Saturday, January 7, 2023

Welcome from the daily grind

 Hi and welcome back to the daily grind.  What do we all think about the royal family saga, little fed up with it, only getting one side of the story, wonder what really happened.

This day is proving to be another good one, painted the new stair rails to match the stairs, which were installed for health reasons, getting old you see.

Busy day though so far, keeping an eye on my digital shop, and watching the footy on TV.

What has the daily grind done for you today, cannot be worse than me.  Still receiving cards and post dated from well before christmas, the royal mail has really mucked the system up.  

As regards to post if you have any stamps left, use them before the 31st jan else they will not be any good, as new ones are coming in and they have a Bar code on them.

Might have another post later if the day gets any better or worse, 

regards from the daily grind 

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