Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Lost Youth


Lost Youth

Oh, lost youth, where have you gone?
I miss you more than words can say.
The days of carefree laughter,
And the nights of endless play.
I remember building go-karts,
And racing down the street.
I remember staying out all day,
With my friends, so carefree and sweet.
We'd climb trees and play hide-and-seek,
And run through fields of green.
We'd build forts and have adventures,
And our imaginations would preen.
But time flies by so quickly,
And youth fades like a dream.
Now I'm all grown up, with responsibilities,
And it seems like yesterday I was just a gleam.
I miss the innocence of childhood,
And the magic of those days.
But I'm grateful for the memories,
And the joy that still stays.
So here's to lost youth,
And all the good times we had.
May we always cherish those moments,
Even though they're now in the past.
its only a short ride folks!!

Capstone Park

 Capstone Park:

Oh, Capstone Park, so green and fair,
With ducks a-plenty swimming there.
The countryside is pure and bright,
A lovely lake, a wondrous sight.
The ducks they quack and quack with glee,
As they swim and play so carefree.
The trees sway gently in the breeze,
And flowers bloom in sweet ease.
The sun shines down on sparkling lake,
And birds sing sweetly for goodness sake.
The air is fresh and clean and pure,
And nature's beauty is sure.
Oh, Capstone Park, we love you so,
For all the joy that you bestow.
A place to relax and unwind,
And leave our worries behind.
We love to watch the ducks at play,
And stroll along the shores each day.
We picnic on the grassy lawn,
And breathe the air, so pure and drawn.
Oh, Capstone Park, we're glad you're here,
A tranquil oasis, year to year.
A place where nature's beauty reigns,
And all our cares are washed away, like stains.
All reactions:
Amy Jane Christopher

My Major


Although my Dog went many years ago

I think of him some days, so this is for you

My beloved Major, a German Shepherd true,
Black and tan, with eyes of deepest blue.
A loyal companion, a family friend,
Your love and devotion never did end.
I remember the days when we'd play,
Fetching balls and running wild each day.
You'd cuddle beside me on the couch,
And always greet me with a joyful slouch.
Your gentle nature, your watchful gaze,
Filled my heart with warmth and endless praise.
I'll never forget your furry face,
And the unconditional love you did embrace.
Though you're gone now, my faithful friend,
Your memory lives on, till the very end.
When I see a German Shepherd today,
I can't help but think of you, my sweet Major, come what may.
So rest in peace, my dear friend,
In my heart, you'll always be near.
Until we meet again, in that heavenly place,
Where all our furry loved ones are embraced.

A lifes Journey


A Life's Journey
Born in the fifties, a sensitive soul,
Through life's ups and downs, I've taken my toll.
Married twice, but neither one right,
Now with my female soulmate, I find my light.
I've been let down, I've been used,
But I've never given up, I've never refused.
To speak my mind, to be true to me,
Even though some may not agree.
Now seventy-one, I'm still going strong,
With a heart full of love, and a passion to belong.
I'll do so much, but watch out if too much,
For I'm a firecracker, I'm a shooting star, I'm clutch.
So here's to life, and all its twists and turns,
To the lessons learned, and the bridges burned.
May we all find our soulmate, and live our truth,
And speak our minds, with courage and ruth.

Cockney Sparrow


From me old cockney sparrow

In the heart of London, where the bells do chime,
Lives a Cockney lad with a heart full of rhyme.
He'll spin you a yarn, with a twist and a twirl,
In the language of the streets, a Cockney pearl.
With a cheeky grin and a twinkle in his eye,
He'll take you on a ride, with the birds in the sky.
He'll talk of "plates of meat" for feet,
And "apples and pears" for stairs you'll meet.
He'll rhyme off "trouble and strife" for wife,
And "China plate" for life.
He'll talk of "butcher's hook" for look,
And "Adam and Eve" for a shock.
So listen up, my friend, and lend me your ear,
As I take you on a journey, through Cockney rhyme, oh so clear.
With a "chinwag" and a "laugh and a joke,"
We'll paint a picture, with every stroke.
From the bustling markets, to the smoky pubs,
The Cockney spirit, it never subs.
With a "bovvered" accent, and a heart so grand,
The Cockney lad, he'll always take a stand.
So let's raise a glass, to the Cockney rhyme,
A language of charm, and a rhythm of time.
From the streets of London, to the world so wide,
The Cockney spirit, it will always abide.

For Our Peace today

 For Our peace today

In Flanders fields where poppies blow,
We pause to honor those who fell,
Their sacrifice, a timeless glow,
A tale of valor, duty's spell.
Amidst the trenches, torn and deep,
Where bullets raged and cannons roared,
They stood their ground, their spirits steep,
Defending freedom to the core.
Through gas and poison, through the mire,
They fought for peace, for life's sweet air,
Their courage blazed, an ardent fire,
Unyielding in the face of despair.
We wear the poppy, red and bright,
In memory of those who gave their all,
Their names etched in the fading light,
Their sacrifice, a timeless call.

