Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Trust is vital


In the depths of trust's betrayal, where hearts once aligned,

Two souls once cherished, now severed and confined.
Their actions like daggers, piercing my soul,
Leaving wounds of deceit, taking their toll.
Their promises broken, their words turned to lies,
Their actions a mockery, a cruel disguise.
They've tainted my spirit, my trust they've belied,
In their wake of betrayal, my heart has dried.
Oh, the pain of their actions, a burden to bear,
A lesson etched deeply, a wound beyond repair.
Their treachery lingers, a haunting refrain,
A reminder of trust lost, never to regain.
But from the depths of darkness, a strength will arise,
A resilience within, a spirit that defies.
I'll mend my broken heart, with courage and care,
And never again surrender, to those who won't share.
No longer will I be swayed, by their empty pleas,
Their words will fall hollow, like leaves on the breeze.
I'll guard my heart closely, with wisdom as guide,
And never again will I let them inside.
For true friendship and love, are treasures so rare,
And those who betray them, are unworthy of care.
I'll seek out kindred spirits, with hearts that are true,
And build my life anew, with love that will accrue.
So farewell, dear betrayers, your actions in vain,
My heart will heal stronger, from the pain you've ordained.
I'll rise from the ashes, with spirit ablaze,
And never again will I fall, for your deceitful ways.

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