Wednesday, October 26, 2022

When I worked, now consulting

 This is what I used to do, created timber in the garden projects since 1995, enjoyed it very much, I would say enjoyed every day but went with the flow. Timber decking design and installation, along with trellis sometimes handmade.  All parts of medway and maidstone.  I do miss the work but had to put the tools away at some point, enjoying life now, but proud of what I acheived.   

I know consult on timber in the garden, especially decking.  see you all soon


 Not a great shot but this is a heron flying over medway.



Part of rochester I really love and have over the years walked it many times, views across the river medway.  

Daily Walk 26th October 2022

 These days we get a new PM quicker than we can get a Doctors appointment, weird times.  Sitting waiting to take Joanne to the shop where she volunters on a wednesday morning.

Over the hump day the weekend is not far off.

Wednesday is when I go for a walk, weather permitting, around the local area of whats called cabbage island.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

25th October 2022

 Went to the therapy place today, well Joanne did not me, about every 8 weeks we go there to get her knee sorted, oh the joys of getting old people. Did a bit of shopping and that was about the most exciting it got.

You must have some boring days to offset the wonderful days, else the wonderful days would not be.

At the moment here in medway we are getting over the top temperatures weather wise, so we have not had the heating on yet, its been over 19 degrees sometimes 21 in the lounge so all good so far. 

Its school holidays now so many are in the shopping areas, and with october the 31st fast approaching its busy.

We hate fireworks, we find them a bloody nuisance, loud and not needed, abroad they have silent ones so why do we have to have the loud ones, pets have died after being so frightened. Its about time in 2022 that we either ban them or get the silent ones. 

see you all soon 

money saving

 My money saving tips, these wont save much but all helps.  Cooking, next time you want a boiled egg, the cheapest way to do it on the hob is bring the water and egg to the boil, then put the lid of the pan on and turn the gas/electric off, then start your timing for what type of bioled egg you want, I have done this many times and it works, so dont simmer the egg.

If you want a cuppa, dont use the kettle instead fill the cup/mug up with water and microwave it, small cup and mug 2mins, based on 800w, then make the drink as usual, much cheaper than the kettle.

As said not a fortune in saving but over time will save pounds.  Good luck, any other tips you might want to share then go to the comment tab.

see you all soon 

Monday, October 24, 2022

End of the day

 Thats the end of another interesting day, a new PM, the old one going after 44 days, done some washing and hung it on the line, its been a lovely day weather wise, and now fireworks are going off just when you are trying to get some sleep, Dwali I believe, pets all round the country are cowing in fear.

Lets hope tomorrow will be quieter, politically and sound.

See you all soon and Good night, sleep well.

Another PM

 Theres a new kid on the block, being the youngest PM guess in my mind he is a kid, lets hope for all our sakes the job proves good for him, no more lettices please, not sure if he will keep the red wall at bay time will tell.

What do we all think about the new PM this time and how long will he last.

I really believe that we will have an election in the spring next year 2023, if not the tories will go the distance.

Autumn Colour

 The two chysanths are doing well finally, two shades of red, potted into two blue handmade wooden tubs and both of them on casters for easy movement.

October 24th 2022 my PIV unit

 A great start to the day, we have a PIV unit installed, incase your not sure what that is, its a Positive Input Ventilation unit which puts fresh air into the home and clears condensation and mold and keeps it away, anyway this unit from time to time needs a clean, its installed in the loft space where it draws air from the loft, cleans it through filters and the powers it into the house, so the filters need a clean about twice a year so not too much work.

About 4am this morning we hear the unit switching on and off, its very quiet normally, thought it would reset itself, no, so there I am 4am up in the loft switching it off, back to sleep.

This morning loft again, cleaning the filters and now its running lovely again, they are a great thing to have, cost about 2 pound a year to run, but saves a fortune on cleaning damp and mold.

And relax, the weather outside is lovely, blue skies here in medway, hope its good where you are.  Let me know 

See you all soon

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Boris in or out

 The leader and next PM race is hotting up, I would like to see Boris in again, what do all think, we will all now in the next few days

Me Today Sunday

 What a difference a day makes, raining very hard, thunder and lightning, good for the garden.

Its sunday, which use to be a day of rest, these days its just like any other, people working most of the day.

Watching my favourite program for a sunday which sometimes I catch up, and that is Love your weekend with Alan, great show, love the ode to joy spot, and I really love the cabin which the show is filmed in one of those would suit me very well if I had the room in the garden, having said that I guess there is room, but it take the whole plot to build one, no room for the washing line. 

What do we all think about the politics at the moment, bit of a mess for sure.

Anyone got the heating on yet, we have not had ours on yet trying to hold out as long as we can, but with the weather being mild its good and keeps the rooms in the 19 and 20 c area.

Really would love to know how you are spending your sunday let me know in the comments 

Day to Day events

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