited Channels, Endless Imagination: With just a handful of channels, viewers savored each program, fostering a shared cultural experience despite limited choice.

The Golden Age (1950s-1960s):

  • Programming Boom: The arrival of affordable, reliable sets and the explosion of channels fueled a golden age. Network giants like NBC and CBS churned out sitcoms, dramas, and westerns, capturing the nation's imagination.
  • News and Information: Television became a primary source of news, shaping public discourse and witnessing historic events like the moon landing.
  • Cultural Impact: Shows like "I Love Lucy" and "The Ed Sullivan Show" became cultural touchstones, reflecting and influencing societal norms.

The Age of Choice (1970s-1990s):

  • Cable and Satellites: Cable and satellite TV shattered channel limitations, offering diverse programming, niche channels, and 24-hour news. Viewers gained control, customizing their experience.
  • The Rise of VCRs: The ability to record and watch shows on demand challenged traditional viewing habits, paving the way for a more personalized experience.
  • Global Village: Satellite technology brought the world closer, exposing viewers to different cultures and perspectives.

The Digital Revolution (2000s-Present):

  • From Analog to Digital: The shift to digital broadcasting brought sharper images, more channels, and interactive features.
  • Streaming Services: The rise of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu disrupted traditional models, offering on-demand content and challenging cable dominance.
  • Cord-Cutting and Beyond: Viewers cut the cord, choosing specific subscriptions over bundled packages, creating a fragmented but empowered audience.

What Does the Future Hold?

  • Personalized Viewing: Artificial intelligence and algorithms curate content recommendations, creating individualized viewing experiences.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Interactive narratives and immersive technologies blur the lines between viewer and participant.
  • The Democratization of Content: Anyone with a camera and internet connection can become a content creator, pushing the boundaries of traditional television.

The television landscape continues to evolve at breakneck speed. While some lament the loss of shared cultural experiences, others celebrate the freedom of choice and personalized entertainment. One thing is certain: television's journey reflects the changing world around it, and its next chapter promises to be just as transformative.

This is just a brief glimpse into the vast history of television. Each era deserves deeper exploration, revealing the social, technological, and cultural forces that shaped the medium we know today. As we enter a new age of possibilities, the story of television continues to unfold, reminding us of its enduring power to entertain, inform, and connect us all.

Through the Looking Glass: Glimpses of British Life, Then and Now


Through the Looking Glass: Glimpses of British Life, Then and Now

British life, like a well-loved tapestry, is interwoven with threads of tradition, resilience, and evolution. Soaking in its rich history reveals contrasting shades of "better" and "worse," a complex narrative shaped by social, economic, and political forces.

Glimpses from the Past:

  • Pre-industrial Life: For centuries, rural life dominated, characterized by hard work, tight-knit communities, and deference to social hierarchies. While stability existed, it often came at the cost of limited opportunities and rigid class structures.

  • The Industrial Revolution: Cities boomed, transforming lives. Technology brought progress, but also harsh working conditions and poverty for many. Despite hardships, advancements in education and healthcare paved the way for change.

  • World Wars and Beyond: Facing unprecedented devastation, the British spirit of resilience shone through. However, the cost was immense, shaping social and political landscapes. The post-war era saw the dismantling of empires, the rise of the welfare state, and the fight for social justice.

Life Today:

  • Tech Transformation: Technology has revolutionized communication, work, and leisure. While access and affordability remain crucial concerns, advancements offer diverse opportunities and challenges.

  • Globalized World: Britain navigates a globalized world, embracing cultural diversity and facing the complexities of interdependence. Immigration has enriched society, but also sparked debates about national identity and social integration.

  • Evolving Economy: From industrial heartland to a service-based economy, challenges like job insecurity and income inequality persist alongside innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

So, Has Life Improved?

The answer, like British weather, is complex. We see:

  • Greater Individual Freedom: Increased social mobility, expanded personal expression, and greater awareness of human rights empower individuals.
  • Improved Living Standards: Advances in healthcare, technology, and infrastructure have drastically improved quality of life for many.
  • Social Progress: The fight for equality has seen progress in areas like gender, race, and LGBTQ+ rights.

However, challenges remain:

  • Economic Disparity: The gap between rich and poor widens, impacting opportunities and quality of life.
  • Political Uncertainties: Brexit and its implications, alongside concerns about global issues like climate change, create anxieties about the future.
  • National Identity: Navigating the complexities of globalization and immigration raises questions about national identity and belonging.

The Tapestry Continues:

Ultimately, British life is a dynamic tapestry, constantly evolving. While embracing positive changes, acknowledging lingering challenges is crucial. The ability to reflect, adapt, and strive for a more equitable future will determine the shades woven into the next chapters of this fascinating story.

