hello been a while since I posted, been busy looking after my partner Joanne, she has onset parkinsons, shes fine, but finds life a little hard sometimes, gets stiff and moves slowly, recently we had some handrails installed on the stairs but the local council department, we own the house but through the NHS we were able to get them installed, its made a difference for her to get up and down them.
Learning more about parkinsons every day, waiting for hospital appointments is frustrating as many have found, on a waiting list to see a gastro person as she has this cough vertually every time she eats.
Its so hard to see someone you care for going through this every day, as said shes fine, not bad as yet but its the future that does not sound great for her. She used to be able to walk very fast, I sometimes had a job to keep up with her, getting in and out of chairs and bed is a mini task.
Shes on medication as you can imagine, shaky tablets as we call them, pain killers as and when needed.
Sadly there is no known cure for parkinsons, as Joanne has said it is was it is, but I cant help feeling for her everytime she struggles.
Lets hope they find a cure soon.
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