Tuesday, October 25, 2022

25th October 2022

 Went to the therapy place today, well Joanne did not me, about every 8 weeks we go there to get her knee sorted, oh the joys of getting old people. Did a bit of shopping and that was about the most exciting it got.

You must have some boring days to offset the wonderful days, else the wonderful days would not be.

At the moment here in medway we are getting over the top temperatures weather wise, so we have not had the heating on yet, its been over 19 degrees sometimes 21 in the lounge so all good so far. 

Its school holidays now so many are in the shopping areas, and with october the 31st fast approaching its busy.

We hate fireworks, we find them a bloody nuisance, loud and not needed, abroad they have silent ones so why do we have to have the loud ones, pets have died after being so frightened. Its about time in 2022 that we either ban them or get the silent ones. 

see you all soon 

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