Remember, even within this broad overview, individual experiences can differ greatly. This journey through time only offers a glimpse – one best explored through further reading, personal interactions, and an open mind to hear diverse perspectives.

A Scribblers Dream  

Join the revolution for this book, a must read 

Brit Wit: A Journey Through British Comedy, From Panto to Podcasts


Brit Wit: A Journey Through British Comedy, From Panto to Podcasts

British comedy, with its unique blend of wit, satire, and absurdity, has tickled funny bones and challenged norms for centuries. From bawdy pantomimes to cutting-edge stand-up, its diverse landscape reflects the island nation's evolving social and political climate. Let's take a stroll through this comedic timeline:

Early Stages: Mummers and Mischief (Medieval – 18th Century)

The seeds of British comedy were sown in folk traditions like mummers' plays, known for their slapstick and social commentary. The 16th century saw the rise of professional clowns, while playwrights like William Shakespeare integrated humor into his dramas. Coffee houses became hubs for satirical wit, paving the way for the 18th century's sharp-tongued satirists like Jonathan Swift and Henry Fielding.

Victorian Vaudeville and Edwardian Music Hall (19th – Early 20th Century)

The Victorian era brought music halls, vibrant performance spaces featuring singing, dancing, and stand-up comedians. These acts relied on physical humor, puns, and topical jokes, often poking fun at social classes and contemporary events. The early 20th century saw the rise of slapstick giants like Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel, whose silent films showcased the universal language of physical humor.

Radio, Television, and Beyond: Satire Takes Center Stage (Mid-20th Century – Present)

The invention of radio provided a new platform for comedic talent. Shows like "The Goon Show" pushed boundaries with surreal humor and witty wordplay, influencing generations of comedians. Television's arrival saw the rise of iconic sitcoms like "Monty Python's Flying Circus," a landmark series that blended sketch comedy, satire, and surrealism. Later decades saw the emergence of alternative comedy, stand-up specials, and the rise of female comedians like Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders.

Modern Landscape: Diversity and Digital Humor (Late 20th Century – Present)

Today, British comedy boasts a diverse landscape, reflecting the multicultural realities of the nation. From edgy stand-up acts like Ricky Gervais to niche online sketches, humor thrives on platforms like YouTube and podcasts. Comedy continues to be a powerful tool for social commentary, tackling issues like race, gender, and politics with wit and satire.

Key Traits of British Comedy:

  • Self-deprecating humor: Brits often laugh at themselves, their culture, and their institutions.
  • Satire and sarcasm: A sharp wit and knack for poking fun at societal norms are hallmarks of British humor.
  • Wordplay and puns: From double entendres to witty observations, language plays a key role in British comedy.
  • Observational humor: Everyday life's quirks and social awkwardness provide rich comedic material.
  • Physical comedy: Slapstick and absurd physical humor remain popular elements.

What's Next?

As technology evolves and social landscapes shift, British comedy is sure to adapt and innovate. Whether it's through groundbreaking stand-up specials, viral online sketches, or immersive comedic experiences, one thing is certain: British wit will continue to entertain, challenge, and make us laugh for years to come.

So, grab a cup of tea, put on your best dry humor, and explore the vast world of British comedy! You're in for a hilarious ride.

A Struggling Author


The blank page mocks me, a vast expanse of white taunting my creativity. It's 3 am, and the coffee pot groans its last breath, mirroring the fatigue in my soul. "Struggling author" isn't just a label, it's a constant companion, whispering doubts and amplifying rejections.

The dream began with passion, a burning desire to weave stories that resonate, to transport readers to other worlds. I poured my heart onto the page, fueled by the belief that my words held the power to move mountains. But the reality is a harsher landscape.

Pitfalls litter the path: writer's block, crippling comparisons, the suffocating silence after hitting submit. Each query letter feels like a fragile hope launched into the void, returning with a thudding rejection or worse, radio silence.

Deflating moments? Countless. The sting of reviews filled with good intentions but laced with disappointment. The crushing realization that months of work translate to meager sales, barely covering the cost of a latte. The self-doubt, the insidious voice whispering, "Maybe it's not good enough."

But then, a glimmer. A reader reaches out, their words echoing the emotions you poured onto the page. A fellow writer offers support, reminding you that you're not alone in this shared struggle. An unexpected review shines a light on what resonates. These are the lifebuoys I cling to, the reminders that keep me afloat.

Being a struggling author is a constant negotiation between passion and practicality. It's facing the harsh realities of the publishing world while nurturing the fragile flame of creativity. It's about learning to dance with rejection, using it as fuel to improve, not as an extinguisher of dreams.

But here's the truth: we persist. We edit, revise, and submit again, driven by an unwavering belief in the power of our stories. We find solace in our communities, sharing struggles and celebrating victories. We learn from others, honing our craft with every draft.