Autumns palette a masterpiece


Autumn's palette, a masterpiece,

A canvas painted with nature's grace.
From fiery reds to golden hues,
A symphony of colors, life imbues.
The leaves, once green, now ablaze,
In shades of crimson, amber, and maize.
A tapestry of vibrant delight,
Autumn's embrace, a mesmerizing sight.
Trees adorned in shimmering gold,
Their branches outstretched, stories told.
A canopy of warmth, a radiant glow,
Autumn's beauty, a heart's desire to know.
The sun, a painter in the sky,
With strokes of gold, it makes the clouds sigh.
A fiery farewell, as day takes its rest,
Autumn's hues, a masterpiece, truly blessed.
The air, crisp and cool, with a scent so sweet,
Invigorating the senses, making our spirits complete.
A gentle breeze whispering through the trees,
Autumn's embrace, bringing us to our knees.
Oh, autumn colors, so vibrant and bold,
A symphony of nature, a story to be told.
In your embrace, we find solace and peace,
Autumn's beauty, a gift that will never cease.

Born in the 50s


Born in the 50s when things were very different I thought I would write this

In the heart of a bygone era, where childhood dreams took flight,
Amidst the warmth of the fifties, a boy's spirit shone so bright.
With hands that tinkered and minds that soared,
He crafted go-carts from wood and pram wheels, his imagination assured.
Through sun-kissed days and starlit nights,
He'd roam the streets, a beacon of delight.
His laughter echoed through the lanes,
A symphony of youth, erasing all pains.
With sticks and blankets, he'd build his forts,
A kingdom of his own, where dreams took port.
In those makeshift realms, he'd reign supreme,
A king of adventure, living out his childhood dream.
The world was his canvas, a playground so vast,
Where imagination reigned, defying the past.
With every turn of the wheel, every leap and bound,
A childhood unfolded, where joy abounded.
Oh, the innocence of youth, so pure and true,
In a world of make-believe, where dreams came true.
A boy's spirit, forever etched in time,
A reminder of the beauty, in childhood's prime.
All reactions:
David Smith and Pamela Laing

Trust is vital


In the depths of trust's betrayal, where hearts once aligned,

Two souls once cherished, now severed and confined.
Their actions like daggers, piercing my soul,
Leaving wounds of deceit, taking their toll.
Their promises broken, their words turned to lies,
Their actions a mockery, a cruel disguise.
They've tainted my spirit, my trust they've belied,
In their wake of betrayal, my heart has dried.
Oh, the pain of their actions, a burden to bear,
A lesson etched deeply, a wound beyond repair.
Their treachery lingers, a haunting refrain,
A reminder of trust lost, never to regain.
But from the depths of darkness, a strength will arise,
A resilience within, a spirit that defies.
I'll mend my broken heart, with courage and care,
And never again surrender, to those who won't share.
No longer will I be swayed, by their empty pleas,
Their words will fall hollow, like leaves on the breeze.
I'll guard my heart closely, with wisdom as guide,
And never again will I let them inside.
For true friendship and love, are treasures so rare,
And those who betray them, are unworthy of care.
I'll seek out kindred spirits, with hearts that are true,
And build my life anew, with love that will accrue.
So farewell, dear betrayers, your actions in vain,
My heart will heal stronger, from the pain you've ordained.
I'll rise from the ashes, with spirit ablaze,
And never again will I fall, for your deceitful ways.

Feeling left out


In the circle of chatter, where voices interlace,

My words fall silent, lost in the space.
At the table of laughter, where stories unfold,
I sit unnoticed, my thoughts left untold.
Like a ghost in the gathering, unseen and unheard,
My presence a whisper, a barely stirred word.
As jokes and anecdotes dance in the air,
My contributions vanish, dissolved in despair.
In this symphony of conversation, my voice has no place,
A melody unsung, lost in the race.
My thoughts, like petals, wither and fade,
Unnoticed and unpicked, in this social parade.
Oh, the sting of silence, the weight of neglect,
A heart full of yearning, a soul left bereft.
To be heard and acknowledged, a desire so deep,
Yet my words fall on deaf ears, as I silently weep.
But within this isolation, a strength will ignite,
A resilience of spirit, a beacon of light.
I'll rise from the shadows, my voice will resound,
No longer ignored, my presence profound.
For my worth is inherent, my voice has its place,
In the tapestry of stories, I'll leave my own trace.
With newfound confidence, my voice will take flight,
And the table will listen, bathed in its light.
So let them chatter and gossip, their voices a blur,
For my voice will emerge, clear and pure.
I'll speak of my passions, my dreams, and my fears,
And the table will listen, with hearts open and ears.
No longer invisible, no longer unheard,
My voice will be cherished, my words will be spurred.
I'll reclaim my place, in this circle so wide,
And the table will hear me, with love as my guide.

To All Carers


To those who care for us, we owe a debt of gratitude that can never be fully repaid. They are the ones who stand by us through thick and thin, offering their love and support no matter what. They are the ones who make our lives brighter and our burdens lighter.

Today, I want to speak about the importance of caring for those who care for us. It is easy to take their love and support for granted, but we must remember that they are not invincible. They too need our love and care.
Here are a few things we can do to show our appreciation for those who care for us:
Tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Sometimes, the simplest words can have the most profound impact.
Spend time with them. Make time for the people who matter most in your life.
Do something nice for them. Even a small gesture can show them how much you care.
Be there for them when they need you. Let them know that you are always there for them, no matter what.
When we care for those who care for us, we create a cycle of love and support that benefits everyone. We strengthen our relationships, we lift each other up, and we make the world a better place.
So let us all take a moment to reflect on the people who care for us and show them how much we appreciate them. Let us make a commitment to care for them as they have cared for us.
Thank you.

Day to Day events

Spring time

  The sun awakes in a sleepy stretch,  Yawning warmth on a winter's wretch.  Birdsong flutters on the breeze,  Waking trees from slumber...