Monday, October 24, 2022

Autumn Colour

 The two chysanths are doing well finally, two shades of red, potted into two blue handmade wooden tubs and both of them on casters for easy movement.

October 24th 2022 my PIV unit

 A great start to the day, we have a PIV unit installed, incase your not sure what that is, its a Positive Input Ventilation unit which puts fresh air into the home and clears condensation and mold and keeps it away, anyway this unit from time to time needs a clean, its installed in the loft space where it draws air from the loft, cleans it through filters and the powers it into the house, so the filters need a clean about twice a year so not too much work.

About 4am this morning we hear the unit switching on and off, its very quiet normally, thought it would reset itself, no, so there I am 4am up in the loft switching it off, back to sleep.

This morning loft again, cleaning the filters and now its running lovely again, they are a great thing to have, cost about 2 pound a year to run, but saves a fortune on cleaning damp and mold.

And relax, the weather outside is lovely, blue skies here in medway, hope its good where you are.  Let me know 

See you all soon

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Boris in or out

 The leader and next PM race is hotting up, I would like to see Boris in again, what do all think, we will all now in the next few days

Me Today Sunday

 What a difference a day makes, raining very hard, thunder and lightning, good for the garden.

Its sunday, which use to be a day of rest, these days its just like any other, people working most of the day.

Watching my favourite program for a sunday which sometimes I catch up, and that is Love your weekend with Alan, great show, love the ode to joy spot, and I really love the cabin which the show is filmed in one of those would suit me very well if I had the room in the garden, having said that I guess there is room, but it take the whole plot to build one, no room for the washing line. 

What do we all think about the politics at the moment, bit of a mess for sure.

Anyone got the heating on yet, we have not had ours on yet trying to hold out as long as we can, but with the weather being mild its good and keeps the rooms in the 19 and 20 c area.

Really would love to know how you are spending your sunday let me know in the comments 

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Me today

 Well its another weekend, since retirement one day seems to blend into another, guess many can relate to this. Lovely day at the moment due some rain though here in medway, I live in luton Village part of medway an old part of the towns, some of the homes here were built around 200 hundred years ago.  We are known as cabbage islanders, not the most glamerous of titles but there you go. 

Watching footy and seeing the scores appear.  Hate the nights drawing in at this time, and the clocks alter soon,not sure why they do not leave them alone would be much better.

Tea time soon so off to cook, see you all soon 

Friday, October 21, 2022

NO Election

 what a few years we are having, virus, pandemic, money troubles, cost of living, politics upheaval, its enough to make anyone anxious and stressed out.

Britain use to be great, we need to get that back and fast, some are saying, lets have a general election, to do this right now would be in my opinion wrong for the country, lets get a PM that will take hold of the mess and sort it out, then in the spring hold an election then, but not now, theres too much other stuff going. 

Decking Installers in kent

 Decking installers need to be sure about the material they are using, it has to be straight, hardly any splits, and of a good profile and thickness, I was alway checking the boards that were delivered, and more than once sent back the entire lorry load, my customers wanted the best and I always made sure that they had it, not only in the design and installation but all the materials, all timber had to meet a certain grade for me.

Screws and attachments had to be in the same grade, another post on those later.

No point in laying bad timber because you are only going to regret it later, and it will not last as long. 

Be Bold with colour

 recently repainted decking rails and posts, two tone suits the area this is in, have fun with colour, the blue fence stands out against the dark colours of the decking, so be bold and go for it !!


 My favourite time of the year has arrived, the colours are wonderful as the leaves turn, and of course as the nights draw in its a great time to plan for next year, and get into the garden to tidy up the flower beds.

The time in the garden about now should be inspected to make sure its ready for the cold days ahead, any timber that needs attention should be given it now.  Perhaps a clean, some treatment such as oiling on dry days of course, a sweep to clear the ends of a profiled deck as the ends do get the dust stopping there and then turns solid stopping the rain water running off, so this is a must do job. 

Love autumn, and if we are lucky we get some fantastic sunsets. 


 Having now retired from the decking construction game, I am now consulting upon various decking schemes that are carried out, creative decking has been years in the making, and of course shows no sign of going elsewhere.  As a consultant I ensure that the deck in your garden lasts for many, many years, and doing it correctly it will do just that.

Costing and getting the right product in the right area of your garden is acheived by careful planning and design. 

Consulting does not cost very much compared with the outlay of the whole job, and getting it correctly designed and consulted upon will save you money in the long run, the alternative is expensive.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Hot Weather

 With the weather hotting up timber will shrink, beprepared for this whenlaying your deck in what ever timber you are using. 

cost of living

 Its all getting too much these days,put the news on and all we hear is wars, energy bills going up, the hot weather, hose pipe bans to name but a few, its enough to drive anyone up the wall.  

You might be forgiven if you are neglating the garden, but this space is a sanctury for all of us, somewhere we can all sit for a while in peace and quiet, if you are luck enough to have an outside space make the most of it, and if you canb afford it build a timber deck, it does not have to be anything major, a deck is a wooden platform, so you can use almost any type of wooden planks to build it, so long as it serves the purpose of allowing us all to sit down and just relax. 

If the expense of deck boards is too much, use timber gravel boards instead,it may not be as smooth but with a lick of paint and the wearing of outside footwear then do it that way. 

I have seen even pallets being used to create this type of structure with fantastic results, pallets can sometimes be purchased for very small amount of money, sometimes free.

Go for it!!

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...