So, to all the struggling authors out there, let me share a secret: the fight is worth it. The journey may be arduous, but the destination, that moment when your words connect with a reader, makes it all worthwhile. We may be struggling, but we are not defeated. We are the ink-stained warriors, and our stories, our weapons. We fight not for fame or fortune, but for the simple act of creating, of connecting, and of leaving a mark on the world.

Keep writing, keep believing, keep fighting. The world needs your stories. It needs your unique voice. And someday, against all odds, your words will find their way, echoing through the hearts of readers, proving that even in the struggle, the dream lives on.

When Faith Comes Knocking: Navigating Unsolicited Visits from Religious Groups


When Faith Comes Knocking: Navigating Unsolicited Visits from Religious Groups

The sound of the doorbell rings out, shattering the afternoon quiet. You peek through the peephole and see unfamiliar faces, pamphlets in hand. Your heart skips a beat – it's the kind of visit that often elicits mixed emotions: a knock on the door from religious representatives.

While respecting diverse beliefs is essential, unsolicited visits can feel intrusive, especially when your own views differ. So, how do you handle these situations thoughtfully and respectfully? Here are some strategies:

1. Know Your Rights:

First things

first, familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding door-to-door solicitation. This way, you can confidently assert your rights if necessary. Remember, politeness and firmness are not mutually exclusive.

2. Be Direct and Courteous:

Start by politely acknowledging their presence and explaining that you're not interested in discussing religion today. Offer a brief, generic reason, like being busy or already having religious affiliations. Avoid engaging in debates or theological discussions, as this can prolong the interaction.

3. Set Boundaries:

Express your preference for not receiving future visits. Some opt for a "No Soliciting" sign, while others politely request removal from mailing lists. Remember, your comfort and privacy are paramount.

4. Consider Alternatives:

If you're open to religious dialogue but prefer a controlled setting, suggest they provide information about their group or invite them to attend a public event organized by your own faith community.

5. Be Empathetic:

Remember, the individuals at your door are likely volunteers driven by their faith. While you may not share their beliefs, acknowledging their sincerity and respecting their right to share their message can go a long way.

Additional Tips:

  • Have a pre-planned response: Rehearsing what you'll say beforehand can help you stay calm and assertive.
  • Involve others: If you live with family or roommates, have a unified approach to such visits.
  • Educate yourself: Understanding different religious practices can equip you to respond more effectively, even if you disagree.
  • Remember, kindness matters: Treat everyone with respect, even if you have differing viewpoints.

Ultimately, how you handle these visits is a personal choice. The key is to find a balance between respecting diverse beliefs and setting healthy boundaries for yourself and your personal space. By being knowledgeable, assertive, and respectful, you can navigate these situations with confidence and clarity.

The Weekend is here 3rd Feb 2024


Saturday Vibes: Embracing the Day, February 3rd, 2024

The weekend is upon us, and whether you're basking in sunshine or battling winter storms, Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, is a day brimming with potential. As I can't access information beyond January 31st, 2024, I can't tailor this post to specific events, but let's dive into some ways to make the most of your Saturday:

For the Adventurous:

  • Lace up your hiking boots: Explore a new trail, soak in the sights, and breathe in the fresh air. Nature has a way of calming the soul and energizing the spirit.
  • Embrace the winter chill: Hit the slopes, build a snowman, have a snowball fight – embrace the season's unique activities.
  • Go on a cultural expedition: Visit a museum, attend a local play, or delve into the history of your town. Learning is enriching and opens new perspectives.

For the Homebodies:

  • Curl up with a good book: Immerse yourself in a captivating story, whether it's a classic you haven't touched in years or a new release piquing your interest.
  • Indulge in a creative pursuit: Paint, sculpt, write, dance – express yourself and let your artistic spirit flow.
  • Pamper yourself: Take a long bath, give yourself a manicure, or whip up a delicious spa-worthy treat. Relaxation and self-care are essential.

For the Socially Inclined:

  • Gather with friends and family: Play games, share stories, have a potluck dinner – strengthen your bonds and create lasting memories.
  • Volunteer in your community: Give back to others and experience the joy of helping those in need.
  • Support local businesses: Visit a farmer's market, browse unique shops, or enjoy a meal at a local restaurant. Keeping your community vibrant is rewarding.

No matter your preferences, remember:

  • Disconnect to reconnect: Put away your phone for a while and be present in the moment. Connect with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.
  • Embrace spontaneity: Be open to unexpected opportunities and adventures. Sometimes, the best moments are unplanned.
  • Practice gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the small things – a warm cup of coffee, a sunny day, the laughter of loved ones. Gratitude fosters happiness and contentment.

So, make the most of your Saturday, February 3rd, 2024. Do something you love, connect with others, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Happy weekend!

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...