Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Old Mill Street Booking Office 1930


The old Mill Street bus station booking office in Maidstone, Kent, England, was a well-known landmark in the town for many years. It was built in the 1930s and was in use until the new bus station opened in 1978.

The booking office was a two-storey building with a distinctive Art Deco design. It was made of red brick and had large windows on the ground floor. The building was decorated with a number of Art Deco features, including a frieze above the entrance and a clock on the front façade.

The booking office was a popular place for people to buy bus tickets and catch buses to other towns and cities. It was also a popular place for people to meet up with friends and family. The booking office was a busy place, and it was always full of activity.

The booking office was closed in 1978 when the new bus station opened. The building was then used as a car park for a number of years. In the 1990s, the building was demolished to make way for a new shopping development.

The old Mill Street bus station booking office was a popular and well-loved landmark in Maidstone. It was a reminder of a time when bus travel was a popular and convenient way to get around. The demolition of the booking office was a sad day for many people in the town.

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