Wednesday, November 22, 2023



Fireworks, oh fireworks,
How I despise your noise.
Your bangs and booms and pops,
Bring me no joy, no poise.
You startle my pets,
And wake my sleeping child.
You make my head hurt,
And leave me feeling riled.
I know you're meant to be fun,
A spectacle to behold.
But for me, you're just a nuisance,
A story untold.
So please, dear fireworks,
Have some mercy on me.
Tone down your racket,
And set my spirit free.
I'll be happy to watch you from afar,
And admire your colorful display.
But please, for the love of all that's good,
Don't make my ears go gray.
Thank you for your understanding,
From a firework-hating soul.
May we all find peace and quiet,
And make this world a less noisy hole.

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